
The Last Sun

"What is power? How is it attained? Since the dawn of humanity, individuals have sought it relentlessly. All of recorded history has been shaped by the pursuit of power. The insatiable desire for power has driven humans into conflict with one another, whether it be over land, women, or wealth - all things that fuel this lust for dominance. As long as humanity endures, the quest to assert control over others and acquire power will persist. This is the narrative of a relentless pursuit of power. So, dear readers, let us delve into the story..."

Shiki457 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Queen Isabella met King Antonius's gaze, her eyes filled with a quiet understanding that mirrored his own reflections. "Indeed, my lord," she replied, her voice carrying a gentle reassurance, "the echoes of that time still resonate within the stones of our castle. But we have forged a path forward, seeking unity where division once thrived."

As the words hung in the air, a sense of resolve settled between them. Together, they had navigated the treacherous waters of diplomacy, weaving alliances and mending old wounds. Their kingdom stood as a testament to their shared commitment to peace and prosperity.

With a final glance towards the chamber's towering windows, where the first stars of evening began to glimmer, King Antonius turned. "It is a chapter we carry with us, Isabella, but we must face the future with open hearts. King Edward's visit will be an opportunity to build bridges, not walls."


In the sanctuary of her private chambers, Queen Isabella allowed the weight of their history to settle around her. The scent of lavender hung in the air, mingling with the soft glow of candlelight. She stood before a gilded mirror, the reflection of a queen whose grace held the power to shape destinies.

As she prepared for the days ahead, a knock sounded at the door, and her trusted confidante, Lady Elara, entered. "Your Grace, the zenana is prepared for your presence," she announced, her eyes filled with an unspoken solidarity.

With a nod of gratitude, Queen Isabella left her chambers, the tapestries whispering tales of ancient queens who had walked these halls before her. In the zenana's tranquil embrace, she found the strength to face the challenges that awaited.


In the quiet of his chamber, King Antonius stood at the window, the moon casting a silvery glow across the courtyard below. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him, yet within the depths of his gaze, there burned a steadfast determination.

Tomorrow would bring a new chapter, a chance to shape the future of their kingdoms. With each passing moment, the echoes of the past grew fainter, replaced by the promise of what lay ahead.

In the midday sun's warm embrace, the room took on a welcoming glow. The air carried a faint scent of incense and candles. Orin sat by the window, engrossed in a book. Just then, the door creaked open, and in entered the woman, her presence breaking the daylight's calm.

Her eyes met Orin's, a mix of familiarity and playfulness in them. "My lord," she said in a soft, alluring tone, "might you have need of some company?"

Orin looked up, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Well, if you've come all this way, it would be impolite to turn you away, wouldn't it?"

She moved closer, the gentle rustle of her attire contrasting with the room's quiet. With a graceful touch, she closed the door behind her. "You always did have a way with words, my lord."

He chuckled, placing his book aside. "Words are my craft, my dear. But actions, well, they tend to leave a stronger impression, don't they?"

Their laughter filled the intimate space, a shared moment of understanding between two souls who navigated the edges of a world that often asked more than it gave.

The woman, the harlot that Orin had tricked into the king's room earlier, walked up to him. Orin got up from his bed and closed the door. She took off her silk dress. Orin's eyes darted over her bare breasts. Mischief flashed in his eyes.

Orin walked over to her. "Your pears are starting to ripen dear…"

The woman smiled as she understood Orin's words. "Don't you want to taste it, Lord?"

"Oh sure." Orin's hands caressed her breasts. The woman laughed as if she was tickled. Orin slowly moved his left hand to her valley. His hand brushed through her slightly hairy bush. Both slowly lay down on the bed.

In the midst of their shared moment, a sharp knock echoed through the chamber. Startled, Orin and the woman quickly dressed, their connection interrupted. Orin's face bore a palpable sense of disappointment, his eyes reflecting the lingering desire that now had to be set aside.

Opening the door, Orin was met with the sight of a man, fully bald with a long, dignified beard. It was Sir Alaric, a fellow member of the royal council, much like Orin himself. The gravity in Sir Alaric's gaze conveyed a sense of urgency and importance.

"Orin," Sir Alaric began, his tone grave, "I must speak with you on a matter of great consequence."

Orin nodded, understanding the weight of the situation. He turned to the woman, his voice gentle yet firm. "My dear, I'm afraid duty calls. Would you be willing to return later, under the cloak of night?"

She met his gaze, a mixture of understanding and a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Of course, my lord. I shall await your return."

With a final, lingering look, she left the chamber, leaving Orin alone with Sir Alaric. Closing the door behind her, Orin turned to face his colleague, ready to address the weighty matters that awaited their attention.

Alaric closed the door with a deliberate click, the heavy oak sealing them in a shroud of secrecy. He turned to Orin, his gaze unwavering, revealing the gravity of the situation.

Orin's voice carried a tone of concern. "What brings you here with such urgency, Alaric?"

Alaric's voice dropped, laden with an impending revelation. "Orin, it's time we confront the matter. The queen believes it's for the greater good of the realm."

His tone remained solemn. "Orin, the prince has reached adulthood. The queen deems it necessary to discuss certain... matters involving both of us."

A palpable tension hung in the air, pregnant with unspoken implications. They exchanged words in hushed tones, their voices tinged with a conspiratorial edge. It was a clandestine conversation, hinting at concealed motives and the intricate power dynamics within the palace walls.

As the discussion unfolded, the shadows seemed to deepen, echoing the secrets they now shared. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken understanding, a pact forged in the depths of whispered confidences. The palace's corridors held their mysteries, but within this chamber, a new chapter of covert affairs had commenced.

To be continued...