

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

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Test put to test. With all the trails of life, let's see who pass through it. At this time of the years. It was the holiday season. Mena's birthday is coming on the 25th of December, she has to forget her sorrows. Her husband had just returned alongside the others.

Mena and her husband at a restaurant, their conversation.

"Yeah right! This test is going to be fun, and very different… no they would get their different grades, but not by writing, no! am not going to let the cat out of the bag". She laughs

"No worries we would see tomorrow, bye!".

"Who was that". Her husband asked

"It was Havana... I think am full".

"You know what, I'll go wait outside for you, pay and then we go, okay!". She added and she left.

Outside, a little sort of argument.

"What's going on here?". She asked

"This man wants to kill his child"

Staring at the child, touching his face, holding him close, looking at the man

"Why do you want to kill your child?".

"We've been suffering, so now I want to set myself free".

"Huh! What are you saying, kill your own child, oh gosh". She walked to her car, brought out bundles of money, hand them over to the man

"Take this, thank god you have a child, don't do anything stupid".

"Thank you so much ma'am, god give you your deepest desire". He said, calm smile

The man walked further with the child. The little boy, turned and waved at Mena, she waved at him too, with a smile. The man stopped, rushed back and hugged Mena and kissed her on her neck, rushed back

"Weird!". She turns around, her husband stood calmly watching

"Who was that?".

"Someone I guess, he was going to kill his child, shall we".


Next morning, Mena in the kitchen dishing out her food. Set the dining table for a quick breakfast, she heard the bell, she smiled.

"Jackson come in… I know it's you… but I wonder why you come here every morning. I think being neighbors is a bad idea". She said aloud, still no sign of Jackson

"Jackson, where could her be". She went to check

"Ja… mother". She said in shock. Her mother in-law pushed her aside

"Who is your mother, huh?". She said aloud

"Bae…". Cut short, walking down

"Mom, what are you doing here, and how did you know we are here in this house".

"I don't have time for all those question".

"Mom, Are you okay".

"How would I be okay, when you got married to a snake as a wife, who can't even keep her children, barren witch".


"What, you would shout at your mother, for this huh, this, useless sloth".

"Mom, stop it please, stop calling my wife names, please".

"What name, is she not a snake, and a sloth".

"Wait, what, what are you doing in my house, what are you doing here?". Rubi said

"I brought her here, she would give me grandchildren that don't die in a year, and 7days".

"Mom, she has to leave, I love my wife". He said, walked to Mena held her close, as she tries not to break down to tears

"And it's that love that would kill you".

"Mom, you can stay but Selina can't. She must leave my house".

"She goes Nowhere, she Is your new wife to be, and you must marry her".

"Fine then, you can eat the house, we have a lot of them. Bae get your thing, let's go". She hurried in, brought her things and the left.

Arrived at school, so confused, and teary, weak and ashamed, still had to be strong, kill her torment, staring at Zyron's picture crying, wiping her tears. Felt like the world was against her. Each students had one thing or the other to say about her.

Walked into her office, sat down and began to cry. Richard walked in, staring at his phone

"You don't really have to cry".

"How… how did you know, I never told anyone, not even your mom so, so how did you know that, mother is back huh". She wiped her tears

"Wait what".

"What, why, you are surprised, you didn't". short of words. He shows her the viral video, about her

She was so surprised, to see everything that happened that day at the restaurant, but everything sounded different, the words she said

"Is a lie, I didn't say that, I swear, I don't know that man".

"I know okay, this is just a dirty game, don't worry am her for you".

"Why is my life full of pain, who have I ever offend, who tell me".

In the video, it seems more like they are both having an affair, and the child was hers.

"What!... are you doing here? I told you not to come see me, my husband is back in town, have this money, and go okay… go and don't come again, until I call you".

Walked into the school, students hanging around, talking about what's trending online about the principal who is a cheater.

"Did you hear what that girl said?". Anita said

"We did. So should we start shouting". Saucy scolds


"Everyone with what they believe. so do you believe them?".

"No, fine let's go and tell them".

"Why are you stupid".

"Oh, please Anita don't add to our hunger".

"Juliana is right we haven't eaten for the past three days".

They ignored everything and walked further. They got the announcement that all students should go to the hall for their test begins, soon".

"How are you going to do this?". Richard asked

"I'll just take my mind off everything".

entered the hall

"Wow! Jamaine has cut his hair; he looks even more cute".

"Tell me more about it".

"Hmm!". Mariana tried to talk

"Shut up!". Saucy said

"Mm, everyone is writing test except form the 52 best students, your test is going to be different… I want you guys to meet me upstairs.

