
Weird talks talks Weird

My name is Isaac James Newman. I was living an ordinary life until "That" day. That was the worst and the best day of my life. I am currently hanging by arms by chains hanging from the ceiling. Before I tell you about what's going on, let me tell you about That Day, and about the days leading up to where I'm at now .

People tend to fall into a habit. That's the way humans are programmed. Get up brush your teeth get ready for work, go to work come home eat go to bed. Those are the basic necessities that the body needs. And as far as I know, im one of those humans. It was Tuesday morning, I decided to walk to school since the weather was going to be great. I was about to turn down the last street when I saw one of my professors Benjamin Stark. I called out to him but he didn't seem to hear me, so I went to catch up to him and saw that he turned a corner down an ally way. "What's he going that way for? School is the other way"I thought to myself. I heard a deep raspy voice as I came up to the corner. ".....dnif eht yek tey?!" What the!?! I step back and duck beside a dumpster. "Not yet. I'm following the boy to see if he is showing any signs of 'Awaken- "I tnod erac tuoba taht!! rouY nossim si ot teg eht yek dna nruter kcab ot ademordnA rotces 2!!" "Yes sir, right away. The boy is in my class later today so I'll ask him to come to me after school." "Doog, ekam erus uoy teg taht yek!" Then there was silence. I start to head out before he can spot me, when I slip on some goop that was close by and kicked a can. I hurry up and get behind the dumpster. The professor whirls around to see who had snuck up on him. As he creeps closer I can feel hot pricks on my scalp and it travels all the way down my back and spreads out along my ribs and finally comes to a stop at the center of my chest. Suddenly an orange cat jumps out from the dumpster as if sensing something terrible coming. The professor relaxes as he watches the cat run off. "Well then, how do I go about this?" He murmurs to himself as he walked by and headed off to the school. I sat there for a moment trying to comprehend what just happened.

My phone rings as I climb out from where I was hiding and I give a startled yelp. "Hello?" I say brushing the dirt from my shirt and my rear. "Dude!Where ARE you!?" Demanded a voice that had a bit of irritation in it. It was my best friend Benjamin Furn. And it sounded like he was near the busses because I hear the hisses of busses coming to a stop on the other end. " Hey Ben. What's up?" I ask merging with the crowd that are headed the direction of the school. "Don't 'Hey Ben me! He snaps. "Do you realize if you're late Again then you will get pulled out of S.E.R.P.A.N.T.( Space Exploration and Research Program for Advanced New Technologies) We need you on our team man. Don't forget. You are the only one that can understand and calculate the right formulas for time and space. Anyways, just get here ". He says. "I'm almost there. I'm a couple blocks east of you. I'll be there in a few." I say. "Alright, see you when you get here. Later" Ben says. "Later" I say hanging up and starting at a jog heading off in the direction of the school. I feel the warm needles again and I stop and scan to see if someone was following or watching me and the needles feel sharper as I look toward the direction of a hotel a few blocks down. The needles fade as I turn and continue my jog to school. Little did I know there there was a girl watching through her index finger and thumb made into a circle. She was on the roof of the hotel a few blocks from the school. "Mmmm" Found you" she said in a satisfied purr.

Well, this what i have so far. Im a little busy at the moment but I’ll do what I can

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