
The Legend of Igashu and Epala

A love story of a young couple meeting in an ancient time when dragons became extinct after the slaughtering of serpents. Igashu, who was a member of a clan that can forge healing bases, decided to wander back to their old village where they used to dwell. He was asked by one of the heads of their clan to eliminate all the serpents remaining and in return, she will make him one of the most powerful physicians inside their tribe. Epala who shapeshifted herself to a human form meets the person who seeks them dead and concludes to win his heart and eliminate him herself. 

Kyst_Flauvia · Fantasi
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22 Chs

The Verdict of a Serpent

Chapter 7. The Verdict of a Serpent. 

   Blameworthy eyes, trembling lips, throbbing bosom, and a weakling grip. His thoughts were being tainted by unsavory intentions. Expressing the phrase "The hardest portion is the first step, the second will be simpler" Igashu mumbled. 

In the interim in Lockwood village. "Moirai Monroe, the lost child, Ace Hutton was said to be captured by the Akkad realm, Ruler Henry Guanyin captured one of our companions and we're said to be sending him to the Elba realm, Moirai, is that true?!" Jiro argued. "I apologize for informing you this late but I will make an effort to fetch him back to our town," Moirai uttered, clarifying her phrase to the townsfolk. "Moirai, I beg you to bring back my son, Ace. No matter what." Ellie requested, clenching Moirai's fabric as she pleaded on her bent knees. "I promise to bring him back lady Ellie" Moirai reacted truly. The townsfolk started to search for Ace whereas Moirai and Cyrus joined hands for the search. "Moirai, if it's not too much trouble, do not do anything doltish over Ace. If you don't mind, cease yourself from giving lives to others. We as it had three lives to share, once gone we'll pass on in one piece and no one would dare to do the same as you." Cyrus argued to Moirai upon minding his notion. It took a while for Moirai to reply and include. "I won't, the two lives remaining will be for my moon and myself." Forging Cyrus to frown and replied. "You mean that boy whose mother pleaded to spare his child?" Moirai at that point answered. "Aye, that boy was the first human who took an effort to speak before me and I think I have fallen for him since the day he held my hand. I wonder where he might be right now and what may have been his business. I think when we meet again, he will recognize my confrontation" Cyrus chuckled and uttered. "You were right, a decade has passed by but our face never changes, indeed our tallness. As it were, our age becomes more seasoned as the modern for a long time to come." Slightly tilted his head to the sky, smirking. "Shall we proceed with the search?" Reaching out his palm to Moirai who expresses woefulness in her eyes, and places her hand on Cyrus' huge palm. The entire townsfolk began searching for Ace without taking note of Igashu arriving close to the Chanty village and sneaking out near Lockwood village. "Igashu! Have you completed performing your preparation? Why are you out of the woods too soon? Marcos mumbles, gaining Moirai and Cyrus' awareness. 

"Igashu?!" Moirai reacted. "You're back" Cyrus added, witnessing Igashu's sweat, descending to his face. "Igashu? Are you okay? You look so pale!" Marcos reacted. "A-aye…" he responded while stuttering and sweating heavily as the three of them investigated. "Pardon my discourtesy, but I got to take Igashu back to the royal residence for his combat preparation," Amaya interfered, emerging behind their shadow. "Amaya! You startled me!" Cyrus reacted. "I beg your pardon, it was a habit of mine roaming around without accessing any noise as I saunter my spirit outdoors," Amaya replied, revealing a straight face.    