"Where are we, downstairs". Saucy said

"You have issue". Her friends said unison

"Wow! How many exits does this school have?". Anita said

"Tell me more about it". Saucy added


"Shut up".


They walked in

Mena and the rest of them sat down, the girls standing like weirdos

"I want you girls to fight". Mena said

"What!". Their reaction

"Yeah, fight for the boys".

"Oh, this is nice".

"Wow! we didn't train. why today!". Saucy said

"What! But we have not eaten". Juliana added

"See a true soldier does not need food to survive in the battle field".

They all took a step backward

"You are mad". Niso said

"You must be very stupid". Pricilla added

"How can you say….". she paused, looking around, notice everyone heard her.

Jackson laughs immediately

"Oh my! They are so funny, aren't you the one who was involve an accident, you look so active".

"She looks just like my son". Marien added

"What happened".

"Nothing, she's pretty".

"So, who Is going first?".

"Elleny and Anita". Saucy said

"Oh! So, you girls are fighting for Richard then". Mena added

Saucy Pintsch Anita from behind

"Yes!!!". She said in pain

"Wow, that was a very passionate answer. But I hope you girls know you are not fighting to win him over, but just to pass your test".

"Yeah, we know".

They got ready to start their match, counselled by the coach.

Back to the ring

"Your oppositor is Elleny and whosoever wins pass, let the match begin".

"But wait!". Elleny said

"Uhm! Are you scared". Pricilla teased

"No! but where is the referee".

Mena walked back in, dressed like a referee, let the match begin.

Looking at each other, trying to see who makes the first move. Elleny makes the first move, but Anita maneuver. Punch her twice on her stomach, kicked her legs, Elleny fell on her feet. Anita was enticed with her friend's cheer, she got distracted. Elleny from behind, pulled Anita's hair, she refused to let go, till the ref intervein, to break the hold. Elleny did everything, but Anita permuse, she punched her continually. Again, she got distracted. Elleny pulled her hair from behind, used her face to hit the edge of the ring. She throws her down, too weak to get up, count out, Elleny won the match.

The match continued with the others. Went same way, except from Pricilla, saucy and the three ugly identities.

Mena's driver came to pick her up form school. She entered the car. Recent information, that she can't go home, so he would take her somewhere else, instructions from her husband.

Entering the house, her mom, dad, sister. Mother in-law, Selina, granny and her friends, including her husband. She fidgets when she saw all of them, staring at her

"Mom, dad, si-sister what…what are you doing here?".

"How could you bring so much shame and dishonor to our family... Mena why? Am asking you why?". Her mom yells

"What did I do".

"You, how dare you ask me such question". She forcefully turns her around, staring at the tv screen to watch the video.

"No, no please mom, you have to believe me please I don't know this man".

"Shut up! You are a disgrace, a big disgrace. Your husband loves you, and you stabbed him in the back. And also, you've questioned my upbringing, thank you very much. Am ashamed of you, very ashamed". She walked away, out of the house, in her car drove away

"Please, please someone has to believe me please". She knelt down pleading

Selina walked up to her dropped paper on her feet.

"What, what is this?". She wipes her tears

"Divorce papers!". Selina said

"What!". She got up in shock

"Am not signing this". She threw the paper away she walked away.

Next day, two girls standing by the walk way, gossiping about the principal and how innocent she looks.

Class room was so empty. They sat down. Meyan brought out her phone started watching the video.

"I can't still believe the principal would do something like this". She added

"Mean either". Annabel added

Series of arguments, Anita drags Meyan's phone


Closer look, noticed something different, lip sync

"This video is fake, it has been edited, this is fake, I must get to the bottom of this". She said so boldly

"What do you mean?". Mariana asked

"This video was tempered with that's all I know for now. I would go deeper into it".

"No! you would not. It's called family, and you are not in any position to interfere".

"Seriously saucy, she needs someone, whose side are you on? You think she could do something like this". Anita snaps

"Just shut up and listen, don't interfere". Case closed

Anita walked away…

Walked into Mena's office

"Excuse me, good day, everyone, Jackson! Please excuse me, I want to talk to you". she said

"Okay". He left with her

"Am here, what do you want to tell me?".

"Sit down first". She forced him to sit

She took a deep breath, shivered a bit

"Mm, you, you, kn, know….". she fidgets

"Why are you scared, just say it".

"I don't, want it, to, to…".

"Come on Anita, don't be scared am not Richard" he added

"Why am I hearing my name".

"And why are you eavesdropping". She asked

"Just shut up, wasn't talking to you. anyway, what's wrong with her, say what you have to say".


