
The Legend of Rosé Book 1: Princess Leta

Princess Leta is a 17 years old girl, that lost her royalty status a long time ago. Her kingdom and family are both gone. Leta's life is now one that she would never have expected.

Bravel_ntj · Fantasi
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16 Chs

The Massacre of Red Town

Year 3397, Gemini 2nd, 1016 ATW.

The man stood at 6'1", with a muscular and toned physique. His shiny blonde hair and appealing face stunned many women in his way.

He was already 33-years-old by now.

Storming through a battlefield, his enemies felt as if he had four arms instead of two.


The blue and green glowing lights in each of his hands hum as he swayed right and left.

"AAHHHHG—KHRGH...!!?" A man in shining armor cried his lungs out, his wide eyes covered by the helmet fixed on the charred and cauterized stumps where his hands should've been.

His magnificent silver sword fell on the cold floor of one of Uva's many, small and unknown towns.

The night before, his group of renegade knights planned the looting of that peaceful village—called Red Town.

But they were too overconfident. Wasting time torturing the men and raping the women, they gave General Renavan's forces enough time to arrive.

The men of Renavan just stood at a safe distance, they weren't needed.

Holding two lightsabers in each hand, he bludgeoned his way through the 50 rebellious knights forces.


Without letting him finish, General Renavan swung his right arm diagonally.

Puking a bit of blood, the sinner knight felt his strength leaving the rest of his limbs and then a third of his upper torso slid down to the ground. The rest of his body was still up until it realized that it was dead.

A weak thud.

"Eep!" One of Renavan's knights, mesmerizing it, squeaked in terror and awe.

General Renavan took a glance at the remaining targets, 5 stood completely still in fear, 2 raised their weapons determined to fight and 3 ran away.

First, he threw his green lightsaber at the cowards that tried to escape. It curved like a boomerang and split two of the three men in half at the waist—the wound charred and cauterized.

The last runner stood in shock, and then he saw Renavan jumping straight at him and piercing his stomach brutally.

The blue lightsaber charred and cauterized the wound instantly, and Renavan pulled it out. With a frivolous gasp, the man fell, half-dead.

And then, he decapitated the unmovable targets that were frozen by fear.

The last two who had some fight in them quickly gave up after seeing how fast their remaining comrades fell in front of the blue and green lights.

"Raise your weapons, children." His voice was very deep and frightening, he looked at them as an angry lion playing with its food. "Show me why you once had the title of knight."

"U-uhh! Kh... WOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" One of them raised all his courage, wielding his loyal sword, a wooden shield with a layer of leather blocking his vital parts as he rushed at General Renavan.

They were about ten or so meters apart.

Without caring to block or dodge, the General swayed.

And he disappeared.

"...!!?" The man's eyes widened in shock, as he was unable to stop his mad dash.

Renavan moved so fast, that those ten meters were closed in an instant and looked as if he'd disappeared.

With a single motion of his arm, he swung slightly above the man's elbows, slicing off the man's arms and his torso. The shield and the sword, just as the wounded parts, were now charred.

The man died instantly.

And the last one, unable to think of anything else, sliced his throat with his own sword.

Blood sprayed everywhere, and he fell limply on the dirty ground of a unknown village of Uva.

That day lasted as a legend between military, it was called the "Massacre of Red Town".