
The Last Twin Flames

Follow a Journey of Forbbiden love. This story follows a traditional tale of a Princess falling for a Dark Prince...who just might be her savior. Godwynn is the Dark Elven Prince of the Kingdom, Nyberia. Whereas Amora is a High Elf Princess from the Golden, Atherian Kingdom. Watch as their paths cross, and as they each must make tough choices, for the sake of their futures...and their Kingdoms.

LemonSqueezii · Fantasi
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25 Chs

Chapter 10- Little Pet

It was nightfall as the Nyberian Envoy made their final approach to the Kingdom of Nyberius. Amora had become so exhausted by the end of the day she had fainted, and the prince had been forced to tie her to the backside of his horse. She had refused food and drink, in an apparent attempt at avoiding the need to relieve herself in front of his men. The prince couldn't help but laugh to himself at her stubbornness. 'She ended up riding a horse after all' he mused. He looked down over his shoulder to see her lax head lulling from side to side, matching the rhythm of the horse's steps. She was still unconscious. He would need to get her to eat and drink something once they were at the palace.

The gate to the palace groaned as the metal chains began working hard to lift its weight. The sound of hooves clacking on cobblestones echoed through the town square as the Godwynn and his men made their way to the palace in the dark of night. At the main entrance of the Dark palace, Godwynn dismounted and grabbed Amora, slinging her over his shoulder. Novus came up beside him, their eyes meeting for a moment. "What do you plan to do with her?" Novus asked. The prince thought to himself a moment "No clue, Father will probably have some plans for her I'm sure, maybe send her off to Klamor, no doubt something that will rile her father up im sure." They climbed the black slate steps to the entrance, the castle doors opening before them, An old stewardess bowing as her prince passed her by. She fell in behind the Royal and his right-hand man, waiting on his instruction.

"Have the servants get the Princess cleaned up and fed, will you Arda?" the prince directed to the stewardess. "Yes master" she said, snapping at to Novus to take the girl from his highness. "Oh…and have her checked…Father may want to know if she is pure…" Arda nodded her head "Yes sire."

Relieving himself of the young woman, Godwynn headed towards the Royal Chambers to let his father know of his arrival. "He is in the Dining Hall my Lord" Arda called. Redirecting the Prince, as he nodded his head at the older woman.

Moments later, Godwynn had made his way to the dining hall, and stood before his Father, Drogath, the Dark Elven King of Nyberius.

"Good evening, Father" the prince spoke, looking around lazily, half interested in what his father wanted...and half interested in the food on the table.

His father sat in his seat at the far end of the table, reading scrolls communicating news from other Kingdoms. He had a plateful of various fruits and cheeses. Currently entertaining the grapes, he held in his hand eating them one by one. The Dark King's eyes looked up to meet his son's. "Good evening my Son." Having been acknowledged, Godwynn moved forward, nearing his father, and taking a seat beside him.

"The princess is being cleaned up as we speak" the dark prince offered.

"Cleaned? You haven't bedded her yet, have you?" The king questioned sarcastically.

"No." Godwynn answered….a little too quickly.

The king looked at his son…a smirk crossing his lips.

"Do you know if she is pure?" The king asked…

"No father, she was betrothed to the prince of Lethoria, and had been in his custody when we came upon them" Godwynn grabbed a slice of cheese as he spoke looking it over, "although he had abandoned her by the time we reached his group, we aren't certain if he had lain with her beforehand…She will be checked shortly though." Godwin offered before tossing the slice in his mouth.

Drogath sat quietly for a moment…thinking to himself… "If she is pure…then I will be able use that to our advantage…." The king smirked, looking at his son with a beguiling smile. "I will force her to be bound to you…Just imagine how furious her father will be." The king began to pluck through the fruit bowl in front of him, then continued, "Her father will also then be incapable of attacking or defending an army with you at the front. To kill you would mean to kill her..."

Godwynn frowned... "You want me to adjoin myself to her?" taking care to measure his words, "In what way, will I be adjoined to her?" He asked...

Drogath answered. "You will be bound in the old way…the Elven way." The old King smiled menacingly, "A binding of the Twin flames."

"But that would also make her my weakness as well father!" Shock was written on his face.

