
The Last Rail

Ren_Hashima · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 3| The First test

It's rustling, everything around me seems to rustle uncontrollably. I could hear tons of footsteps moving about in different directions which is really irritating. Aside from those, I could also hear crackling sounds emanating from somewhere. It was dark and I still don't want to open my eyes. My entire existence feels really comfortable in this position. I don't think I want to wake up yet. 

"S-shut up, god-d-dadamned I-it!" I screamed in a rather monotonous voice since I don't have the strength to spare just so I could scold whatever was making all that racket. 

Finally the footsteps and those damned rustling noises disappeared. I could still hear crackling sounds however. Doesn't matter, it's not bothering as much as those lousy footsteps. 

A whistling noise? I could hear some strange whistling noise coming from above. Its pitch seems to go lower as it gets louder and louder. It doesn't bother me that much but I guess it doesn't hurt to peek for a bit… Nah… On second thought, I'm too damned lazy to do so…

Ŵ̵͈͉͙̯͓͙̹͈̹̅̿͗̿̀̄̚͘̕Ȁ̵̡̧̨̢̛̛̟̦̤̹͉͈͖͔̲̼̎̈́̓̅̊͊͒͘͜K̶̡̲̐̾̽̇̓̈́̍̈Ḙ̸̙̤̩̪̈́͑̆͂́̎̈́͆̈́̎́̚͘ ̷̞̲̺͓̭̲̬͚̼̟̬̈́̇̃̈̄̐̀́̒̉̈́̾̇͘͝Ų̴̛̲̤̺̫̯͕̳̇̀̕͝ͅP̶̛͖͔̜͚̲̤̿̇͗̈́̋̿̈́͘̚͝

This accursed text suddenly came storming into my head without a sliver of warning. It scared the living crap out of me. 

"No!" Of course, I gave it a straightforward answer.

W̸̨̹̯̳̦̌͌͂̽ͅA̸̡̰̻͌̅̎K̸̨͕̠͓̩̰̘̹̬͕͇̆͑̂̀̏̇́͜͝Ȅ̵̮̘͙̗̲ ̵̭͚̘̺̖̣̠̇Ù̴̦͕́̌ͅP̴̡͔̗̩̣͍̜̪̪͈̹̽̓͋̃͐̏̅́̽̚

The damned text got even more aggressive as it showed up again in my head. It looked incomprehensible yet I could understand it for some reason. It is as if it's talking to me despite being nothing more but a text. 

W̸̨̹̯̳̦̌͌͂̽ͅA̸̡̰̻͌̅̎K̸̨͕̠͓̩̰̘̹̬͕͇̆͑̂̀̏̇́͜͝Ȅ̵̮̘͙̗̲ ̵̭͚̘̺̖̣̠̇Ù̴̦͕́̌ͅP̴̡͔̗̩̣͍̜̪̪͈̹̽̓͋̃͐̏̅́̽̚

W̸̨̹̯̳̦̌͌͂̽ͅA̸̡̰̻͌̅̎K̸̨͕̠͓̩̰̘̹̬͕͇̆͑̂̀̏̇́͜͝Ȅ̵̮̘͙̗̲ ̵̭͚̘̺̖̣̠̇Ù̴̦͕́̌ͅP̴̡͔̗̩̣͍̜̪̪͈̹̽̓͋̃͐̏̅́̽̚

W̸̨̹̯̳̦̌͌͂̽ͅA̸̡̰̻͌̅̎K̸̨͕̠͓̩̰̘̹̬͕͇̆͑̂̀̏̇́͜͝Ȅ̵̮̘͙̗̲ ̵̭͚̘̺̖̣̠̇Ù̴̦͕́̌ͅP̴̡͔̗̩̣͍̜̪̪͈̹̽̓͋̃͐̏̅́̽̚

For fucks sake please shut up. It keeps repeating itself over and over with each repetition being even more aggressive than the last. It's reaching the point where it's getting on my nerves. 