" We must now withdraw before the palace guard declares openly the time limitation slot, your training will take a handful of hours and days before mastering your training session," Amaya added. "To be heeded, warrioress," Igashu responded. Both Igashu and Amaya, including Marcos, headed back to the royal residence, strolling out from Moirai and Cyrus. Inside the royal residence, driving their way to the training arena. "Igashu Cassius, step on top of the platform. There, you must guard yourself against being stricken, apart from that, you'll drop yourself from a normal estimated size of over 8 meters in height." Amaya murmured. "The only flow of the show that was given is to guard yourself, attempting to attack will be considered cheating amid your battle," Amaya added. Igashu nodded after heeding the given rule, he took a step up to the stage and waited for his opponent. The stage was seen to be no rings around the circle, no foam beneath the platform, and a single mistake will lead to a significant accident for each party who will be performing a combat battle. After a while, a man appeared, revealing his forehead as he rose on top of the stage. It was Marcos Fang, also known by his nickname The Grim Reaper. On the front line, all of his opponents were said to be butchered a couple of times using his spear with sharp ends on both points. Their arms, thighs, and necks were said to be set in different areas. Uncovering their dead bodies took a lot of effort to compile after coordinating them into one piece. Horse riding with his Friesian horse, whirling his spear underneath his shoes, butchering his foe until passing. Marcos Fang was the youngest child of the Fang clan. His father Cairo Fang is one of the six ministers of the Akkad empire's devotees and the king's supporters of their economy. The fang siblings contain three individuals. Ames Fang, the oldest child of Cairo, and his daughter Karina Rose took her mother's title. Both of them were highly controlled by their father's parenting while Marcos concluded upon joining on becoming a warrior officer. Marcos was great at martial arts and sword fighting under Amaya. Marcos took six years of training after acing his skills and ability in the military. "We shall presently proceed with the training! Begin the battle!" Amaya declares openly to the crowd who goes to and witnesses their battle. Ringing the great bell of death, the biggest chime of history. The bell rang three times and Marcos dispatched his punch to throw a strike at Igashu's face, leading him to stumble at his first stroke. Bouncing those asses while circling Igashu's spot with a hissing sound of his punches, shoving in the air. Jabbing Igashu's stomach muscles, neck, and chin led him to drop on the stage. "Stand up, Igashu!" Screamed the man within the crowd. Sweats and blood trickle down his cheeks to his chest, his cloth can be seen with a red stain of his blood dripping on the stage and a hole on his fabric clothing can be taken notice of as he pauses from being attacked, reeving his eyes in outrage. Swollen eyes and lips, uncovering the bruises emerging from his muscles and torso. But the battle has not yet ended, Marcos drove his left foot to stay flat on the ground whereas the inverse one was tip-toeing on its spot, tackling his chin from his arms while weighing his back, convenient to toss that clasped fist to Igashu. The clenching jaw of Igashu uncovered in the middle of their battle, clutching his fist in wrath, shivering in outrage. Brushing his ankle sideways, attempting to run at full speed toward Marcos, leaning his torso on his knees and commencing his attack, striking Marcos on his crown with his fist and knuckles out. But Marcos was quick enough to shift his spot in a different direction. Leading Igashu to fall off the stage with his stomach in. The crowd jerked and started yelling at Marcos for winning. The medic emerges behind the crowd, hauling up Igashu on a stretcher to mend his wounds and bruises. 

