
The Last Twin Flames

Follow a Journey of Forbbiden love. This story follows a traditional tale of a Princess falling for a Dark Prince...who just might be her savior. Godwynn is the Dark Elven Prince of the Kingdom, Nyberia. Whereas Amora is a High Elf Princess from the Golden, Atherian Kingdom. Watch as their paths cross, and as they each must make tough choices, for the sake of their futures...and their Kingdoms.

LemonSqueezii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Chapter 22- Lost Flowers

It was early morning, and the sun was just starting to crest the horizon, as Godwynn awoke from his sleep…Amora was tucked tightly into his side. She had turned at some point in the night to face him, and her warm breath fanned over his chest, as she slept comfortably. The bruises from the night before had nearly completely healed. Yet A scowl crossed his face as he remembered the events of the night before. She had been scared, and She didn't trust him, and for some reason that bothered him…although he had honestly given her no reason to. If anything, he had proved last night he couldn't be trusted. And he didn't deserve it yet anyways, even if he had given her reason. "Hmph" he grunted out loud, staring at the ceiling he thought to himself, having an internal dialogue, He couldn't trust her either apparently…She had tried to stab him, what, like 3 times now? A smirk formed on the corners of his lips.

His attention snapped back to the sun-kissed beauty at his side as she shifted, a small mewl escaping her pouting lips as she stretched and laid on her back, still sleeping peacefully…although now her bare breast was visible. The dusky rose-colored bud had hardened into a taut pebble as soon as the cool air hit it. Godwynn felt his cock already hardened from the morning twitch at the sight. His hooded eyes ran the length of her, the sheets hid nothing as they clung to every curve she had to offer. Perhaps she will learn to trust me, and not fight me, if I can give her more pleasure than she has ever experienced in her life…he reasoned. Plus he wanted to get the issue of her self preservation out of the way. If she was going to be bound to him for the next millennia she would need to have no reservations about being near him, or under him for that matter.

Slowly moving off the bed, he found the red silk sash that she had worn around her waist yesterday, laying over the dressing screen, he pulled it down and tested it. It would hold firm. With this she wouldn't have a choice in fighting, and could let go, knowing she had no choice, not having to feel like she needed to preserve herself for Atheria's sake. Softly climbing back onto the bed, he made quick work of tying each of her hands together, then tying them to the frame above her head. She was still asleep…good. Godwynn couldn't help but think to himself that he would constantly act out of character around her, he wanted her, he knew that much. Maybe it was just because she was a high elf, and the taboo of it all was exciting him. 

Laying down again beside her, the prince looked her over as he began gently caressing her exposed flesh, trailing his fingers across her collarbone. Amora let out a soft sigh, as he worked. And he couldn't help feeling like he had a precious treasure in his possession that he needed to hide away. The edge of his mouth was slowly threatening to creep into a smile. He made his way to her breast circling it with the back of his knuckles, before trapping the small bud in the crevice of his fingers, gently squeezing. A slight moan escaped her lips, as she pressed her flesh into his hand. So reactive… he thought. He might just enjoy being her Twin Flame afterall...

Amora was waking to a delectable sensation creeping over her body…She couldn't help but think to herself, whatever this dream was she wanted to hold onto it…although it didn't feel like a dream. Her breast felt like small pleasuring tingles of electricity were flowing across them, before being engulfed in warmth. "mmmmm" she thought. Then the other breast was receiving the same attention. She sucked in a hiss at the pleasure…She could hear a deep chuckle…the sound seemed familiar. But she paid no mind. The thin sheet she had slept under was removed and cool air suddenly danced across her skin. The warm sensation then moved lower…a soft tickle on her belly.

She realized the warmth was moving to touch her down there…her eyes opened wide to find his blue irises peering down at her. Their eyes meeting just as his warm fingers parted her slickened lips and found her little nub. He caressed it, causing her hips to buck under his hand. Deep down she knew she shouldn't be enjoying this, she should be terrified, but she wasn't. Something about him was pulling her in. And it felt safe, it felt right.

The dark prince continued to massage the small bud as her hips unconsciously swayed in sync to his movements. He eyed her as she accepted the pleasure, he was giving her. Liquid heat seemed to flow from his touch, setting her whole body on fire…a wonderful slow burn. She couldn't hide her pleasure as she closed her eyes.

Godwynn dipped a finger inside of her, a gasp leaving her lips, while her juices coating his hand liberally. "Do you want more princess?" He continued to rub her clit with his thumb as he added another finger, and began pumping into her, finding the rough little patch of nerves just inside her tight core. Amora could feel waves of hot pressure building in her body… "P-please…your majest-ty…I feel strange" she pleaded, not sure what was happening to her body. Afraid of the sensations building within her, they were hot, and electric, and she felt like she was going to explode. She tried moving away. But he would have none of that, her eyes were glued to him now, growing wider as he shifted over her.

Godwynn leaned down kissing her forehead, before moving down to settle his face between her trembling thighs. "Relax my little pet, and let me devour you." He continued pumping his fingers in and out of her, before taking her into his mouth. Suckling on the nub, he flicked his tongue across the swollen bead, as Her hips began bucking wildly, Riding his mouth. "Please-o-oh-P-pleasee!" She moaned her head was thrown back as she arched her back into him. He curved his fingers, pumping them even more wildly as she lost herself in his mouth. Her cries filled the room, as her Orgasm crashed over her, stars exploded behind her eyes as she shook violently against him…

Lapping up her juices, and satisfied with himself, he came up to claim her mouth with his. The taste of her own arousal was still on him, she tentatively returned his kiss. His breath becoming her own as he slowed the kiss, and helped her to pace her breath, before pulling away. Looking her in the eyes… "Such a good girl for me." Her cheeks reddened at his words, but she felt proud of herself somehow. The events of the night before, completely washed away, today. Well, until she realized she was tied to the bed that is. 

Her eyes widened at the revelation, she tried to shimmy her hands out of the confines, before her focus came to rest on him. "There will be no fighting me today Princess…" he admitted. "I am going to make you mine now."