
The last Paraise of The Beasts

In a twist of fate, Lalabel, a 23-year-old student, is involved in an accident that will change her life forever. Hit on the head, she wakes up in a mysterious and unknown place where the creator God of that world, who entrusts her with a transcendental mission: to solve the alarming low birth rate that threatens the existence of that world. In a whirlwind of romance, fantasy and adventure, Lalabel becomes entangled in a web of polyamorous love, where every heart beats with intensity and every emotional bond is intertwined with her destiny. Will Lalabel be able to unravel the riddle of the low birth rate and save the world she now calls home, or will she succumb to the temptation of polyandry? Dive into "The Last Paradise of Beasts" and discover a world where love transcends the boundaries of time and space, where destiny intertwines with the magic of the impossible.

Darlett28 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Chapter 18:

Since I found the intriguing trail of that woman in the forest, I decided to follow it with the intensity that only a reptile like me could feel. My instinct was driving me, guiding me through the thicket of the forest with stealth and patience. The scent of its presence filtered through the leaves and became a melody that invited me to move forward.

Cautiously, I ventured into the village where this female resided. Each step was a silent dance in the shadows, dodging curious glances and avoiding the villagers who might discover my presence. The whisper of the wind warned me of possible dangers, but my determination did not waver.

After overcoming a few obstacles, I reached the female's home. I slipped through narrow alleys and crept between the walls, keeping myself invisible to the eyes of others. At last, I reached the warm safety of the backyard of her home. My forked tongue danced in the air, picking up every nuance of the scent wafting around me.

In the corner of the yard, I discovered her sandbox. The soft crunch of the sand beneath my body didn't stop me; eager to learn more about it, I slid into place, letting the sand cling to my scaly skin. Although I knew the dirt was accumulating on my body, the need to understand its essence was stronger.

The female's scent permeated the air of the sandbox, enveloping me in her unique fragrance. I closed my reptilian eyes, letting emotions course through my being. Was it curiosity that drove me? Or perhaps an instinctive connection to this presence that drew me in an inexplicable way?


pov lalabel

On a quiet summer day, the sun filtering gently through the bedroom window, a sigh escaped her lips as she awoke at almost noon, plunged into the warm embrace of her soft, comfortable fur bed. Stretching out her arms in a lazy gesture, she rose with the grace of one who sits in her own kingdom.

With quiet steps, she made her way to the back door of the cabin. As she opened it, a gentle breeze caressed her face and ruffled her hair slightly. Her fingers slid to the necklace that lay around her neck, and in the blink of an eye, the human figure transformed into the elegant silhouette of a panther, lithe and majestic.

The panther glided gracefully into the backyard, its black fur glistening in the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees. She followed her feline instinct, moving nimbly in the direction of her sandbox, a secluded corner where she satisfied her physiological needs.

As he approached the designated spot, his feline senses sharpened, alerting him to the presence of something unusual. A few steps away from the sandbox, his green eyes fell on a yellow albino python snake. The python zigzagged with an elegance all its own, slithering its body with graceful movements.

The panther watched the snake curiously, noting how it stuck out its forked tongue in the direction of the sandbox. A silent tension was weaving in the air, an encounter between two predatory creatures. The panther, now alert, assessed the situation before deciding on its next move.

In an instant, the panther and the yellow albino python shared an exchange of intense gazes.

The yellow albino python with its forked tongue detected the distinctive scent of a female panther slithering into that space. Although the snake did not move from her position, her eyes flashed with the alertness of a predator. She remained still, but her attention was riveted on the panther, cautiously assessing the situation.

The panther, for its part, sensed the tension in the air but showed no hostility. Its feline elegance led it to move gracefully along the sandbox, keeping a respectful distance from the snake. The panther was not looking for conflict; her goal was simply to satisfy her physiological needs in that secluded corner.

With delicate steps, the panther walked past the snake, their coats brushing lightly in a fleeting instant. The snake showed no signs of aggression, but its eyes followed the feline figure with wary attention. The panther, aware of the yellow albino python's presence maintained its composure and moved deeper into the sandbox.

While the panther attended to its needs, the alpine snake remained motionless, watching every movement with keen perception. The tension gradually faded, and a strange harmony settled between the two creatures, each respecting the other's space in that shared corner.

Once the panther concluded its brief pause in the sandbox, it turned to the snake with a final glance before resuming its human form.


 albino python

Suddenly, before my reptilian eyes, the female changed form in a way that defied my comprehension. Her body transformed, and in place of the human figure I had followed here, rose an imposing black panther.

