
The Legend Of Fire Prince

One day in Yota's School Five Guys attack in black clothes with superpowers. They want to kill inori. Yota wants to save her. He revealed he has superpowers . The story spin around Yota and his friends. how they protect Earth from Darklord.

ANILAX · Fantasi
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14 Chs


Akari said; you can't win.

Marco; I know it, now you're going to say how powerful he is, right.😡

Akari; at least hear what I have to say 😠

Yota; Marco.....

Marco; ok

Akari; I am saying we can't defeat him in our current power level. If we all even try to fight together we will won't even last 10 minutes. Yota is the only one who can even attempt to fight with him.

Yota; So you are saying we have to get stronger by unlocking everyone's aptitude weapon.

Gramps; No we have to find them.

Yota said in shock said why I thought.....

Gramps stopped him and said aptitude weapons don't come with your powers.

It should have been but the last "Ne aptitude" holders decided they don't want to have it because they thought if they don't have the next generation won't have aptitude powers, but that's not how aptitude works so you don't have it other than the fire Ne aptitude holder because he wanted to pass to the next generation. That's the long story short and that's why just you have the aptitude weapon and Darklord. Akari knows the same of the location of the weapon

Aries; so why are you waiting, let's go.

Akari; I just know of the location of just wind and water ones.

Aries; My aptitude is wind so tell me the location I will go.

Yota; Come down, we can be reckless and we can hurry like that. They Can attack us again and try to capture Inori.

Aries; a...

Akari; Don't worry about that I don't think they are interested in Any of you anymore because you already give what he wants, he just needed every one of your's aptitude samples but just by going his place you already gave him that. So he won't come after you.

Yota; How do you know that?

Akari; I have someone on his side.

Gramps; you should tell them about him.

Akari; If I tell I think they will probably going to doubt me even more.

Gramps quickly said just say I think what you think won't happen and they need to hear that anyway.

Akari; It's I am 100% not sure, but I think it's Sayan. Who is telling me everything?

[Akari said with a little bit hesitation]

Everyone got happy for a second and Mai said I don't understand you are fighting with your but, but you still believe him, why? How do you know him?

Akari; He is a friend. we go to the same school.

Mai; Like right now he goes to school everyday!!

Akari; He doesn't go to school now for some days. Last he went to school was on April 23rd.

Yota; that's the day we want to Darklord's Mansion.

Akari; That's not a mansion that's a palace.

Marco; who cares if it's a palace or mansion

Akari; No one I was just saying 😒😒

Yota; the Most important part is Sayan is still on our side not like I ever thought otherwise. Now Sayan can help us in this battle.

Akari stopped Yota and said fast I said before I am not 100% sure it's Sayan but even if its Sayan he won't help what he wrote help that's what he wrote on the letters.

[Marco wanted to say something but after looking at everyone's worried face he didn't.]

Yota; Why... so does he going to.....

Akari; He isn't going to help too if we fight.If you could just help us everything would have been easy.

Marco said while laughing; Why if he left Darklord he ganna Stop his plan.

Yota wanted to say something to Marco but suddenly Akari said no just because he is stronger than dad.

Marco; you are joking right he never can be stronger than ne aptitude holder.

Akane; yeah he is.

Everyone got shocked

Yota; He is still stronger than any of us.

Mai; Not stronger than me I will fight him next time we meet

Yota; Me to 😁😁

Aries; Don't forget me 😆😆

And everyone started laughing other than Marco

Akane smiled a little then said;

With that out of the way let's talk about the main business the aptitude weapons locations. the water and wind aptitude weapons are located in.....