"I think we should keep him for the meantime until he is back conscious and convenient enough to battle back for his training," Amaya mumbled. "We'll be taking him off along with your guidance, Amaya. Contact us when he is up" Moirai replied. "Moirai, we must now depart, Ace must be enduring for our nearness, the townsfolk were left behind jointly with Ace. They needed us as well" Cyrus included whereas Moirai expresses her courtesy to Amaya, head of the warriors and the orderly craftsperson of prince Artemis. "We shall now withdraw from our trip, warrioress" Inclining their heads to Amaya, withdrawing from the site. "Lady Moirai, brother Cyrus! You're back!" Ace reacted, reaching out of his arms for an embrace. "I am glad you're okay Ace" Moirai mumbled, brushing her hands at Ace's crown. "Hmm, fortunately, I was spared by the said physician with enchanted powers" Ace included. "An Averchinari?!" Moirai reacted. "Perhaps that is what they are titled. But I was not able to snatch a glimpse of his look, he was shimmering with the sunlight hitting my face." Ace mutters. "Why would an Averchinari spare Ace if they seek our mana?" Moirai whispered in her thoughts, full of curiosity. "Fortunately you were conserved, Ace. But what happens before confronting the said Averchinari?" Cyrus raised an address. "Before the incident? What was it again? I can't keep in mind what just happened" Ace murmurs, pushing himself to recall the complete scenario. "Ace, it is okay that you do not need to push yourself from recollecting what took place. What's important is that you simply are back securely and unharmed. For now, we'll hold up until Igashu regains his consciousness" Moirai included. "How is Igashu?" Marcos examined. "He is doing fine, for now, he incorporates a couple of wounds and bruises all over his body. Amaya responded. His mate must be extremely furious at me, doesn't she?" Marcos intensified in a teasing tone, chuckling at Amaya. "How amusing, Marcos~. You know what? Why don't we just take off and join the crowd? " She added, stretching out her limbs from leaning back next to Igashu, clearing out of the room. Late in the evening, "Amaya, how was your preparation trial? I eavesdropped on the news lurking inside the royal residence about the boy who just joined your troops, was it Igashu?" Prince Artemis raised an address, full of interest, and attentive to heed the news. "The news spread more rapidly than a virus young master, but in fact, it was Igashu who joined the military troopers, and I figure out that he has the potential to abide for an extended time as my fellow subordinate," Amaya responded. "Well undoubtedly, the military troopers require a leader like you, you're a clever woman who serves a man on a plate with their heads cut off their body, aren't you?" The prince chuckles after uttering his phrase whereas Amaya stows away her grin at the prince who was glancing at her. "Amaya, you should smile more often, it'll soften the heart of a man who snatched a glance to catch a glimpse of your beauty, and with that, you'll have the chance to execute that individual for acting recklessly behind my back." The prince expressed, softening his voice while mumbling his phrase next to Amaya. "Young master, are you practicing getting to be horny?" Teasingly chuckles to the prince. "Am I Amaya that horny to you? Because I do not think I am horny, I figure out that I am in love with the woman I cannot afford to covet." exposing his lustful posture, embracing that broad shoulder of his, smirking and holding up for Amaya's reaction. Revoking her deadpan expression, cringe at the phrase he uttered. " It was a genuine expression, Amaya, I'm not horny, I'm in love. I am telling you" chuckles and teasing one another. "Your royal highness! Why are you out of your bed? You must be in your room, getting ready for your schedule for tomorrow's agenda." A eunuch exaggerated, floundering her wrist in a hurry. "You must enter your quarter, your royal highness, the king is near." He mumbled. Prince Artemis quickly stows away behind the door, concealing himself beneath his blanket. "Is the prince Asleep Amaya?" The king raises an address. "I beg your pardon, your highness, but I just arrived from my coaching, on the off chance that you'd plead, I will wake the prince and inform the sovereign of the king's visit," Amaya reacted in a delicate tone. "No need to be compelled to wake the prince, he will be having a heavy schedule for tomorrow. I shall not wake him up and let him rest for a short period." The king replied. Withdrawing his presence after lurking in the corridor. "To be heeded your highness" Amaya responded, leaning her head down to express her courtesy to the king as he departed from the site. 