"What's going on here". The rest of them walked in

"Don't you boys understand the word privacy, gees".

"No, we don't ".

"Anita just talk". Jackson pressured.

"Okay, here goes nothing". She took a deep breath. "Okay I know it may seem like am interfering, but am not, I just care, and again, I've watched that video".

"If I may ask what video".

"The one that everyone is talking about". She said calmly

"Are you tempting me". He said in range


"Then stay away".

"But I have sourceful information, that proofs that she's innocent". Sound of that, they turned back, interested in what she had to say

"Go on". David said

"Yes, I was watching the video, and I noticed that she never said any of those things, I can read her lips and the words are totally different".

"So, you can, fine then tell me what she said".

"Like her".

"No like me". He snaps


"What's going on here?".

"Why do you want to kill your child?".

"Huh! What are you saying, kill your own child, oh gosh".

"Take this, thank god you have a child, don't do anything stupid".

"This, was her exact words".

"Wow! Very true. So, know what?". They asked their selves

"I have an idea, full proof, but… it's going to be difficult".

"What is it, say it". Ony said

"Since this is the fake video, how about we get the original one".

"Okay, how".

"Mm, okay…. Ahh ah, the restaurant! The restaurant must have a cctv camera, so we can get the video, the cctv footage".

"That's smart, and foolish, at the same time". Richard said

"So, you would risk it then, it's your idea after all". Nitto added

"Seriously, no one is coming with".


"Fine then, I would need a cover, but… I would risk it this night".

Public announcement 'test week has been postponed, due to the principals, traumatized state. School going on a break'.

Mr. Dunne house, she tried to leave, but Saucy stopped her, questioned her

"Where to?". She asked

"She's going to meet JoJo". Pricilla interrupt



"What kind of garage".

"Oh, silly me, not garage, club! She's going to the club".

"What club".

"Gees! Club two-point O, yeah that's right 2.O".

"There is no such club like that".

"You've never been in any club". Pricilla added

…. Tired of arguing, turns around, Anita is gone

"Great, thanks to you". she added

Footage transferred, she left.

Next morning, went to the boys

"Good morning".

"Keep your greeting to your self we don't need it, the flash drive".

"Whatever, it's here". She handed it over

"I… what did you save it as".

"Save! save what as". Weird look from everyone.

"The video! what did.... wait you didn't save it".

"They save it".

"Gees, she didn't, this flash is, you would go back".

"What! I, no, no one told me". She collected the flash back she walked away

They all started laughing at her

"How stupid". They mocked her

Snicks in, almost got caught, rushed in quickly, shut the door

"Now this time am going to do this right".

"Held the flash drive firm, she sat down. Searching but she couldn't find any footage

"Is it that they deleted…...". took time to look around, she notices that she was in the wrong

place. Quickly she rushed out, so she wouldn't get caught.

Wandering around the school premises, gathered at one point. At first sight of Jackson and his friends, Pricilla brought a suggestion

"Mm, I think we should spilt up so we could find her easily".

"Okay". Saucy said in a constricted voice

"So go that way". Pricilla instructed

"Sure". She walked away.

Pricilla walked up to Jackson and his friends and ask them where Anita was.

"You mean your dumb friend, that couldn't save a file, your stupid friend, she went back to do her job well". Richard said, so arrogantly

"You rich spoilt arrogant brat, my friend is smart okay…". she tuts, whispered something to Jackson and walked away, calm smile.

Rushed in, pacing, looked around for them. Just remembered the spot she left them, she hurried there

"Ah finally, someone is here". Jackson teases

"Stop it". She hands over the flash to jarad

"What took you so long?". Jarad ask with a smile

"i...". paused, looked at Richard "if I tell them that I went to the wrong restaurant at first, Richard would definitely insult me, no". she said with in

"Nothing, I have… short eye sight! So, i… couldn't find the real video quickly".

"You have so many faults, just do the damn thing". Richard said

"Upon the lies, he still scolds me". She whispered. Weird look

"What!". Surprised

"What did you save it as".

"Oh that!".

"What you didn't save it". They all yelled at her

"What kind of girl are you". Richard scolds

"I saved it". She screamed; they heaved a big sigh of relief

"So, what did you saved it as". Jamiane asked

"Anita weds the devil's son…". She said, not so loud

They all looked at Richard, calmly laughs to pass the remark

"Wait....what! am I the devil's son?". He asked

"Married to the devil's son". They all burst into laughter, while Anita and Richard, stares at each other

"Am so going to kill you". chasing her around.

…Anita bends down slowly

"That's the only thing I could think off".