The king shrugged, "I suppose I could bind myself to her…although I doubt it would hold the same potency…I'm getting along in years" The dark king stroked his beard pondering….

A surge of jealousy coursed through Godwin… "No…I will do it. I just wasn't expecting this decision is all…I trust your judgment father."

"Very Good, it is settled…Now we just have to get her to agree to it…and mean it…"-the king sneered.

"How do we plan to accomplish that….?" Godwin was uncertain of how his father planned to get Amora to agree, willingly, to be his fated other half. He knew the princess despised him. And sealing himself to her would be hard to accomplish if she weren't willing.

They both would know that a twin flame bond would mean if he died…she would die the same way. And vice versa. Usually only Elvenkind, who were irrevocably in love, would willingly bond themselves in that manner. Many times, it was only at the end of their lives, being unwilling to live without the other when faced with Mortality.

Normally, unions in this time and era would follow the Human way. Marriage and ceremony. But His father intended to bind their souls, so that they were twin flames, in the old way and custom, a dangerous ancient tradition that had since been abandoned, due to its risky nature.

Drogath looked at his son…an evil smile crossed his face… "Oh I can guarantee she will do it…" he motioned to the stone wall that held a hidden door leading to the dungeons… "Come, I have someone to show you."


The splash of icy water on her face and body, Startled Amora back to full awareness. She was in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar faces. And She was currently at the mercy of six dark elven servants. All scrubbing her skin mercilessly her hair was being pulled hard as they washed then rinsed her hair. And cut away her clothing. They were being ruthless while they ministered to her. And she could tell it was purposeful.

"Stop!" She whimpered desperately, trying to pull her hands away, but they paid her no mind. The dark elven women worked even harder, pulling against her withdrawn limbs. Their black eyes staring right through her. Amora stilled as they began speaking in the language of the lowborn's, thinking she would not understand it cursing her in every manner they could think of. However, as a Royal of the High Court Amora had been forced to learn all possible dialects from every kingdom, And she could understand them very well, to her dismay. They were working together to purposefully try to hurt her, and fear seeped into every fiber of her being as she overheard them.

A scraggly old crone with mangled hands spoke first, "Mistress Arda said she needed to be checked for purity as well, don't forget that." a vile grin crossing her pale features.

"Ha, the princess won't like that, what if we defile her first, and make sure she is useless" Another seethed. They began to laugh at her, all of them agreeing.

"Yes! Ha-Ha! hold her down, the king will send the wretch to the slave houses!" The larger of the dark elves commanded. At that they lifted her naked body from the water, and stretched her out on a table. The dark elven women began to pin her down, as they grabbed at her bare flesh, trying to splay her legs open.

A fearful Amora began to scream, attempting to kick them away as she flailed her hands scratching and clawing at them, as they each attempted to violate her, their nails clawing and scratching at her tender flesh. Her heart was beating frantically in her chest, and she couldn't hear anything over the sound of her own pulse pounding in her ears. Her breath heaving in her chest as she kicked and bucked at them. The room was filled with loud commotion as they goaded her and yelled obscenities at her, throwing food at her, the humiliation pushing a frightened Amora to a tipping point.

Suddenly something began to happen to Amora, an untapped magic within her began stirring to life, giving her an unnatural strength, and she was able to break free, her foot meeting one of the women in the face, and black blood started pouring from the hag's nose. She continued to fight, her screams turning almost into a roar. Amora managed to get to her feet, standing on the table she continued to kick, slap, and claw away the hands grabbing at her. Some of the women breaking her skin, as she did the same to them. Angry tears streaked her face as she stood there cornered, desperately fighting to protect her innocence.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed one of the younger females running out of a door into a candle-lit corridor. Amora ignored it, and continued to stand her ground, grabbing a broom handle, she stood on the table and began hitting her assailants. Within moments she had broken the end of the broom off into a sharp point and used the jagged edge to her advantage. Returning their damages in kind. However a sudden silence filled the air, and the women stopped. Turning to face the doorway and dropping their gazes. 

