
The Legacy of the Uchiha

In a world dominated by powerful ninja nations and plagued by endless warfare, peace remains an elusive dream. As the third ninja war draws to a close, the scars of battle run deep, leaving smaller countries struggling to survive in the shadows of the mighty. Among them is a secluded village hidden within the snowy peaks of the Land of Water. Amidst this turbulent era, a young and talented boy named Miao leads an ordinary life in the village, unaware of the dormant power he possesses—the long-forgotten blood succession limit of his clan. 2 chapters a week. I'll try to follow that schedule) (Novel not mine its a Chinese novel, im just re writing it and making it more Readable for english speakers not the greatest at english grammar and writing stories, my first time even if im editing it so going to have to deal with it :) If not enjoy it and if the autor wants me to take it down message me)

Diyar_Aytac · Komik
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: The Painful Past and Fierce Hatred

"Danzo?" Miao muttered suspiciously, his eyes growing colder. "Then where is mother now?" he asked in an excited tone.

Hayato sighed deeply and slowly spoke, "The high-ranking officials of Konoha didn't care about your mother's Uzumaki heritage. Even though I thought her identity would be protected, they turned out to be a group of fierce jackals. Even the Third Hokage's opposition couldn't sway them. Danzo, as the dark force of Konoha, held significant power, and the Third Hokage and he were constantly at odds. If they made up their minds, they wouldn't listen to anyone."

He continued, "Moreover, the Konoha high-ranking officials weren't aware of any agreement with the Uchiha clan. They probably paid a political price for attacking us. The Uchiha clan didn't shelter us in any way during the attack. Not only because of the political price, but they also wanted you to be stillborn."

Miao's eyes widened in shock, but he felt a sense of relief. As an elite ninja of the Uchiha clan, possessing the three-tomoe Sharingan was nothing unusual. But then, a sudden cough interrupted their conversation, and Hayato's face changed sharply as he coughed up blood. "Father!" Miao rushed forward to support him, worry filling his eyes. "What's wrong with you?!"

"It's okay, just some old injuries acting up," Hayato waved his hand weakly. He then continued with his story, revealing how he had rushed to rescue Miao's mother during the attack.

"After that, I killed a Root ninja who was maintaining the barrier and rushed inside, where your mother was fighting for her life while protecting you in her belly. Seeing her in pain and danger, I felt extremely guilty and anguished. At that moment, I awakened even stronger powers, and as you imagined, I took your seriously injured mother out of Konoha," Hayato said, tears filling his eyes.

"Although her injuries were severe, your mother's Uzumaki bloodline saved her from death. She survived, and the following year, I took her on a long and arduous escape. Countless Konoha Root ninjas, and even direct subordinates of the Hokage, pursued us relentlessly. Fortunately, my newfound powers allowed me to repel them, but I was severely injured and nearly blinded."

Hayato's eyes showed sadness. "This is the fate of the Uchiha clan. Great power comes with great darkness."

"On our journey, your mother gave birth to you. However, due to her previous injuries and the difficult birth, she couldn't survive. After giving birth, she succumbed to exhaustion. I took you, a newborn baby, to the Land of Water and hid us there. The country's isolation made it almost impossible for outside forces to infiltrate, providing a safe haven for us."

Listening to the account of his mother's fate, Miao's fists clenched tightly. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes blazed with anger. "Konoha! Uchiha! A bunch of sanctimonious and despicable guys!" he hissed, roaring with hatred for the village and his clan.

"I have revealed everything about your mother and the grudges with Konoha and the Uchiha clan. There's nothing left to hide. You may be young, but your maturity and composure exceed that of children your age. You have the right to know about your mother," Hayato said, looking relieved.

"I understand!" Miao took a deep breath, slowly raising his head. His face, once filled with grief and anger, now showed determination. At this moment, Miao's eyes were different; three black tomoe rotated rapidly in his Sharingan.

Seeing his son's eyes transform into a Mangekyou Sharingan, Hayato's expression changed greatly. He looked at his son in shock, witnessing an even more enchanting and evil pair of eyes that contained immense killing intent.

After a moment of silence, Hayato sighed deeply, as if coming to a decision. "I didn't plan to tell you now, but your growth has surpassed my expectations, and I've changed my mind," he said in a hoarse voice.

Miao's Mangekyou Sharingan gradually subsided, returning to black pupils. The burning sensation above his eye sockets faded away. He looked at his father, curious and unsure.

"The most important secret about the Sharingan," Hayato began.