"You fool, well that would only be in your dream, cause it ain't gonna work".

"Shhhh!". From the other side

"Is it, be quiet". Adrian said

"Anita came close to them; Richard pushes her away

"Cheap people are not allowed here".

"STBY, I would watch from this side". He used the F word

"That's if you can". She said, staring at her, speechless, laughs to let the remark pass

Moments after watching the video, they stood round, and asked themselves

"So, what's do we do now, we have proof".

"What else, show them the video, and prove that she doesn't know the damn man".

"You fool!". Anita said so loud, they all looked at her surprised

"Oh sorry, but it felts so good to say".

"I don't accept your apology".

"Well suit yourself, or should I put it in the saucy terms, suit your stupidity. That's her favorite word". She chuckles

"Anyway, they won't believe you, they can even say, you edited the video, so, we need something more than just this video, get it". She said, smiling

"It was nice working with you guys anyway, I need to run along, I would talk to Jackson". She rushed out

"She's smart". Anthony said

"You want to join Jackson; you would die young". He walked away

Walked in. Before she could even sit down

"Where are you coming from?". Saucy asked

"Hmm… JoJo's".

"Nice, you would soon start talking". She added, continued what she was doing

"Pricilla, can I talk to you outside". Anita said

"Sure". They walked away.

About to tell, JoJo walked in on them

"Heyy, sup". He greeted

"Hi". Pricilla said "Finally, have seen you". they both laugh

"Hey Anita, how are you doing?". Holding her hands, move her hair backwards, lost in her beauty, came back to himself

"Mm! you, never came…".

"Oh, mm, right, I've just been really busy, that's why, nothing personal". She said

"Okay. I was thinking if we could go out on a date, by weekend".

"Oh, I... okay... mm... I don't know if I would be free. Okay! This is early Tuesday, so by early Friday, weekend!". Pricilla hits her with her elbows, whispered to her

"What kind of English is that?".

"Mm, sorry. I meant by weekend I would tell you if I'm free or not". She corrected herself

"It's okay….". JoJo was about to kiss her, their eyes meet. Pricilla rolling her eyes all over avoiding his stare.

"I... think I… bye". He walked away

"Hmm… seems like they are a lot of boys in your life Richard, Jackson and JoJo, and some other mysterious once that I don't know about".

"What are you talking about, Richard... is… he doesn't like me, so, don't add him. But his sweet".

"I see, Jackson is spicy, while JoJo is salty, hmm".

"You're crazy". She spanks her

"Ouch, but it's the truth, you know, for some time now, I've noticed".

"Noticed what?". Curious to know

"Your voice, changes whenever you are talking to one of these boys. For Richard, you sound frighten, so scared, but when you are talking to JoJo, you sound more romantic". They both laugh

Mena going on shopping. After buying, wanting the sum of the whole thing. She collected the things, walking away. People gossiping.

"As pretty as she is, she can't be satisfied with one man, shameless woman".

As low as they tried to talk, Mena still heard them. She turned, teary, she walked away.

Just as she walked into her house, she saw her entire family member, her mother-in law telling three maids to keep her boxes outside the house. Mena cried asking her why. Without any response, she brought out divorce paper. seeing it, she wiped her tears, walked away.

Mr. Dunne house. Up in the balcony.

"Meyan, do you have Jackson's number?". Anita asked

"I don't get it, me, do we even speak to each other".


Cool breeze, Anita felt so uneased, she went to her room.

"Baby… what's up".

"Bring me the chilly…...". Pricilla said

"There is no chilly here".

"Oh, seems like I left it, back in a jiffy". She rushed out

"Wait what…. Do you need chilly for?".

Minutes later she walked back in

"Sup, you were saying?".

"What do you need chilly for?".

"Oh, this. Add it to my popcorn".


"We are going to see a movie".

"What kind of movie".


"You're horny".

"No… I just want to see it".


"I'm coming". Pricilla said, she walked away

All alone, shivers', she turns around, she saw 'ZYRON'.

So pale, blood dripping down from her ripped shirt, standing still. Immediately Anita saw her, she was so concerned

"Ain't you the one who, saved Juliana life, and made her eyes blue again, why are you so…". She hurried to get a towel to wipe her face, but she couldn't, anytime she tried she would disappear.

"Why are you bleeding". She yelled

ZYRON stretch out her hands, display Mena, already thrown out of her own house, being replaced. "Vision blurry.

"Is she your daughter? Answer me! Can I know who you are, please".

"You are not ready". She disappeared.

"Who…". Pricilla walked in, smile vanished

"Who are you talking to". She asked, so serious, looking around

"Nothing, I was just imagining something".

