
The Last Starfarer

The novel is set in a distant future, in a galaxy far away from our own. Captain Jonathan Pierce travels through space aboard a starship, visiting different planets and encountering various alien species.

NarrativeNinja · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: The Price of Victory

The news of Nia's betrayal hit us hard, and it took some time for us to recover. But we knew we couldn't let it stop us from achieving our goal of stopping the corporation and saving the galaxy.

We spent weeks gathering information and planning our next move. We had to be more careful now that the corporation knew our every move. But we also knew that we couldn't let fear hold us back.

Eventually, we received word that the corporation had moved its operations to a remote planet on the outskirts of the galaxy. We knew this was our chance to strike.

We gathered our supplies and set off for the planet, knowing that we were walking into a trap. But we were prepared for anything.

When we arrived, we found that the corporation had set up a massive, heavily fortified base. We knew that this would be our toughest battle yet.

The fighting was intense, and we lost many of our comrades in the process. But we were determined to see it through to the end.

Finally, we breached the heart of the base, where we found the corporation's leaders. We engaged in a brutal battle, but in the end, we emerged victorious.

The victory was bittersweet, however. We had lost so many of our own in the process, and we knew that the galaxy would never be the same.

But we also knew that we had made a difference. We had stopped the corporation's evil plans and saved countless lives in the process.

As we made our way back home, we knew that the fight wasn't over. There would always be new threats to the galaxy, and we would always be there to stop them.

But for now, we could take solace in the fact that we had made a difference. We had fought for what was right and had paid the price of victory.