
The Legend of Rosé Book 1: Princess Leta

Princess Leta is a 17 years old girl, that lost her royalty status a long time ago. Her kingdom and family are both gone. Leta's life is now one that she would never have expected.

Bravel_ntj · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Time to Go

Irene Ostrich Forwound was watching with a sad look on her face.

She saw the entire battle between Leta and the ARC Troopers and then the lightsaber duelist that appeared right after.

During both battles, she had at least twenty spells ready to be cast to evaporate them from the planet.

She was pretty close to doing so but stopped herself just before. Irene Ostrich Forwound wanted the princess to become stronger, to surpass herself and even her mother, Queen Leta III.

But she wouldn't be able to do that if she were to stay at home.

By the end of Leta's and the girl who introduced herself as MHX's fight had ended, Forwound had come up with a tough decision.

She went back home, packed some stuff for Leta and waited for her in front of the store.

Irene had made a tough decision; it was necessary for the girl's sake.

The girl eventually came and stopped in front of her, staring at Irene Forwound with something between shock and worry.

Ostrich took a deep breath and spoke up with sadness in her soothing voice. "Princess... I have something important to say," she did a little pause.

"Whatever, Irene. I'm leaving now."

"Hm? Pa-pardon?"

"I'll go on a adventure. Today I learned how truly weak I still am. And I'm not going to develop if I stay here in this city."

Forwound's eyes widened, and she forced her trembling fingers to adjust her glasses.

"Wh- but, but... You're not sad? You don't want to stay here?"

"To be honest it's a relief. You're insufferable." Leta stated with no shame at all!!

"Why?! I'm like your big sis, right!? Why don't you cry that you're leaving me?!"

"I just told you why. And stop being so loud, the whole neighborhood is staring. Anyway... Bye-bye. Take care, Irene."

Irene Ostrich Forwound dropped in the cold, gray pavement of the dirty street of Rosé and rolled left and right like a toddler.

"Why, why, why?! I mustered so much courage to pack your clothes and food so you can have a safe trip! Why don't you hug me and say: 'Ohhh! Big sis Irene, I'm going to miss you so much! I wish we had sex at least once! So let's go to your bed!' like that! Ah. I said it now... Hmm, Ms. Rosé? Why are you looking at me like I'm a inferior bug?" She muttered under her breathe: "it's kinda turning me on..."

"Bye, Irene."

Leta didn't even bother to scold her. The former princess waved her hand dismissively, picked up the bag that the witch had prepared for her and walked away.

After walking a few feet away, Astarte clicked her tongue and scratched her head.

She turned back and kissed the pathetic witch on the cheek.

"We catch up someday."

Irene Ostrich Forwound wiped away her tears, "Sniff... Yeah."

And so, the princess left to go on her own journey.