"Why did she go". She whispered

"Who? don't you dare tell me nothing, what do you mean nothing, Anita talk to me". she snaps at her

"Why are you sweating Anita".

"Nothing, am scared, she's a good woman".

"Who are you talking about". Grabbed Anita, shaking her

"The principal, she was chased out of her house, I need to come up with a good plan".

"Whatever, you look stress".

"Wait Pricilla, what do you need hot sauce for?".

"I want to drink it".

"Please be serious".

"I want to add it to the hot dogs, and my burger".

"First, they don't add hot sauce in a burger. I thought you said you want chilly, or…".

"Well, I change my mind".

"Okay, can I taste".

"No, beggars are alliable to die young".

"Oh really".

"Ye girl". They both laugh

"But you know there is no sense in what you are doing now".


Lights out

"Hey!... Pricilla why did you turn off the light".

"I didn't".

"They never said they would be a power out".

"Maybe it's because of the storm, it's getting serious".


The light came back on

"Oh, now they are just playing with the electricity". Turned to Pricilla's direction, instead she saw a scarecrow.

"Arrh!". She screams, moved back

"What is it". In fright.

"I-I, I saw a scarecrow in place of you". she said

"What, my face". Touching her face.

Once again, the light turns off, this time they hugged each other so close and the light came up, but this time, colored changed to red. They became even more scared. Moving shadow on the walls, from each edge, coming close to them. Sooner enough the light became unstable, turned off again, and on again.

Standing by the side of their bed, a bright, colorful scarecrow, looking at each other, turn around it was gone. Palpitation of their heart, sweating seriously. Underneath the duvet, could see something moving upwards, the move their legs backwards in so much fear, moving so close to the edge, no where to go. Jumped out, right on Anita's face, Pricilla grabbed it, threw it on the ground. A tiny old troll, so small, with a huge hunchback, wrinkled skin, long ugly claws and three eyes, three different colors, the one in the middle, red, the one at the left side green and the one at the right side was crystal blue.

After throwing it down they close their eyes in fear, telling themselves that they must be imagining things. Open their eyes, see claws all over the walls

"Anita, we are in a movie, if we don't run, we die". Pricilla said, the troll varnished.

They got up trying to open the door, but it was stuck. They turned around slowly, saw the wall covered with bloody footprint, the bed was soaked, they screamed, trying to force the door to open.

From the other side, trying to open the door, finally open the door. Found Anita and Pricilla unconscious on the bed, and the room looked so unkept, hurried out back, the door shut it self

"What!!!!". She couldn't say, she was pacing really hard, so scared, literally everyone of them except saucy

"Why?". Meyan tried to talk, but…... they stood there dumbfound, still wondering. The door opens it self slowly, windows banging on each other, weird sound, crazy laughter, moving shadows. For no reason, they find interest, walking in slowly.

A strong force pulls them out of the room, the door shut itself again, power out, the entire house.

"Meyan! Is your phone with you, I think I left mine". Saucy said

"Yes". She quickly turns on her phone torch".

"We are leaving in a hunted house, am so scared". Melody and Juliana said. All walking behind saucy

She's with the phone, walked back to the spacious room 'just a free room, they named it spacious, silly right'. Juliana complains that's she's hungry, that she always wakes up to eat by 12:00 in the early morning to eat, and it's past 12' now. Her friends scold her, but she didn't bother, she ignored, still went to the kitchen.

Not so close, but almost, complaining, that she's really hungry, a strong force, pulled her into the kitchen, created a wall around, so she would be able to come out. The kitchen was filled with spider warps, leaving dishes hanging around, she grew more scared, lean on the walls

"So now what, its been long since she left, she hasn't still come back". Mariana gets worried

"So, we have to stay here, protect our self". Scarlet added

"I can't believe you are saying this, are you serious right now".

"No am not".

"Fine then, you stay here, alone while the rest of us go to the kitchen, let's go". They left her, creepy look

"Wait for me". she yelled

"Oh my, what happened here". Moved closer

"How, there wasn't...". Bereft of words

"What are we going to do now". Saucy asked, rather confused

"Break it of course".

"And how are we suppose to do that". She asked



"Break it, ain't you a super woman?". They hyped Saucy


One punch the wall opened up, pulled them in.

Next day, everything's back to normal, gain consciousness one after the other. Zyron standing by the door, no one remembered what happened last night, staring, till Anita remember what she was to do. She jumped off the bed, rushed out, without a word to anyone. They all looked at Pricilla.

"What! Am innocent". She ran away.


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