
the pied Piper

About five year ago there were millions of rats in the town of Hamelin in Germany the rats were so big that they used to fight the dogs often kill the cats and bite the babies in their cradles they made a lot of noise the people of the city killed thousands of rats but still there were a large number the people were very unhappy at this situation at last many people came to see the mayor they begged him to do something to get rid the rats the next day the mayor held a meeting but they could not decide what to do while they were holding the meeting a tall man dressed in a long cloak came in he was carrying a pipe he said to the mayor l have a pied pipe when I play my pipe I can make all the rats run after me if I take away all the rats from your town will you give me one thousand pieces of gold we shall be glad to give you much more than that said the mayor the tall man took the pipe hanging from his shoulders and stepped into the streets when he began to play a tune on the pipe all the rats heard his tune the piper walked from Street to Street playing a tune and million of rats swarmed behind him then he turned towards the great river that ran past the town all the rats dived headlong into the river and were drowned the People were so glad to get rid of the rats that they rang the church bells the Piper went back to the mayor and said all the rats are dead please give my me one thousand pieces of gold the mayor said we cannot give you that we will give you just fifty thousand pieces of gold you look like a beggar 50 pieces of gold are enough for you that is not fair said the Piper angirly if you do not give me one name 1000 pieces of gold I will blow my pipe again then you will repen we are not afraid of you all the rats are deed now you cannot make them alive said the mayor hearing this the Piper stapped into the street again this time he played wonderful tune that was able to draw the children from their homes all the little boys and girls with Rosy cheeks and flaxen curls came tripping skiping and laughing behind him he turned towards the river all people were frightened to think that all the childrens would fall into the river like rats the mayor and the people were stunned and could not move on speak to stop the Piper the Piper moved towords the mountain people were happy to see this hurrah cried the people he cannot cross the mountain he will have to turn back but the Piper kept on walking towards the mountain laughing and talking the children followed the Piper up the mountain the mountain had a cave but there was a huge stone on the face of the cave all of sudden the huge stone stireed to one side wooden door appeared behind it the Piper opened the door and entered the cave with the children skipping behind him the huge stone stireed again and the cave was closed again no one could ever find that cave again the people of the town of Hamelin never saw their children again only one small boy was left he was lame in the left leg and not able to wolk as fast as the other just as he reached near the cave it had closed that was how the Piper punished the people because they did not keep their promise they were very sorry then