W̴̡̘̬̾̔̅̅A̶̢̫͋͒͒͗͛̆͘K̷̳͠E̵̡̱͎͑̀̍̿ ̶͕̑̑̀Ǔ̵̗̗͓̟̦̱͖̆͂͂̐P̵̨̲̥̮̪̘̒̔̀̿̇͘̚͘

W̴̡̘̬̾̔̅̅A̶̢̫͋͒͒͗͛̆͘K̷̳͠E̵̡̱͎͑̀̍̿ ̶͕̑̑̀Ǔ̵̗̗͓̟̦̱͖̆͂͂̐P̵̨̲̥̮̪̘̒̔̀̿̇͘̚͘

W̴̡̘̬̾̔̅̅A̶̢̫͋͒͒͗͛̆͘K̷̳͠E̵̡̱͎͑̀̍̿ ̶͕̑̑̀Ǔ̵̗̗͓̟̦̱͖̆͂͂̐P̵̨̲̥̮̪̘̒̔̀̿̇͘̚͘

Mother of god, this thing won't stop pestering me huh? I swear if this damned text sh-

W̸̨̹̯̳̦̌͌͂̽ͅA̸̡̰̻͌̅̎K̸̨͕̠͓̩̰̘̹̬͕͇̆͑̂̀̏̇́͜͝Ȅ̵̮̘͙̗̲ ̵̭͚̘̺̖̣̠̇Ù̴̦͕́̌ͅP̴̡͔̗̩̣͍̜̪̪͈̹̽̓͋̃͐̏̅́̽̚


Wha- Everything around me was suddenly burning. Wait, not entirely everything but partially charred buildings. I looked around and there's nothing but sundered buildings, burning skyscrapers and ruptured roads. Debris of varying materials littered every corner of the ground. I could even make out what sounds like human screams in the distance. 

I gazed upon the horizon in front of me and saw a bright small object falling from the sky. It was probably small because of you know, perspective. But still, it seems to be the source of that whistling sound. Wait… A bright falling object falling from the sky? Doesn't that mean… 

The sudden realization of the dreadful situation I'm about to get into made my stomach drop and bursted my fight or flight mode. 

Immediately I ran towards the densest building I could find, wait, I doubt That could even protect me. But it's better than nothing I guess.. As I arrived at the said building which by some miracle, happened to be nearby. I immediately searched the debris pile on the ground floor. Hoping to find some sort of handle on the ground, I ravenously searched and searched but it was all eventually for naught. The whistling sound disappeared and so did my damned soul. Curiosity got the best of me and I, I know stupidly enough, walked to the nearest window and try to get a peek of- Wait, isn't a nuclear blast supposed to be as strong as the interior of the su-

Without any warning, actually the disappearance of the whistling sound was enough of a warning. A massive blinding flash of white light engulfed my field of vision. Luckily enough for me, I managed to close my eyes at the last second which hopefully would help reduce the chances of actually blinding me. As the white light began to slowly wane to the minimum that allowed me to take a peek. I could make out what looked like a giant fireball in the distance. The entire atmosphere was still in a bright shade of white. But it was white was enough to just allow me to make out different colors. By different colors I mean slightly dark(5%), slightly darker(7%), and slightly darkerer(10%)? You get what I mean. Anyways, above the massive fireball was an enormous halo formed by clouds. Its current diameter was at least twice the size of the fireball. It continuously expanded high up in the sky until it was several times its former diameter. As the fireball rose to the sky, so did its brightness wane. It slowly transmutes from a fireball to a soot black cloud, or was it gray? I don't know, my vision is still all fuzzy. Just know that a majestic mushroom cloud is forming as the former fireball, now a gray cloud of radioactive dust, makes its way into the stratosphere. 

I seem to be forgetting something crucial. Oh that's right… As my vision starts to restore, I notice that buildings in the distance are being quickly obliterated by an unknown force and it's heading towards my direction fast. 

Of course, who would forget the most dangerous part of a nuclear blast? No, it's not the initial blast nor the fireball. It's the damned shockwave! I quickly dashed and ducked near what I think was the densest wall in the building and made sure to remove any nearby sharp debris that might cause unnecessary harm to me. I saw what looked like a thick tattered but usable blanket lying around me. I took the opportunity to cover myself with it, hoping that it may offer some small level of protection.

There on the corner, I lay down in a fetal position under the blanket which I've found. I braced myself for the incoming shockwave. I was fortunate enough to not get caught in the radius of the initial heatwave. I would've been burnt to crisps. I don't know why but, is it just me or the shockwave is taking too lo-

 A sudden earth-shattering blast blew my entire being. My eardrums nearly popped from that, good thing I tightly covered myself in the blanket I just found. Collapsing concrete, shattering glass, and clanking metals were the sounds I heard during the blast to name a few. Fortunately, my mouth was open during the whole ordeal. This helped reduce the chances of my eardrums bursting.

