
The Last Time Keeper: Key To Time.

Aquaaaaa · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

C1 - After The Massive explosion.

Amidst the chaos of the aquarium, where strange experiments had gone awry, and scientists fled for their lives, the boy with white hair and mismatched eyes survived the cataclysmic explosion unscathed. He awoke in the middle of a desolate crater, bewildered by his newfound stature, hair, and voice. His frantic self-examination was interrupted by a distant cry for help.

As he followed the mysterious voice to the crater's edge, hope and trepidation etched across his face, he discovered a man in dire need. The boy's initial excitement turned to horror as he saw the man, injured and trapped under a fallen tree, his left arm gruesomely mangled.

"Hello there!" the man greeted him with an optimistic tone.

"Se--ser, are you okay?" the boy stammered, his eyes filled with concern and fear.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine! Ohh-- can you please help me move this big tree off me?" the man requested.

"Su--sure," the boy responded nervously, determined to help without looking at the man's injured arm.

As the boy struggled to lift the tree, he finally freed the man. However, the injured man's attempts to stand were futile, and the boy carefully moved him to a safer spot on the ground.

"Ser, you should rest here for a bit before it gets too cold," the boy advised.

"Yeah, sure. Is your left arm okay? Does it really hurt that much?" the boy inquired with genuine concern.

"My hand is fine, thank you for asking and for your help," the man reassured him.

Relieved to have helped, the boy turned to leave, but the man held him back with a gentle grip of his right arm and asked, "Wait! What's your name, kid?"