
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

9 - Walk back home

I had been reincarnated, I don't know why.

But I had an inclination to believe that the system knew exactly why. I have read enough novels to know that the system always had a goal. It always did and it pointed the host's action in that direction. I mean what's the point of giving a guy a system and making him overpowered if not for entertainment at least.

But my system is weird.

It is weird, it seems more human than those robotic system that only gives quest. It more humane and talks to me. It is an annoying system. I will complain to that SoulBownd guy about his system. He should have made it user friendly System instead of an annoying one.

But to meet him and give my review of his product, I would need to find him.

I have a feeling that finding him is going to be a daunting task in and of itself. I don't want to think about it. He might be some omniscient being who reincarnated me for his own amusement, but why? He should have know that I would try to slack off.

On the subject of slacking off, what am I going to do with the chickens in my chicken farm. It is good that I could take them to my mountain, I should try and exchange it again, and let them roam it. With the changes in the mountain, they should have enough food to feed themselves.

With the chickens, I wouldn't need to roam outside for my food. I could just sit and cultivate in my home and not worry about food. I could just randomly kill one of them and eat. With this my food problem is resolved.

But can I really kill the chickens?

Am I really okay with killing?

Well, I did kill one

Now that I think about it, where is that chicken? I was hungry.


At the thought of food, my stomach protested. I am hungry. I need to eat. I pulled my thoughts back and looked around.

Where is that headless chicken?

I found it about a 10 meters away from me. The chickens head was obliterated by my Peregrine falcon attack. I should hunt like that next time. It was brutally efficient. They don't call the Peregrine falcon the apex predator of the sky for nothing. My opponent wouldn't even see me coming and he would be dead before he realized.

I would be even more efficient at night.

Wait, am I becoming a NightFury?

Should I wear an I patch and add 'Muthafuker' to all my sentence. I don't want to to. But I will became NightFury, but without an eyes patch. With my black scales, the enemy would never see me coming in the darkness of night.

Hahahahah, I am about to terrorize this whole forest

It is going to be fun. If I hunt small group of animals, I could kill them one by one. The pure terror in their eyes would be euphoric. I shall bath in their bleed and rejoice in their dread. I shall spread terror to this forest and become the top dog of my street.

I walked with skip in my steps thinking about the atrocities that I will do in the future. I wonder who will be my first prey. I hope that they are easily scared. I need to train my flight to be soundless. I should ask the wind to assist me in my endeavor.

I arrive next to the head-misted chicken. It was bathing in its own blood. I don't know if their was a predator that could smell blood nearby, but I hope non of them come here. If they are strong, I would ditch these chickens and run away.

I am not going to risk my like.

I sat on my butt, not comfortable, and lifted the chicken. I need to remove these feathers If I want to eat it properly. I don't was to chock on feather and die. It wouldn't be majestic at all. I should eat like a noble I am.

I should kidnap a Princess Chef when I am powerful enough. Then I don't have to worry about my food anymore.

I extend my claws and rip the feathers away unprofessionally. Hey, I have never cooked a chicken or cleaned it. I used my fingers and rip nearly most of the feathers away and lifted the naked chicken. I need to removed the outer skin now. I have the best tool to do that, my razor sharp claws. I make a fine cut on the skin and carefully removed the outer skin. Even though it wasn't perfect, I made it somehow.

Now I need to removed the insides.

I split chicken in two with my claws and threw the unwanted and disgusting organs away. I was left with the meat and liver. The chickens that were pecking nearby quickly moved and fought for the blood socked intestines.

I watch in bafflement as the chickens brawled for a piece of meat. In a matter of seconds, the intestines that I threw away vanished into their stomach and they turned to me. Their greedy gazes landed on my chicken.

The hell, you dare to covert my food? Want to become my food?

I growled, sharing my instinct to turn them to my meal. The growl did the magic as the chickens cowered and retreated.

Huff, That's what I thought, know your place

I turn to the chicken meat in my hand and took a big bite out of it. My teeth grind the meat to powder and my tough tasted the raw flavor. The chicken felt similar a boiled chicken. Their wasn't much of taste in the chicken. I took a bite out of the liver, it felt like butter ginger bread? I can't exactly pinpoint the taste, but it tasted good.

I chomped down on the chicken, taking big bites on the meat and small bite on the liver. The chicken meat quickly vanished into my stomach and satisfied my hunger. The big chicken was worth its trouble. I should take them home now.

I turned back to the roaster that I knocked out.

I walked back to the roster. The cute chicken, I will call it 'Fluffy' from henceforth, was sitting next to him. It just looked at me with curiosity. I still don't understand why the chicken was interested in me.