The pressure and the sound eventually stopped. While laying on the ground, I took a peek outside the blanket and noticed the ruined scape of the city. I eventually got up into a sitting position and noticed that the walls behind me were the only ones barely standing. 

I, at some point after blankly staring at the scene, eventually stood up and took a deep breath. Suddenly, I saw a weird image in my mind. Like that mysterious text earlier, it stormed in without any warning. 

It was the image of a city in a sea of flames. The night sky was dyed blood red by the light of the crimson flames. The buildings were still rather intact but were intensely burning. People ran aimlessly in all directions. Panic ensued among the crowd and it became an uncontrollable scenario. I saw people burnt and some even buried among the rubble. 

The image only lasted for a while before disappearing into nothingness, snapping me back to reality. 

That scene helped me remember what to look out for next. First was the initial heat wave which I was out of range, then the shockwave which I miraculously survived. A sudden shadow broke me free from my thoughts. I stared at the source and saw a massive mushroom cloud casting its humongous shadow across the city. That's right, the next should be… The fallout… 

I went along and hitched a ride with the military officials that just happened to pass by. I explained my situation to them. They gladly agreed to take me to a nearby safe city. During my time on the ride in one of their jeepneys. I had the chance to talk to the soldiers inside. I asked them about the nuclear blast and where it came from. They said that it was from a neighboring country who unleashed it out of desperation. It seems like this country I'm in originally had the upper hand in the war This lead to the opposing country having to resort to desperate measure and do stuffs like bombing cities and sending weapons of mass destructions that are originally banned in warfare. 

I also heard that this wasn't the first time they unleashed a nuclear blast. Awfully enough, this was actually the 7th time they blew up a city. Other countries seem to stay out of trouble and don't want to get involved in the war. Well, they did say that this and the opposing countries are the only two superpowers of this world with access to nuclear weapons. Ask them why they won't retaliate with nuclear weapons as well. They answered and said that their launch facilities were sabotaged. It seems like the opposing country planned to do so for a while. Eventually they asked for my name and who I am. Fortunately for me, I was wearing normal clothes at that time. I wasn't suspicioned as some sort of spy. To be honest I don't even know who I am so I gave them a false name of "John Doe". I don't know why but that was the first name that popped up in my head. 

As for my purpose… I don't know. Somewhere inside me feels like I should stay here in this city which I arrived in a few days ago. It's already been 3 days since that incident. This city has been busy tending to the survivors and injured. Tents can be seen everywhere on the streets which served as temporary houses for the refugees. Everyone here seems to cooperate with one another. Some cook food to distribute to the refugees, some help tend to the injured and diseased, and some showcase their talent to help entertain the restless masses. I'm just among the refugees living in these crowded tents. It's also worth noting that this city is not too far from the ruined city that I initially woke up in. 

It looks like the majority of the refugees here are from that ruined city. This begs the question, why was I there? I can't even remember anything prior to waking up. 

"Mister, would you like some bread?" A little girl walked up to me and offered me some bread.

"Ah, thanks" I replied and took up her offer. 

She then gave off a bright smile and gleefully ran back towards the person managing the rations. It seems like that girl was helping out in the distribution.


I headed over to the little girl and decided to offer my help to them. They gladly let me help them. I grabbed some of the ration and helped distribute it throughout this vast city. This went on for several hours until finally being able to take a break.

"You want some water mister?" The same little girl offered me a bottled drink.

"Thanks" I replied and went on to take a sip.

"Thank you for helping us today mister" She said while taking a seat beside me.

"It's nothing. I figured that's the best I could do to help you guys" I replied.

"I see…" She said as she gleefully swung her legs.

I then went on to ask her about herself.

"So, where are your parents?" 

She stopped her swinging and made a rather noticeable frown. 

'"Mommy and daddy are gone… They were caught up in the war. I was left alone but the kind mister from the rations department took me in. He took care of me and in exchange, I helped him distribute the rations." She said with a quavering voice.

I felt bad for the kid. This war has nothing to do with her. Yet, she had to suffer the consequences.

"Don't worry, this war will surely end. I heard from the friendly military guys that they are winning and will soon end this war." I said to her to maybe at least help comfort her.

