
The Last True Demoness

Life is a mystery... Death can be a misery. The fight for survival after death can be your worst nightmare. No one is there to help you. You are all alone. Your fears become reality. Will she survive all those challenges? Will she be helped? Read more to find out...

PicatrixPuff · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Feelings or Safety?

The moment Beelzebub left, the atmosphere went back to normal. I could feel that Asmodeus wasn't thrilled at all. His face remained expressionless and his jaw was clenched. I had no reaction to this entire situation since I knew Beelzebub for a while and he has always been like that since the day I met him, a few million years ago.

First time I encountered him was during one of the meetings from the Council. He was sitting still, not saying much. But after the meeting, we had the luck or shall I say the misfortune to talk because we had to prepare a plan to get The Royal Stone back from the Fae's Realm. What I remembered from back then is that we always disagreed in regards to almost everything. Later on, after our mission ended, he started to play tricks on me, occasionally, just to get my attention.

"That was very unexpected from him. I hate when demos go behind my back, anyway what's the matter with him and with that note?" said Asmodeus while he looked at me.

His question made me flinch and look at the white envelope with a gold stamp on it. I started to look at Asmodeus and then back at the envelope, not sure what to do.

"Just open it." he said with a weird curiosity on his face.

"Fine, just give me a second," I said. With one swipe of my hand I made a dagger appear out of thin air. I cut one of the margins of the envelope, slowly took the paper from the inside and opened it. The note was beautifully written in golden ink.

I immediately recognized the writing and I said to myself "Our Lord clearly does not know how to be patient." I raised one of my eyebrows up and with a bitter taste in my mouth I said:

"Lucifer wants me to deal with a war against the Archangels so he is trying to bribe me and push me to accept his deal, " I said while I went to the closest candle and burnt the paper.

"You? Involved in a war?! Over my dead body!" said Asmodeus while his eyes turned from an abyssal black to blood like red.

"Don't worry about it for now. I haven't made up my mind yet, " I said while watching his reactions closely.

"Just refuse it. I can't put into words the dangers that may arise from another war with them. I will speak with him in this regard."

"No, you will not. The choice is mine to take," I said in a very calm tone while going back to sit on my throne.

As I was turning my back I heard a loud bang coming from the direction Asmodeus was staying and rapidly stopped myself from my actions. I slowly started to move my head to see what happened and I remained speechless. Asmodeus hit with his fist the closest column to him. Blood started to slowly drip on the floor. I wanted to run to him and see if he was fine but I didn't allow myself.

"Why can't you listen to me at least once?" he asked me with a shortness of breath.

I could sense his anger from miles away. I wanted to hear why he cared so much about my choice. I wanted to hear him speak his mind for once. He was always so good at hiding everything and not really expressing his emotions.

"Master, I don't think this is appropriate behaviour from a gentleman like you. Why are you so scared all of a sudden? You didn't seem too worried about me a couple of million years ago. So do the same thing like you did before and watch me from far," I said while continuing my way to my throne.

As I was speaking, he retracted his hand from the almost broken column. Blood started to drip even more. He kept his head down, facing the floor. His body was tense but he remained still.

"Do you expect me to tell you to go ahead? I know Da'ath is looking pretty bad now, but…"

"But what?" I said in order to push his buttons even more.

"Nothing, My Lady," he replied with a trimble in his voice.

Again I saw him walking away rather than facing his emotions. I looked away while he left the room. A feeling of frustration came over me and made me somehow vulnerable. That moment I understood that all my reactions were only to protect him. I didn't want him to go back in the field, at least not alone. I couldn't bear to lose him, I wanted him to stay alive after. What infuriated me even more was the fact that in order for me to protect him, I had to accept Lucifer's request.

Before leaving my temple once more, I ordered the maid to clean the mess and to repair what was broken in the throne room. The first stop was The Grimm Mountain. At the top of this mountain, there was a long forgotten cave. As I enetered it the smell of rotten and the pitch darkness was the first things that anyone could notice. I sanpped my fingers and created a small round light so I could see.

The walls were made out of stones and encripted with different old texts and paintings. I walked till the end of the cave, then on my right were a pair of stairs that went to an old dungeon. When i got downstairs I went straight to the old truck from the back. I opened it quickly and to my surprise, even after all those years, The Sword of Sanguinis Nox was still there. It was my sword, a sword passed through generations to generations and it was to be considered one of the most dangerous swords ever created by the Fae's. As I slowly took it into my hand, it started to glow a red energy indicating that it recognised me and I said to myself:

"As I said before, I will come back and now I am here to deliver chaos. Are you ready?"

The sword started to increase and decrease its light, signed that it was ready for a new chapter. This time I will make sure… that all the debts will be paid and the ones who need to suffer, will truly suffer.

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