The following day, Igashu was seen conscious on his bed, a gauze wrapped around his torso, half naked with his pants. Knocking sound as Marcos shows up behind the door, uttering a phrase. "How are you feeling?" Slightly inclined on the bed beside Igashu. "I apologize for causing you injury like this, it was not my intention to lead you into this situation. I apologize" Marcos confessed, whereas Igashu made a gesture on his head, smirking. "It's fine, I would like to apologize as well for speculating peculiar things at you amid our battle" Igashu responded. "As a matter of fact, it was a fair part of our preparation session, a portion of our journey to getting to be one of our troopers," Marcos included. " I was considering that, and I was hoping to win a positive conclusion upon joining the war zone," Igashu murmured. "Igashu, you're awake! Do you mind sparing your time with me? Amaya reacted. "I would be glad to be having a conversation with the warrioress herself," Igashu responded with a witty remark. "Come and join my time" she included, leading her way out of the infirmary. "What discussion are we having today, warrioress?" Igashu articulated, raising an address in interest "Since when did you learn about the said Averchinari? I mean, perhaps you've given attention to them, right?" Amaya implored. Her address drove Igashu to be puzzled and get in a split second. "Ye-yeah, I've taken notice of the said Averchinari, may I ask why, warrioress?" Igashu replied, stuttering, raising an address. "Nothing, I was considering on the off chance that you were having a foundation comment from the said Averchinari" Amaya reacted. "I have no relationship with them," Igashu answered, softening his voice while expressing his phrase to Amaya. "Understood, on the off chance that you're feeling well, you'll be able to go back to your town and inform them that you simply will be incapable to depart from the royal residence once your preparation battle commences. you'll be able to dwell there for two days if you need to" Amaya included. "That will be all, you'll be able to go back to your bed and rest until you're completely mended," Amaya mumbles, withdrawing from the area. "I failed to instruct you on something! You ought to have a process of preserving yourself before mastering the strikes and attacks, within the battlefield, you must focus on ensuring yourself than battling without having a coordinated mentality inside the warzone, with that awful propensity, that seems to slaughter you in an instant" Amaya retorted, implying a tremendous ethical to Igashu. 

In the end, Igashu decided to return to his town to spend his time with the townsfolk. Riding on a horse while fleeing from the royal residence. Upon catching up with their domicile, a man in an umbrella invites his retrieval as the sky showers with rain. "Brother Igashu, you're back!" Ace murmurs, beaming in his ears. Igashu was caught upon indicating a flabbergasted expression while beholding Ace's appearance. "How are you alive?" He whined.


On that day when Igashu immigrated to the paradox section of the white bridge village to outlive the primary mission as a warrior, Amaya was observing Igashu inside the woods. Snuffing his feelings inside the boards. She knew all the points of interest in Igashu's behavior and privileged insights. "I sense agony and remorse for the man who relinquished a special someone in his heart. This man is full of mission in his persona, the blood of an Averchinari lingers on his fragrance. With the tune of his blood surging in my ears, and an inadequate amount of his mana, he reeks addictive in my throat, those dazing feelings linking from mine. I feel sorry for him." Marcos mumbled. "You're being fed up with the mana I lent you, you must handle it legitimately" A mysterious lady hums in his ears, smirking. "We must instantly depart and retreat from our base, let's hit the road jack," she murmurs. "To be heeded ladyship" inclines his head from bowing. 

"The hardest portion is the first step, the second will be simpler" Igashu mumbled. 

"On the off chance that I preside to covet their mana, I can moreover preside to reestablish Ace from being a deceased feral, a mending base must have the identical mentality when mending, it must be a will to redeem one's soul, spirit, body, and mind. But for an expired feral like Ace, what is broken from him, what does a mythical serpent retain, and what does the Averchinari possess? What has to be restored?" Igashu spaces in his contemplations, reviewing what an Averchinari more often than performs when mending their patients. "A solemn phrase was expressed for healing, diverse expressions in different viewpoints for mending. " Ashphertos panchuo sie de monyorda, krimbo pushia, toshiaizierye" (Spirit of a man must forthwith awaken, you are being forged to dwell ang linger to your body, thee shall heed my notion) That was what I've paid attention to from one of the healers in our tribe, on the off chance that I recall those phrases, possibly I can spare him back." (In their tribe, an amateur  Averchinari requires to hone a solemn phrase to mend their patients but once you're a specialist and a full-fledged physician, you do not have to be compelled to articulate those phrases while performing healing bases.) 

End of chapter 7