Of course the war isn't nearing its end, and of course this country isn't winning. But still… What else can I do to comfort this girl? She never did anything wrong. Why must ordinary people suffer from the stupidity of cruelty of whoever orchestrated this war?

Suddenly, multiple sirens went off throughout the city.

The little girl scrambles towards the rations deck. Refugees in the area heard the siren and rushed uncontrollably to the armored shelters. I was left in the middle of the ensuing chaos. I stared at the stampeding crowd, when suddenly, A large shadow passed over me.  It was followed by a thundering sonic boom. 

Quickly, I ran and tended to the people who were unfortunate enough to be trampled on by the masses.

"Oi! Stay with me!" I screamed as I picked up a badly wounded person on the ground. 

I looked around and saw a vacant space in one of the tents. I don't have any knowledge on medical stuff. The best I can do is bring them there. There are others out there who were badly wounded during the initial panic.

This is hopeless. I can already see the planes in the distance dropping multiple bombs in the city perimeter. Should I even bother to save them? After all, I'm no hero. It's best if I save my hide instead. While contemplating, I noticed in the distance the little girl who I've met earlier. She was crying in the middle of the panicking masses.  It's too crowded for me to reach her.

The planes are already here. I don't know if I could save her in time. I have two choices. Either I save her and risk killing both of us. Or I could ditch this place and save myself. I know… My conscience wouldn't let me. I hurried through the stampeding mobs and into the girl's location. 

"M-mister?" She said as she sobbed.

Before I knew it, the planes were already above us. With nothing left to do. I covered the girl with my body and prepared for the worse.

I woke up in a mysterious space where a deep empty darkness greeted me, or at least, that's what my consciousness is currently telling me. I feel extremely detached, it is as if I never had a body to begin with.  I can feel every fiber of my being, stretched alongside this dark desolate void. I am everywhere yet nowhere all at once. I am falling yet it feels like I'm rising. I am in the future yet it feels like I'm in the past.  My current state is full of contradictions. At this point, I don't even know I myself existed. It is as if I am just… There…

Wait… This situation sounds too familiar…

Ŵ̵͈͉͙̯͓͙̹͈̹̅̿͗̿̀̄̚͘̕Ȁ̵̡̧̨̢̛̛̟̦̤̹͉͈͖͔̲̼̎̈́̓̅̊͊͒͘͜K̶̡̲̐̾̽̇̓̈́̍̈Ḙ̸̙̤̩̪̈́͑̆͂́̎̈́͆̈́̎́̚͘ ̷̞̲̺͓̭̲̬͚̼̟̬̈́̇̃̈̄̐̀́̒̉̈́̾̇͘͝Ų̴̛̲̤̺̫̯͕̳̇̀̕͝ͅP̶̛͖͔̜͚̲̤̿̇͗̈́̋̿̈́͘̚͝

This text again? Wait… Again?

I abruptly woke up and got into a sitting position.


I heard a soft growl. I looked around. I saw Wall who was sitting on the ground beside me. 

I Then heard a soothing soft voice coming from in front of me. "Well done on completing the first test." It was the person with the rifle. He clapped as he walked towards me. 

"T-test?" I said confoundedly. 

"Yeah, what you just saw there. Wait no… What you just experienced there was one of the moments in your past lives." He explained.

"Past… Life?" I asked again. I still don't understand anything yet.

"Everyone who arrived here has lived at least 3 or more lifetimes. Hence why this place is called purgatory." He said.

"Wait, I didn't even know my name in that weird place." I said

"That is quite odd… Usually people would remember themselves after the first test. Hmmm… Quite perplexing indeed." He contemplated for a while. 

"Past lives? Does that mean I lived more than just one life?" I asked him.

"Technically, yeah. We don't really know how this reincarnation thing works on a deeper scale, but once you finally found inner peace here in purgatory. You will start to disappear and live a new life somewhere out there..." He replied.

I stood up and looked around. It seems I'm in the same dark room that I entered a while ago. 

I took a deep breath and placed my gaze on the door behind me. 

"Well I just have to take more of these "tests" right? Then what are we waiting for?" I enthusiastically said as I walked towards the door.

That's right. I just have to keep moving forward. I wanted to know it all. All the past lives I experience. One by one, I shall gather the pieces of myself. I don't know why but somewhere deep inside me. I feel like there's something I must do.