"What is this commotion all about?" Boomed a familiar voice. She looked over at the doorway she had watched the elf escape through, only to see the Dark Prince standing at the doorway, witnessing her stabbing at his palace staff. He cocked an eyebrow, taking the sight of her in. Suddenly aware of her nakedness, she tried to cover herself, her hair was dripping wet, and she was now highly aware of the cool draft that made its way through the air.

"She attacked the Help" the bloodied woman chimed in.

"We were simply trying to…ummm….assess the status of her goods, my liege." Stated another of the girls who had savagely attacked her, "She went feral. We couldn't manage her."

Amora stood there, flabbergasted, they were playing victim!?! All the while they had assaulted her and tried to ruin and violate her in the most intimate way possible. She looked at them with her mouth hanging open. She was speechless.

A determined Godwynn began to close the gap between them, the staff moving out of his way, keeping their heads down. But Amora could see the smirks on their faces.

Defiantly Amora pointed the jagged end of the broomstick in his direction.

"If you come any closer, I will stab you through the heart!" She yelled, putting on a brave face, she kept her head up, however inside, she was cowering with fear.

The dark prince paid her no mind and continued his approach. When he got within distance, a scared and naked Amora tried to lunged at him like the cornered animal she was. Pointing the make-shift stave in the direction of his chest, the end of the stick splintered as it bounced off of his breast plate. Her tear-stricken eyes grew wide, she knew she was fighting a losing battle, but she tried again anyway. This time aiming for his throat.

As soon as she stepped forward to attack, she found herself being jerked down, off the table. Then thrown back against the wall. The stick was yanked from her hand and was tossed to the floor; loud wooden clattering sounds bouncing off stone floor as it landed. The strength she had summoned moments ago, meant nothing as she tried to fight him, even with her magic, she was no match.

The prince was now in front of her, so close she could feel the body heat radiating off of him.

"I-I'm" She tried to speak, but she couldn't find any words, it was like a hard knot was in her throat preventing her from talking.

Without warning he grabbed her and spun her, so she faced the wall. His forearm pressed firmly into the back of her shoulders pinning her against the cold stone.

"Enough Princess… Do you understand"?

She tried to push back and to fight him, but he pressed until she felt she couldn't breathe…asserting his power over her.

"Ok..." she whimpered, giving in to his demand. But he wanted more from her, "Speak to me with respect to my title, little pet."

"Y-Yes your H-highness…"

"Good." Godwynn eased the pressure but continued to keep her pinned.

Amora stood helplessly. Waiting for the wrath of the prince. The cloak he wore, was draping around both of them, covering her naked body for the moment. She felt it was a small win over the intrusive palace staff. They couldn't gawk at her for the moment. But the Dark Prince's breath on her neck was making her wonder, at what cost did that tiny victory come?

Godwynn grabbed her hands and placed them on the wall on either side of her body.

"Do not move your hands, am I clear?"

Amora shook her head that she understood.

"Am I clear?" he asked again. She realized that he was looking for her verbal submission.

"Yes, your highness" she whispered. The knot in her throat not allowing her to speak any louder.

"Good" He muttered.

The prince grabbed her hips and held them steady pulling them outward, towards him, He then used a boot, to kick her other leg to the side, so that she was now spread and arched for him. Amora's breath hitched as she felt him move behind her.

"Wait! P-Please!" She said, trying to turn around, but Godwynn pinned her again to the wall.

"Silence." His deep voice growled in her ear. "You WILL Be still. Am I clear?"

"I-I Promise! I am Untouched!" Amora begged. "I Swear-"

Godwynn covered her mouth and leaned into her, holding her still. She was becoming frantic. And he was already having a challenging time controlling himself around her as it was. If she continued challenging, his prey drive would force him to claim her. Her gentle whimpers were driving him to the edge.

He knew that this had to be done. She didn't know it, but they were now betrothed. Both pawns in Their father's war games. Even with that said, he had felt a strange surge of anger and jealousy, when he walked in a saw her body on display. Red marks and scratches all over her. In the end He would rather it be him to leave marks on her, and him to check for her innocence than measly kitchen staff to do it, since they were the only ones who were up at this time of night. He should've expected her to receive some friction when she arrived, Dark elves in general hated High elves…Hell even he hated high elves merely on principal. But he would tolerate her. They would soon be twin flames. One in the same, and he would have no choice.

