
The Last Shadow Born

disclaimer - includes sexual content In the realm of a vast continent, Alexios served as a dedicated soldier in the army of a powerful kingdom. However, his world is shattered when a devastating betrayal unfolds, resulting in the loss of everything he held dear at the hands of his own comrades. Witnessing the tragic demise of his beloved family before his very eyes, a flame of righteous fury ignites within Alexios. Unleashing a dormant monster within him, he discovers a power that was meant to conquer and rule the world. Now alone in a world of kings, where magic and fearsome beasts roam, Alexios finds himself equipped with newfound abilities and burdened by a weighty destiny. With only his newfound powers and an insatiable curiosity, he embarks on a journey through this enigmatic world, driven by a thirst for answers and a desire to uncover the mysteries that lie within. As Alexios delves deeper into the realms of kingdoms and encounters ancient magics, he must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront formidable adversaries. Along the way, he will encounter allies and foes, face moral dilemmas, and discover the true extent of his own powers. In a world filled with intrigue, danger, and untold secrets, Alexios stands alone as a force to be reckoned with. Will he succumb to the darkness within him, or will he find the strength to rise above and shape his own destiny amidst the intricate tapestry of this extraordinary realm? Only time will tell as Alexios ventures forth into a world ripe with adventure and the potential to alter the course of history. ........................................................................................ For every 30 powerstones, I will release an extra bonus chapter. 30 powerstones: 1 extra chapter 60 powerstones: 2 extra chapters 90 powerstones: 3 extra chapters and so on... So keep those powerstones coming and I will keep posting extra chapters. .......................................................................................... Disclaimer: The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them Editor - wookie0_#5386 on discord

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12 Chs

A true king

They both knew the time had come when they could no longer avoid confrontation, Alexios peeked at them from a window in the house and quickly drove his hand down to his scabbard for his blade, but before he could draw it all out Leon grabbed his arm and stopped him aggressively,

"What do you think you're doing?"

"You know what I'm doing... I'm going to confront him," Alexios threw his hand away and spoke, glaring into his eyes confidently.

"No, you're not going anywhere; what matters is that you're protected; I don't want them to see you and your powers." Leon attempts to persuade Alexios not to walk out in front of the White Knight and his men, but Alexios was enraged. The fire of revenge was blazing bright in his eyes.

"I'm going. It's time to face him. We can't stay here forever." he pushed him and glares at him and rushes to the door.

"NO, you're not going anywhere... you'll stay here. If they find out who you are, it'll get worse." Leon grabs Alexios by the collar and yells at him with tears flooding his eyes. Alexios lowers his eyes and thinks for a moment and sighs and throws his sword on the table and moves out of the door.

Leon quickly checks his weapons and gets ready to face the white knight. He grabs the armor kept beside a small temple made inside the home and wears it. As he comes out, the shine of the armor blinds Alexios for a moment, and after peep opening his eyes, what he sees was wonderful.

A true king standing up tall in his shining armor proudly doing what he's destined to... protect.

Leon was stressed he had frowns all over his forehead and a drop of sweat flowed slowly to his chin as he moved his head toward Alexios, and spoke softly,

"Believe me, if I don't come, don't wait for me."

"But Leon allowed me..." Leon runs out to fight before Alexios could complete his statement. Leon went out of the door, banging... drawing his blades out.

But unexpectedly, he didn't witness what he thought he'd see: outside of the building; the village had turned into a bowl of fire.

The same savagery as Yskiu began again, watching it all again, raised his wickedness at its pinnacle. His eyes turned red as anger took over him, and it didn't take long before he lost his cool.

A deep breath pumped his chest as he swung his blade in his hand and the grip of his hand around the blade was tight... he wasn't shaking, he knew what he was about to do and with a deep sigh; he leaped.

Swiftly drove his blade slicing air up in two parts, and beautifully dragged it through the warrior's neck as if he was putting butter on a slice of bread, the warrior couldn't even move before he lost his head to a flawless slice of his blade.

And the hot blood from the neck of the warrior came out as a sprinkler, splattering all over Leon's face. Making him appear as a lion who had just took a bite of his prey.

He raised his eyes and rolled it around the fire in the village and observed two of the warriors down in the village attempting to murder a local family.

He jumped into the burning rubble without a second thought, ignoring the pain from his metal boots, which burned his feet from the heat. His speed was incredible for someone in an armor. It was like he was faster than a horse.

The warriors didn't notice him rushing at them because of the fire and burning sounds and with a zoom sound a blade tearing through the air pierced through the eyes into the head.

His feet didn't touch the ground as he pushed his entire arm into the head, making another swing for the head of the other warrior.

Eriso and the white knight witnessed everything from a distance hidden behind a cabin,

"I have seen this kind of fighting technique before, master," Eriso's eyes widened as he came to the realization.

"In Yorkan, when we seized an attack on Yorkan he was there… he's from the family of last king… Eriso I want you to make me proud… KILL HIM." the white knight slowly approaches Eriso from behind after telling about Leon's identity and whispers into his ear as he tightly holds him by the shoulder.

Eriso slightly tilted his head as if he had already made a strategy as he watched Leon from a distance. He had eyes of a wolf focused on its prey, waiting at the right moment to strike from behind and kill you; he moved his legs one by one slowly and pulled out his sleek dagger that was carved so beautifully that it almost appeared as a silver snake's body.

Alexios peeked out of the window and watched Leon fighting so effortlessly, he couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Leon slay every last one of the warrior,

"YAHHHHH...." Leon glides down the warrior's blade and stabs him from behind, twisting his sword like the bones breaking sound.

"Set the hamlet on fire," the white knight ordered as to the last remaining warriors of his,

"But Ser, there's our men too," a warrior replied.

The white knight returned his gaze to the warrior and roared, "JUST DO WHAT I SAID!"

"HHEE.... YAHHH, BRING SOME MORE, THIS IS FOR YOU MOTHER AND FATHER" Leon was so charged up that it seemed like he was enjoying killing his enemies that he raised his sword and paid tribute to his lost ones, he was fully covered in blood but it wasn't all of his enemies blood, he had shed blood too, he was wounded in many place but none of this concerned Leon,

It seemed like nothing could hurt him anymore. All his anger, pain, and suffering had now come to an end,

In the meantime, the remaining warriors had built a flambeau according to the white knight's instructions and set it inside an old hut, resulting in a massive fireball.

The entire hamlet was now on fire in front of the white knight's eyes. The smile he held on his face was menacing to even look at... he had something terrible in his mind, but only he knew what.

Leon, who had been battling with all his might, was now panting and taking long deep breaths because it was now difficult to even stand in the hamlet due to the smoke formed by the fire.

But Leon opted to continue his war, but suddenly he noticed something that gave him goosebumps: peasants wailing and shouting to their family, as their bodies and houses were on fire.

"What have I done?" Leon said, as he looked around and sees what he has done to this lovely and quiet community, which was now on fire.

He had just asked for aid from the people, and the price they payed for assisting him was this.

Even white knight warriors who were trapped in the middle of the burning village are pleading for help. Everything was shattering in front of Leon's eyes. He was standing there hopelessly; He had won, but he felt like he's already been defeated. He was standing there like a dead man.

The flames were intensifying madly, eating up everything that came into its way, leaving corpses and ashes behind.

But something was coming through the flames, like a black shadow unbothered by it, Leon was surrounded by the fire and smoke that it blocked his field of view. Leon in a tough situation, and that shadow was advancing quicker and faster.
