
The Last Pirate

RedHair_Vinny · Sejarah
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16 Chs

The Castle

Adrian locked eyes with Ajay, a defiant spark in his gaze as he declared, "I'm a free man, Ajay, and I've returned to live a life of peace, far from the tumultuous seas that once claimed my heart."

Ajay's laughter echoed through the tavern, a deep and rumbling sound. "A life of peace, you say? The seas might have changed, but your sins still linger. King Alfred has a favor to ask, and you, Adrian Blackthorn, are summoned to his castle."

Adrian's brows furrowed in curiosity, wondering what business the king could have with him after all these years. Yet, a shadow of apprehension lingered in the air as Ajay continued, "Refusing the king's summons is not an option. Your past actions have consequences, and you must face them."

The tavern patrons watched the exchange with bated breath, sensing the undercurrents of a tale woven in secrecy. Adrian, a man who had once sailed the treacherous seas, now found himself facing a force far more formidable – the will of the kingdom he had left behind.

"What if I refuse to go with you?" Adrian challenged, a subtle tension tightening his muscles.

Ajay's hand instinctively gripped the hilt of his sword, the metal gleaming in the dim light. "Refusal is not an option," he reiterated, his gaze unwavering. "The king's word is law, and you will answer the summons."

Adrian's mind raced, weighing the consequences of defiance against the uncertain favor King Alfred sought. He glanced at the imposing figure of Ajay, realizing that his time away from the sea had left him weakened and unprepared for a confrontation with the kingdom's strongest knight.

After a moment of silent contemplation, Adrian conceded, "Very well, Ajay. I'll go to the king's castle. But mark my words, I seek only peace, and I won't be a pawn in any game."

As they left the tavern together, Adrian couldn't shake the feeling that his return to the kingdom held more than just the promise of peace. The shadows of his past, once thought buried at sea, seemed to resurface, intertwining with the currents of a fate that awaited him within the walls of King Alfred's castle.