
The Legend of Game

Our protagonist, Sophie Athena Gerald is a famous gamer in their world. One day, Sophie and her gaming group disappeared without a trace. When they woke up, they found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar place. Only after they manage to be a group again did they found out that there was a traitor among them. Will they survive the strange and unfamiliar world? Who is the traitor and the mastermind? will they find out about the truth?

hua_hsiung23 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 2

In this world,

Even if you're alone now,

One day you'll find someone who will stand by your side,

Someone who will help you stand back up after you fall,

Someone who will never leave you even if you're not perfect.

Because there's no one who's perfect

And there is someone who will except and support you


He looks outside the window. The window is wide open and both his lower arms are crossed and resting at the window's frame. He has a groomed long golden blonde hair. His ears are long and pointy and his skin are pale. His eyes have long eyelashes and electric crystal-ish blue iris. His lips are thin and also pale.

While looking outside, his lips curved a little. He then closed his eyes as if he is looking at something in the back of his memories.


He drove his car as fast as a bolt lightning. It was currently 6.30 a.m. on the Sunday, and because it was weekend, the road was pretty much empty in the morning. Only 2 or 3 cars would sometimes be seen. It's probably the people who doesn't get any rest from work in the weekends.

Not after a few minutes later, he arrived at a residential area where most of them are terrace houses. He parked his black sport car below a tree. He turned off his car and went out of it. He lock the key and went to the last house in the row. In his right hand, he hold a big present box.

He have short straight golden blonde hair. The hair is silky yet a little messy. His skin are pale and his eyes are electrical blue. He have long eyelashes and a scar on his bridge nose and below his left cheek. His lips are thin and rosy pale. On his ears, he wears black bud earrings. He only wears a long-sleeves white shirt, a winter jacket with furs on the collar, a black trouser, and a black shoes.

From the outside, the house can be seen as a 2 story house. It's color is blue-ish grey and white, and have a white gate. He rang the house's doorbell. After a few minute, a girl in her teen opened the door and went to the gate. She looked at him for a while. After that, she start opening the gate and spoke to him.

"What are you doing here early in the morning? Did sis called you to come?"

"You could say that. Did you bleach your hair? Your natural hair color is red wine?"


The gate opened and he went inside. He took off his shoes and put it at the shoe rack. The girl also did the same, except her's was a pair of red brick rubber slippers. Then they went inside the house and he looked at the girl.

"Sophie isn't awake yet?"

"Ah, no, she is awake. But she is probably showering though."

"Ah, alright."


It became awkward for a moment. She closed the door and lock it.


"So..." He tried to start conversation, but the girl went away.

"... I'll be going to my bedroom now. Make yourself at home, brother Aloïs."

"Aah... alright."

She went upstairs leaving Aloïs alone at the living room. He then went to the sofa to sit. The sofa was big and soft. The color is green-ish grey and in front of the sofa is a big black screen attached to the white wall. Beside it have wood wall shelfs with some books, picture frame, and a few home deco. Between the screen and the sofa has a big dark emerald color carpet on the marble floor, and a glass coffee table on top of the carpet. On the left at the living room has a big fake green plant with a big white vase. Meanwhile, on the right was the dining area where there have six turquoise soft dining chairs, a long white marble rectangle dining table, and a mini fake green plant with fake fruits on the plant on the middle of the table. Behind the white wall that separate the dining area was the stairs with a wooden stair's hand holder of something and a long dark carpet covering the middle part of the stairs. Between the dining area and the living room, a big white heater is placed.

"heh, what a luxury house for some colleges to share." He said it to himself while taking off his coat and phone from the coat's pocket.

About half an hour later, a wavy long purple and blue hair girl hurriedly came down from upstairs. She have beige skin, a sweet pink champagne lips, and sapphire blue eyes. The girl was wearing a circle shape glasses and has a mole below her lips on the left. Her outfits are also simple; a creamy-white long-sleeves turtleneck crop top, a red and black knitted scarf wrapping their neck, and a pair of black stockings.

