
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Page 6

Well, I'm at one of Arula's greatest mountain ranges; the Great Northern Range. The reason why I'm here is because I've finished "cleaning" up the mess that entered my dungeon (the student from Earth), I have some free time now to recruit some divine-related beings to work for me. 

And since I've heard some rumours (extracted information from the student) about a real "angel" living somewhere here, and I'm an angel myself so I was curious enough to go search for him or her. 

My battle against the student was not interesting at all; I completely dominated him, but I admit that he was far stronger than I had expected him to be, as his stereotype of an arrogant, petty and possibly spoiled person made him resemble some other people I knew. 

However, this guy, Jiro Tadashi, was far stronger than those other arrogant guys I knew solely because of his intelligence and battle wits. From what I could tell, his magical powers included things like: 

- Binding spells 

- Debuff and Buffing spells

- And powerful single-target moves/spells. 

His strategy mostly included binding me to the ground or a convenient space, then hitting me with several debuffs; lowering speed, attack, and strength, limiting skill capacity to half, then buffing himself (with the help of his slaves as well) to over three hundred per cent increase, then finally powering up with his most powerful offensive move. 

It was a good strategy, effective for taking out powerful beings like dungeon bosses; like me, but unfortunately, it didn't prove to be effective against me. While his binding spell may prove effective against beings weaker than himself, or those who were slightly stronger than him, he was so weak that I had to try and not break the binds he had placed on me. 

And then, the negative effects like reduced speed and strength wouldn't matter. It was not scaling off a percentage of my total speed or strength but rather a set amount, so it did not change anything. 

While he did get stronger by like three times, with the help of his "comrades", it didn't change anything. From my perspective, it was like a harmless ant. Not even a harmless ant. More like a non-conscious object that could be easily broken and destroyed such as a leaf. 

Once he had nearly finished powering up his strongest move, he stated 'I have a great body, although a little young for his tastes, he was sure I would grow up into a fine beauty and he requested me to join his harem as his first wife.' 

I mean... okay? It's not like I'm against it, but I don't even have reproductive organs like humans or other living things. I'm an angel. I do not age and I'm immortal. But at least he's not a "lolicon" as they called it. My appearance may look like a child, probably seven to nine years of age, but in reality, I'm quite old. 

It's rude to ask a lady's age, so I won't be saying that, and I had to decline Jiro's request mainly because of my job as a dungeon master. I'm not even sure why he wanted a dungeon master as a wife... no wait, I probably know the reason. Probably riches and power. 

He reacted the way I had expected him to do, throwing a tantrum. He did give me one more chance to think about it, but I already made up my mind. It's no. And once he heard that he immediately fired off his most powerful move. It was a flying sword with loads of enchants and buffs applied to it. It possibly could kill off one of the dragon's subspecies; the Large Lizard, maybe of the Arch type. So it was pretty powerful. But, the strength gap between an ascended large lizard and an actual dragon is more than day and night. After all, dragons were divine creatures and one of the four great species. And if dragons couldn't be harmed then that also applied to the spirits, demons and me, an angel. 

And so, the sword couldn't even pierce through my casual and simple white one-piece dress which was less than a millimetre thick, let alone kill me. And in the possible event that I experience something that could kill me, I will always come back from the dead due to the Reincarnation Cycle that all living things experience. 

A simple flick of the finger destroyed the sword and Jiro stared at me with a huge shock on his face. He shouted things like 'Impossible!' or something along the lines of 'I won't forgive you!' before running off... or a tactical retreat as he called it. 

"Come back later!" I shouted to his group as they left. And as I was about to let him leave I decided not to let him leave. Revealing my angel wings that I kept hidden, I flew over to his group and intercepted them like how Iona did to the student group that he belonged to. 

When I landed, the one most surprised due to my angel wings was one of the female slaves with dark grey hair colour and silver eyes with a slim body but large breasts and plump thighs. Jiro was left speechless but pulled his act together. 

We interacted with each other for three or so minutes and let him go. Oh, and the female slave with the dark grey hair colour and silver eyes probably caught up in the moment asked her master (Jiro) if she could stay here with me on the condition that she would provide him with a percentage (a third) of the profits that she will gain from challenging this dungeon. 

With a stern look, Jiro accepted it. He did allow the girl to have more freedom but he still had her as a slave so she couldn't go back on her word of the percentage of the profits thing. Before he finally left he said to the girl, "Be careful." which I found pretty sweet. Perhaps I misjudged him?

Anyway, he did provide me with information about the world and why he was here after I had defeated him. He said that there was a rumour within the Royal Captial, more specifically the Royal Palace where all of his classmates and teachers stayed, that there was going to be a new dungeon forming nearby sometime within the next month. He wanted to be the first one to challenge and conquer it to gain power, riches and status among his classmates of "heroes" and receive some favour from the king of this country, King Leon of Orth; a major naval power located on the Northern Continent (Continent named Narthe. "Northern Continent" is a popular nickname for Narthe). 

After telling me all this, I sent him off. Thanks to him, I now know how this world's magic system works. It's a basic mathematical equation. It goes something like this: 

Spell Power = (True Damage + ((Apptiude for Magic x Spell Experience) x (Spell Base Power + (Any Buffs)))) divided by Spell Efficiency or Medium Efficiency.

If multiple projectiles are being materialised at once, and they are a part of the same spell, then you would divide the answer from the formula by how many projectiles were materialised. 

For example, (100 + (0.75 x 1.25) x (400 + (400 x 0.3)))) / 0.75 = 783. If there are six projectiles, then it would be 783 / 6 = 130.5. Therefore, each projectile would have a spell power of 130.5.

While you can't necessarily measure everything, defensive spells and barriers would always come with a certain value limit called Defensive Power, and depending on how much defensive power the barrier or defensive spell has, it would represent the total amount of spell damage one's skill or magic attack would need before the barrier would be destroyed. 

But it was still useful to know. I could now reduce my divine powers to a mere fraction of what it was by using extremely inefficient magic mediums. However, I don't know if those inefficient magic mediums could even handle divine energy let alone divine power, so it would be a hit or miss.