I will think about it later.

I walked next to the laying roaster and moved him with my hand. The roaster didn't get up. I moved him again, a bit more forcefully. The guy grunted. I lifted my hand to slap him, but realized as my claws gleaned in the sunlight that I would rip him and send him to Hades.

I turned and used my tail and whipped the guy. The rooster opened his eyes and sprung to his feet in alert. He looked around in vigilance before a searing pain hit him from his broken wings. The rooster looked down to his broken wind and bruised body. Looking at his broken wings, he finally remembered what had happened.

A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the sensation of being crushed before he turned to check his surrounding in urgency. He skipped over me before his gaze froze, and moved to me.

I smiled with my sharp teeth.

Now I need to talk with the rooster about my chicken farm. I grabbed his head with my hands, claws pressing on his head. I exactly know what to do. I lowered my head and looked him in the eyes. I have Phd in intimidation and I have been itching to try it.

Do you understand how fucked you are?

The rooster shivered like a chicken, but I could feel the defiance in his eyes as he looked at me. This chicken have been a leader for too long and he wouldn't come under my control that easily, but what can he do?

Do thing that you can defeat me? I am still standing w while you are in no shape to fight

You can either die here or die later? What do you say?

The chicken visibly gulped. It could see my bloody teeth inches away from its face and my draconic eyes looked in with his. He will not escape this majesty's grasp. He will chose to not die and will follow me. He will wait and bid his time. He will try to heal and kill me later.

He can just dream of it, after all a man should have dream. Even if it is unattainable.

Here is the thing. You will follow me back, and you will stay where I point. Do you understand?


You won't

I pressed my claws further. I was not going to kill him, yet.


I narrowed my eyes at the chicken, staring into his soul. I didn't make a sound, just looked at him like he had one final chance to say 'yes' of die.

~Caw Caw~


I released my griped and gave a pat. It was good that you agreed, I wouldn't know what to do otherwise.

Now follow me, Roaster

I turned from Roaster and looked at Fluffy. I lifted her up in my arm and extended my wings to their full span. The winds nuzzled around my scaled and I flapped my wings, rocketing to the skies.

I circles the area, and saw the mountain in the distance. The chickens would need to cross a bit of distance. I looked down at the Roaster who was looking at me.

That way

I pointed in the direction of the mountain. Roaster looked in the direction of the mountain and looked back at me.


I commanded before flying up. I carried fluffy who was looking at the ground mesmerized and flew circles around the chickens. I shouted as I threw Fluffy up, who visibly panicked and flutter her wings to say up in the air. She glided through the air for a bit before I caught her again.


Roaster observed Lijen as he circles in the sky as he ascended. He looked at his family. They all looked at him for his command. Roaster didn't know what to do, he didn't have it in him to take his family to their death.

But he couldn't let them die now.

Its either they die today or die later. He knew how the beasts of the forest worked. If he didn't comply to the command, his whole family will be slaughtered. So, he decided to delay their death, even if it is for a bit.

~Ca Caw~

At his command, the chickens gathered. He then began to move in the direction Lijen pointed. The chickens followed their head and moved in the direction. Roaster kept a vigilant eyes around as he led his family.

I watched from the sky as Raster began to move. I carried Fluffy as I followed from the air while keeping an eyes for any predator that might be hiding. My draconic vision was perfect, enabling me to see an ant moving in the ground while I am high up in the air.



Fluffy called at her family. Some of the chickens looked up, but Roaster's call force them to follow. I just shrugged and carried Fluffy up. I waved in the air as Wind kept me in air without me needing to assist.

What am I to do next? I could just keep flying, and look around the world. Wind, will you keep flying with me?

I asked, it was a random question but an important one. I didn't turn to look,but I felt the wind wrap around me in an embrace that felt so... Comfortable and Warm.

Thank you

I said. I was grateful that I wouldn't be alone forever.

[ I am still here ]

Fuck off

[ You are going to talk to your elder like this ]

Fuck off

[ Really? ]

[ Want me to shut down ]

Do it bastard

[ Okay ]

[ System shutting down ]

[ 10% ]

[ 20% ]

[ 40% ]

I felt a panic rush through as the percentage increase. I didn't know what was happening. Don't tell me this guy is really shutting down.

[ 80% ]

[ 90% ]

[ 99% ]

[ Bye bye ]

Hey hey, i was just joking

[ Caught you, buddy ]

Damn you bastard

[ I will be here too ]

[ To annoy you to death ]

[ ( ̄▽ ̄) ]