
The Legend Of Baron

Baron. A man born out of his era, even his own landscape. His legend has been known for ages, but since his presence arose. Iganthia is found, the end is near.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasi
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6 Chs

The Girl and Her Game

"Uh, w-who are you?" I said sort of spooked by this little girl's sudden appearance.

The girl flipped her fiery hair glanced up and said,

"I am Fiona, and I come from the planet Yugo, I know where your friend is!"

I felt like I was in a dream, I couldn't believe my eyes, there was a girl who was floating and saying she knows where my friend was on some random planet.

I gave myself a slap in the face, maybe I was asleep, I even pinched myself on my arm, I winced and quickly realized the reality of the situation. Sean is gone, and this person floating in front of me knows where he went.

"What is even happening?" Dumb question, my mind is still recoiling from the event taking place.

"It's okay, Carter! Your friend Sean is where he belongs! Granted he will suffer and may not ever make it back alive. Though it is his will and strength that will enable him."

I gritted my teeth and almost caved in the girl's face for stealing my best friend's life.

Tugging on her shirt and pulling this "creature," close to me I heatedly retorted her conspiracies about Sean, "What the hell are you talking about? Why would you even do this to Sean, he's no good at anything physical, he's a genius! Not a hero? I bet he never even asked to go with you, did he? If you kill him you're dead!"

Fiona's happy-go-lucky facial expressions ran out of steam, "Carter you understand if he doesn't make it, you go after his demise. All be it, Sean makes the journey and becomes a God of a special planet that needs help, or he fails. just like the rest of them. I have searched longer than you may know Carter."

My face become red with anger, "Who says you get to decide who becomes a God or not? Did you even ask Sean? I bet you didn't! He's face down in the snow with nobody even close to him! If you're a God go save him first! It's your fault he's gone anyways. I can't believe this!"

Fiona's face went from stern to agast. "He's already like that? Sort of surprising to be honest. I thought he would last longer than a week."

That statement sent me off. "Damnit, Fiona! I'll kill you! He's my friend!" I threw my fist at her side and before I could even get a blow in, sparkles and a pop. Gone. Fiona dropped all of this information on me like a bolt of lighting. The thunder was the sudden shockwave of realization I had after she disappeared like magic. Then the rain came, teardrops rolling down my face. A perfect summer storm to start the end of the school year. Then what she said hit me, "I'm next?"



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