"Ah, sorry Aloïs. You must have wait for a long time. Sorry, sorry."

"Mm, it's ok. You're always late anyways." He smirk.

"Dammit Aloïs. I'm not like that!" She went to the kitchen and came back to the living room with a few snacks and food.

"Where's cola?" He asked.

"Well mister crocodile skin, I'm not like you that drink cold waters even when it's in the middle of the WINTER."

"I'm sure that you're the one who just couldn't stand the cold."

"Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you want, you're the only one that I know that still drink cold drinks in the middle of winter."

"You sure?" He stand up.

She sigh. She went inside a room beside the kitchen and put the snacks and food.(the room is also located to be beside / infront of the stairs.) She then came out and went inside the kitchen one more time.

"Hey Aloïs?" She yelled.

"What is it?" He went to the kitchen behind the living room. Only the big white walls and an entrance that closed with a curtain separate the kitchen with the other places.

"Oh, aah, are you ok with hot choco? or do you want some hot tea or coffee maybe?" She took a cyan mug and a white mug. She then turned around to look at him. She was wearing an apron.

"Eh... mmm let's go with hot chocolate." He then walk out from the kitchen.

"Alright." She took out dark chocolates, a cart of milk, cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon stick and corn starch. She was about to start when she heard him yelled from outside the kitchen.

"Oh and Sophie, make the toppings with a few marshmallows. That would probably make it more delicious."

She sigh and answer angrily, "Oi! What am I? A maid?." She then took out a whipping cream and a bag of marshmallows for the topping.


A few minutes later, Sophie finish making the hot chocolates and was taking them to the room beside the kitchen where Aloïs was already waiting her. When she came in, Aloïs was sitting on the sofa and looking at the controller. Beside the sofa, a mini table was set and the snacks and food was on the table. She then put the hot chocos at the table. She then took the cyan mug and sat beside Aloïs. She sip on the hot choco for a while then give it to Aloïs signaling him to help put it on the table beside him.

"Have you actually start playing?"

"Uhh.. No? What do you expect me to do? Ditch the assignments? It was my last classes and assignments for the semester yesterday. What can you expect?"

"Hah, you actually have decent excuse for once, huh?" She said with a smirk while setting up the old PlayStation and controller she and Aloïs got.

It was last week when they got the mysterious gift. Aloïs, Sophie and another few members of their gaming group got the same thing at the same day. Altho they never gave out their identity to their fans nor their group members, some how the one who gave the gift their identity and address. Aloïs and Sophie was an optional, because they found out each other's identity by accident. Though, they only know each other's identity and doesn't know the other's.

"What's that suppose to mean you *ssh*l*?!" He look at her with a disbelieve face.

"You f**ker! Now you calling me an *ssh*l* now?" She throw a punch on his face.

He didn't expect to be punched on his face, and so he didn't have time to evade the attack. After Sophie throw the punch, they started fighting and wrestling with each other. After a few minutes they wrestling with each other, they got tired and stop midway.

"Ha.. ha... ha... Damn it Sophie! Ha..... ha..... ha....." He was catching his breath after the fight between them.

Sophie also have a hard time breathing after the fight. "It's not my fault! You're-" she inhaled and continue her sentence. "Y- you're the one who start it first."

"Hah! Dang it all. Let just start the game." He lean on the sofa and take the controller he brought.

"Ha.... ha.... yeah, let's do that." She did the same as him, except she didn't lean over at the sofa. She then whispered to herself without making Aloïs hear it. "Damn it Aloïs, my spec are kinda tilted or crooked a little because of you. F**k this was my new glasses. Ah, whatever"


'Ah... It's already late... He's also already asleep. Well, can't blame him though... but I still doesn't have a good feeling about the dream I had a day before we all got the present..... Should I.. tell them? should I? No, they wouldn't believe it anyways. No one know, and it should stay that way..'