Godwynn inwardly composed himself, "It's either I check you, or I hand you back over to them, little pet." His voice had softened, trying to coax her into calming down…for her own sake.

Amora still breathed heavily; her heart was racing. But knowing she was now in the hands of a known warrior, the Dark Prince, she forced herself to stay still. The princess was hyper aware of every movement he made behind her. His hot breath fanning against the nape of her neck. Heat pooled in her belly, as she felt his large hands caress her sides, along her ribcage. His warmth enveloped her, even in her fear, his scent was intoxicating. The enemy was dangerous…so very dangerous she thought. As He moved his hand lower to her hip, She was no longer aware of the others in the room, neither was he. It was just the two of them.

Oh, how she hated him. A tear fell from her face at her body's betrayal. She couldn't stand to feel herself reacting to him. But his touch was setting her on fire. He slowly reached his hand between her thighs, and She gasped when she felt him part her slick folds. Her hips pushed back at him, acting of their own accord. He froze at her reaction to him; and she swore she heard him faintly chuckle to himself.

Reaching down and parting her folds Godwynn had almost come undone when he felt how ready she was for him. How quickly she had reacted to him. He desperately fought for his self-control; His body was demanding that he bury himself to the hilt inside of her. And it wasn't helping that her body was letting him know that it was more than ready. But was she? He knew she was anxiously holding her breath now, and a smile crossed his lips.

He gently dipped two of his fingers inside of her heated core, as Amora stood up onto the tip of her toes. Almost as if she could move away from his intrusion. but he held her still, His left arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly to his hard body, pulling her closer as he moved his fingers deeper. She cried out softly as he reached within her her fingers scraping against the unmoving stone, where he had placed her hands. He stopped when he found the soft barrier, the proof of her innocence.

Amora stood there, frozen and trembling as his fingers delved into her most sacred place. Shame washed over her when she realized she was feeling sensations of pleasure. Her face, which was already red, deepened in color. She could feel her body tense around him, almost as if it were trying to hold him in place. She heard a deep sigh come from him, as he pulled his fingers from her body, almost as if he had been holding his breath as well. He rested his head on hers and stood there for a moment. Did he…did he want her? Amora thought to herself, before rolling her eyes at her own thoughts.

Godwynn stood behind her for another moment before briskly turning her around to face him. She dared not to look at him, as she was too embarrassed. He waited a moment, then grabbed her chin firmly, forcing her to look up at him, his icy expression giving nothing away. She tried to avert her tear-filled eyes, but he wouldn't allow it.

"Amora, you are no longer a princess of Atheria, you would do wise to remember that. Do not cause a scene in this palace again." His deep voice, and Authorative tone caught her off guard. She suddenly felt shattered in her vulnerability.

Amora visibly cringed at his words. They cut to the bone. She thought she had felt some sort of connection. And she wanted to speak and defend her actions to him, but he probably wouldnt want to hear it. Her mind and her body was simply playing tricks on her, thinking that maybe she could come to him...she was just wanting someone to latch onto. But He was a Cruel Dark Prince. He would put her in her place rather than listen to her. She knew she would experience nothing but pain and sorrow here. Stripped of her title, her dignity would be taken from her, and she would never see her family again. The light in her eyes began to dim. As she succumbed to her reality.

Godwynn stood and watched the fight leave her eyes. And it made him angry…angry? Yes…he was angry. The sensation was not uncommon for him…but the situation, which was causing him to anger, was wholly unfamiliar. Why was he even angry? He wanted to break her, right? The dark prince harshly released her chin, and turned from Amora then Stormed out the doorway. Barking commands as he left. "No one is to touch her but Arda." He stated over his shoulder. The House Staff stood in shock at their prince. He was acting rather unusual. "Arda, move her to a guest room. And get her some food and clothing." He looked back over his shoulder, "And get her a proper bath, she reeks of rotten food."

A disgraced Amora stood there; she suddenly began to feel completely numb. No longer caring that she was completely naked in front of the palace staff. She had already been humiliated enough today, to care anymore. The old Stewardess entered the room and walked up to Amora and pointed her in the direction of the Hallway, motioning for her to follow. "Let's go."