
the lazy dungeon master

Prologue In the midst of an expansive white room with basically nothing in it, I, Keima Masuda, was checking my dungeon map. “...Hey. Why’s there only one room and one hallway in this dungeon? I’m not even gonna count the entrance.” “My dungeon’s all about beating down intruders with monsters! I heard that’s the best thing to do!” I don’t know who told her that, but the girl who just brushed aside her waist-length golden blonde hair and grinned with her hands on her hips was my partner, Rokuko. I had just become the Dungeon Master of this dungeon a few minutes ago, making both it and this girl my responsibility. The girl, by the way, was the physical avatar of the Dungeon Core. Which does in fact mean that she, not I, made this terrible dungeon that ended as soon as you entered it. And of course... the heart of this dungeon—the Dungeon Core—was placed in the sole existing room. But the map I was looking at also showed eight red dots in that room. The word “Bandit” was displayed above each one as supplementary information. “O-Oh, I get it! These, uh... these bandits are monsters protecting your dungeon, right?” “Ah, no! Those are the intruders!” Rokuko said something unbelievable with a broad smile on her face. Yeah... yep. They do look like enemies on the map. I don’t know what I was expecting. As far as I could tell from the map, the bandits seemed to be surrounding the Dungeon Core. ...And I was in the Master Room, located right within the Dungeon Core. The Master Room was an odd, pure white expanse without any walls or even a floor. It was about as wide as a gymnasium, leading me to believe that it might have also served as a storeroom. If I were to take even a single step out of this bizarro world, I would be surrounded by all of the bandits. The Dungeon Core itself was about the size of a basketball, so how could a gym-sized room fit inside of it? ...It would probably be a waste of time toeven think about it. “So, Keima. Would you mind killing all of these bandits for me?” Without blinking an eye, my partner asked me to do something pretty crazy. Honestly, I kind of just want to cradle my head and groan... But it’s still too early to give up. Dungeon Masters can expend Dungeon Points (DP) to make rooms, set traps, and summon monsters. Although the only thing you could do once the core room was invaded by intruders was summon monsters, you still had a fighting chance at survival as long as you had DP on your side. Or at least, that’s what I thought before I realized the grim truth. “...Uh, it looks like we’ve only got 9 DP left. What can we do with that?” “Hm? That’s not even enough to summon a goblin. Those cost 20 DP.” “Still, you need to do something about this.” My last hope, vanquished. “It cost me a whole 1000 DP to summon you, Keima. Don’t expect me to have any left over after that.” “Oh wow, [I] cost you that much DP? Huh. Nice...” Without DP, you can’t set traps and you can’t summon monsters. In short, this dungeon had no meandering hallways, no traps, no monsters, no stash of DP... and its singular room had been conquered by bandits. This dungeon’s already completely friggin’ screwed.

Fantasy_sharer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

I Don’t Want to Work…! chapter 1

Day ?

I hadn't been doing anything special on that day. It all happened when I

was, like always, sleeping in my ash gray shirt and sweatpants that were

much more comfy than pajamas.

"Hey. Would you mind waking up? Mr. Keima Masuda?"

Someone I didn't know was calling out my name, and before I knew it,

everything except the clothes on my back was gone. My bed, my pillow, my

apartment—heck, the apartment building, and even the ground were all gone,

leaving me stranded in a star-dotted vacuum that looked a lot like space.

After making sure that I could breathe properly, I opened my eyes. I felt a

floaty sensation, as if I were still asleep. For a second I wondered if I had

been kidnapped, but after seeing my surroundings, I assumed I was dreaming

and tried to go back to sleep.

This feels nice and floaty. I'm definitely getting a good night's sleep


"Um, would you please listen to me? I am a god, after all."

"Huh...? Yeah, yeah, I'm listening... zzz..."

"Is that true? You're not sleeping or anything, right? I don't have much

time here. You're being summoned to another world right now. You'll regret

it if you don't listen to me, okay?"

"I'm listening, I'm listening... zzz..."

"Mmm, I don't know if I've ever met someone so lazy before. But if you

really are listening, I guess I'll go ahead and start explaining. First of all..."

His explanation really dragged on, so I listened halfheartedly while focusing

on sleep.

"So, you get one present from me. Is there something you want to do in

the world you're going to? I'll try to help you grant that wish. But in return,

I'd like you to help me too, with what I just told you about."

Something I want to do? My friend, how about the opposite.

"I don't want to work." That was my response to the person who had

called themselves a god.

Helping out a god sounds like a lot of annoying work. No thanks.

"...Um, what am I supposed to do about that? I want to know what you do

want to do, so I can help you with that."

"The best life is one where you don't have to work..."

"...Should I just reincarnate you as a tree?"

"Aaah, that sounds like it'd be nice."

The god sighed and shook his head at me.

"Hey. Did you forget why I was asking you what you wanted to do?"

"Huh? Yeah, I guess I did."

It was probably something about restoring the flow of mana or

exterminating monsters or whatever. I hadn't been listening very closely.

"You were studying things like golems in your world, right? I thought you

would be pretty excited about this..."

"Huh? Hahaha! Not a chance, not a friggin' chance. That's just how we

youths are nowadays."

My dream was to create a maid robot that could take care of everything

for me.

People always look at me like I'm a waste of space as soon as they learn

about that. Don't expect too much from me, Mr. God-being-whatever.

By the way, my "research" was just me playing around with robots about

thirty centimeters tall that I got from ready-made kits. Huh? I should build

them myself? That sounds like a lotta work...

"Well, it looks like we're out of time... I hate to let you go, but I guess I'll

just have to ask the next person that comes by here."


"...But I'll at least make sure you can understand the other world's

language. And if you do help me out, I'll make sure you're repaid for your


"I wish not to wooork..."

"The world you're being summoned to has magic, but civilization there

hasn't developed very much. You'll have to work to survive. Plus, the fact

you're being summoned means someone out there wants you to do some kind

of job for them."

"I want to go home..."

"Well, good luck."

A bright light enveloped me, blinding my vision