Yeah, no one knew for sure about her. Sophie, Sophie Athena Gerald. Her family was known by the world for their ancestor to be one of the scientist that made their world the way it is. And that ancestor of her was one of the two scientists who survived the accident they did. And because of that, their DNA, physicals, mental, and genetics are different from the others. Sophie is the 5th or 6th generation in her family, and she was born as a pure blood or what you called the main family. Since it already expended to 5th or 6th generation, of course they have the main families and branch families.

What is the different with their genetics are for example, Sophie is born with two gender. She is Bigender and her family have some kind of what so called by superpower by the normal people, but no, they just abnormal awakens. Every member of the main family will awaken their power and barely most of the branch family members have chance to awaken. Some of the main family have more than two awaken. That is what abnormal about them, they can have more than one power and they got their power following their family tree. For example, if the mom have an electricity power, but the father have none, then their children would have the same power as the mother, but not all the children will have because the father have none. Their children would probably have 45% to 70% of inheriting the mother's power.

But if it's the opposite (the father have, but the mother doesn't), then the children probably have 50% to 80% chance to inherit it. Meanwhile, if both of them have but somewhat a little similar, like for example the father can control plants while the mother can make a new plant by just a snap, then their children would likely inherit the stronger one or both, or maybe the weaker one. Their children have 70.6% to 97% chance of having an awaken.

While if both of the parents have a major different of awaken, then most of their children would probably have 70.4% to 99.1% of being an awaken. And since the parents have major different in their power, then the children would have a new power they made/ a mix of their parents, or they would inherit their parent's power, or in a rare case, they would have more then one power and they would get either both of their parents' power or one power of their parent, while the other one is a new existing power.

Sophie in the other hand, have more than one. Except, she just haven't realize her other power. All she know is that she have two power which she inherit from her father, a blood controller / phsycho blood. Their eyes would change from their original color to black, or black to a dark blue. It is a dangerous power, because if one can't control the power, they could kill the entire neighborhood of the entire family. But if you manage to control the power, you could control your enemy's blood flow and become temporarily strong by controlling oneself blood flow. But the power also have a high risk, the power would become active when the owner of the power (aka the body owner) get an injury that made their blood flow out. So most of the power owner are men, genderless or non-binary. But there are exceptions. Luckily for Sophie, even though she would bleed when she have her period, her power wouldn't active.

There was an awaken who inherit this power couldn't control the time it active. That person just saw a little, tiny, mini drop of blood, and the person's power got active. But fortunately, the person already master in controlling the power.

Back to Sophie's power, the other one is that she can see the future. But of course not in her control, just yet.. She inherit it from her mother. Her mother also can see the future, but her mother already mastered the controlling of the power. But the problem was that they only could see the future in dreams. No it isn't like the master fortune teller in the books or story you read or heard. The dream is like you're in your future self memory, and some of them can be change if you manage to figure it out how. That was how it always been.

Sophie yawned. She then clean the room a little and went outside to throw away the trash. After, she went to her bedroom to take some pillows blankets and sleeping mat. After a while, she came back to the room only to found out that Aloïs is gone. She set up the things for them to sleep. Not long after that, Aloïs didn't even came back.

'Did he go take a sh*t or something? How long is he going to take his time?'


'Sigh... I'll just sleep before him then.' She lay down and closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt like a light shone brightly beside her. She was about to open her eyes, but that seems like a bad idea, so she closed her eyes more harder. And because of the light, she felt like a she just become blind by the light.


Aloïs just came back from the toilet, and just as Sophie guess, he was taking a sh*t. He was slightly bending over while walking. He was rubbing his stomach with his right hand while his left hand is on the side. Just when he arrived at the room, he went inside and closed the door and turned around only to find sleeping mat, blankets and pillows. No Sophie. No sign of her there.

'Did she also took a cr*p or somethin?' He wondered. As he was about to lay down on the sleeping mat, the same bright light shone the whole room. 'Ah! What is this?!!' He closed his eyes to prevent his eyes from blinding by the lights.
