
Alexander III

Alexander III "The Reactionary" was one of the most autocratic and oppressive Tsars of the Russian Empire.

Right now, Alexander III was in his office. The first symptoms of his sickness already visible.

By this time, Nicholas wasn't allowed to partake into politics or state affairs. He didn't have the right to summon ministers or state functionaries so he was pretty much isolated.

Our Nicholas felt a heavy sense of urgency and he knew he had to include himself into the politics of the empire as soon as possible. He wanted to start influencing the various statesmen and bring them under his wing. His path ahead would be hard and opposed by many of the conservatives. He needed a united front of reformists and the will of the people to be able to bring his vision to reality.

That thought brought him to his father's office today.

...The room was dimly lit by the late winter light streaming through the large windows.

Alexander sat at his desk, reviewing papers, his strong presence still commanding the room despite the growing fatigue that lingers in his movements.

"Father, may I speak to you?"

Alexander looked slightly pale but he was still looking at some documents and without looking up, he said:

"What is it, Nicholas? You've never needed permission to speak."

"It's about the future, the empire", Nicholas said with a serious expression on his face.

Alexander paused, looked up from the documents, studied Nicholas for a moment, sensing his serious tone and gruffly said:

"The empire is still in my hands, is it not? What do you want to say?"

Nicholas knew this was his moment.

He took a deep breath and firmly said:

"I have been watching you govern and make decisions for a long time now. And I believe it may be time for me to take on more responsibility. To prepare to step into politics."

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly, he leaned back on his chair and said with a hint of skepticism:

"Is that so? And what makes you think you're ready? You've barely touched the surface of what it means to rule"

"I know. I still have much to learn, but I won't always have you to guide me, Father. Your health... it has changed. People have already started to talk, even if only whispers.

And I feel I need to be more involved now..."

Alexander's face hardened slightly, as if resisting the admission of his illness.

"My health? You listen to the wrong people. I am still the Tsar, Nicholas, and I will remain for years to come. These rumors... I've heard them too but pay no mind to them" said Alexander shaking his head and adding softly:

"What worries me is that you speak of politics as though it is a game of chess, something you can study from afar... You've always had a soft heart, Nicholas. That worries me..." added Alexander

"I may be soft-hearted, but I am not blind. I understand the challenges ahead. But I can't simply stand by either. If I don't begin to understand the weight of it now, when the time comes... I fear I won't be ready" Nicholas resolutely responded.

"Really? You think a man can ever be truly ready to rule Russia? Ready to war the crown that eats away at a man's soul? The weight of this crown doesn't rest on your head, Nicholas. It crushes you. And the moment you think you're prepared for it... cough cough... that's when it shows you how unprepared you are." said Alexander with a sneer but his tone was also warmer.

"I know it isn't easy. You, Father, have ruled with strength and fearlessness.

But I have watched, and I have learned. Let me help now, Father. Let me be more than your son, Father. Let me be your successor in practice, not just in name." Said Nicholas, more firm than ever

Hearing that, Alexander stared at Nicholas for a moment, weighing his words. Then, he slowly stood up, towering over Nicholas even in his weakened state and said, speaking slowly and deliberately:

"I didn't raise you to be a puppet for the ministers or the court. I raised you to be a ruler. A ruler does not ask for power. He takes it when it's given by God, and he earns it through fear and respect. You think you're ready, but you don't understand the wolves at the gates of this empire. The moment you show weakness, they will tear you apart."

Nicholas steadied himself and said:

"I am not asking to replace you, Father. I am asking for your guidance. Let me help you and learn from you. Let me stand with you. Before it's too late."

"Too late..." Alexander mumbles. More to himself than to Nicholas "Perhaps I have shielded you too much. I see it now. Your mother... She's always coddled you. Made you believe the world is better than it is."

"Then let me see the world for what it truly is, Father. Let me take some of that burden for you. You've carried it alone for so long. I want to help" responded Nicholas.

"The day you take that burden, Nicky, you'll wish you hadn't asked for it.."

His words reminded John of the original Nicholas' quote as soon as he came to know of his father's death...

'God, what will happen to me and all of Russia? I am not prepared to be a Tsar. I never wanted to become one...'

But this timeline's Nicholas' eyes were filled with a flaming determination and his father, Alexander also noticed that. Resigning, he finally said:

"Very well. You want to step into politics? You will sit in on council meetings and have access to government documents. I'll allow you to speak - but you will not take action without me. You will observe, listen and understand. Are we clear?"

Nicholas was relieved but he solemnly said:

"Yes, Father. Thank you. I swear I will not let you and Russia down."

"Don't thank me yet. You'll soon wish you hadn't come knocking into my door" Alexander sternly responded.

Then, Nicholas bowed his head slightly and left the room.

Alexander sighed and stared into nothingness for a moment. Then his eyes refocused and he looked back into the document he was working on before Nicholas came into the room...


Hello my dear readersss

this is my first novel so yes it takes me some time to put my thoughts into writing. I cant promise the most regular updates since I am also a student but I will try my very best to publish a chapter at least every 2-3 days. I am sorry, I know it's not a lot but Im doing my best lol

Turns_Have_Tabledcreators' thoughts