My serpentine eyes widened in surprise, but my instincts kept me still and wary. The panther glided gracefully beside me, its eyes fixed in the distance. Without.

With my tongue, I caught her new scent, the fragrance now mixed with the intensity of the panther. It was a fascinating combination of ferocity and elegance, a duality that resonated in the air and in my serpentine mind. I watched intently as the panther performed its physiological needs.

The curious instinct that had guided me here remained, but now it was mixed with a new understanding of the complexity of the female I had followed. How many hidden secrets could she harbor? The duality of her being, human and feline, was being revealed to me, and my tongue continued to taste the information in the air.

Once the panther completed its task, it turned to me with piercing eyes. In her gaze, I found the same surprise and wariness that I had experienced. The connection between us intensified in that instant.

The female, after transforming from panther to her human form, entered her house with silent steps. She approached me cautiously, and her delicate hand held my head carefully. My scales reacted instinctively, curling around his arm in response to his touch. It was a strange but palpable connection, a communion between two beings from different worlds.

Gently, the female took me inside her home. There, with a piece of skin, she began to clean the dirt from the sandbox that had adhered to my scales. Every movement was meticulous, revealing a treatment full of respect and consideration for my presence. The female did not seem to fear me or show any hostility, rather, her attitude denoted a deep understanding of my species.

As she gently checked me out, her gaze lingered on my gender, recognizing that I was a young male of my species. Surprisingly, the woman seemed to be an expert in the subtleties of my serpentiform biology. Although my reptilian nature did not allow me to fully understand her actions, I felt I was in the hands of someone who understood my essence.

Once the cleaning was concluded, the female led me back to the courtyard floor, allowing me to be free. However, my instincts urged me not to stray from her. I followed her back and forth, my tongue tasting the air to keep me connected to her unique essence.

The female walked elegantly, and I followed her silently, watching her with curious eyes. Despite the strangeness of the situation, I felt an inexplicable bond that united me to her. The female patiently accepted my presence, and I, in return, became her shadow, a snake that faithfully followed in her footsteps.

The female let out a sigh, and in a gesture that revealed a mixture of vulnerability and trust, she began to speak to me. -I have two conditions, if you want me to accept you in my home and you must never break this promise," she said in a serious tone.

- If you wish to be by my side, first you must never bite me, second you must not attack any of my companions - Her words echoed in the air, and although my instinctive snake nature pushed me to hunt and defend, her gaze conveyed a plea that went beyond words.

I took a moment to process his words, assessing the importance of his request. Although instincts were divided into two parts of it wanted to return the old routine, the other half of my instincts especially attracted a mysterious special bond I felt with this female, the determination not to lose her led me to a decision. I nodded my head in acceptance, an unspoken pact between beings from different worlds.

The female, relieved by my response, extended her hand toward me. My scales trembled momentarily, hesitant at this new gesture. However, the bond that had formed between us spoke louder than any primal instinct. He wrapped me around his arm, feeling the warmth of his skin under my scales. It was a symbolic embrace that sealed our agreement, a promise of coexistence between two such disparate beings.


I felt surprised when the female lifted me in her arms, gently carrying me to her room. Her hands were soft and warm, conveying a sense of security that comforted me. Curiosity mingled with caution as I looked around me, fascinated by the unfamiliar surroundings of the room.

Lalabel, as she was called, sat on the bed and gently placed me on her lap. Her face radiated tenderness as her fingers began to gently caress my scales. Each caress was like a soft melody running through my body, soothing my instincts and awakening a sense of well-being I had never experienced before.

As time passed, I grew accustomed to the touch of his hand on my skin, accepting his presence with confidence. His words echoed in my mind as I let myself be carried away by the calm that his caress brought me. Being in her lap was like being in a safe place, away from the uncertainties of the outside world.

After a while, Lalabel gently placed me under the bed, as if it was a secret shared between us. Her words echoed in my mind, comforting me with the promise of her return. - "Stay here until I return," she said in a soft but firm voice, as if she understood the importance of her momentary absence.

As I settled under the bed, I felt a mixture of emotions: curiosity about what would come next, trust in the female who had taken me in, and a slight sense of melancholy at her momentary departure.

As I remained hidden under the bed, I listened intently to the conversation between Lalabel and Teru. Their words echoed in the air, charged with affection and complicity. Lalabel, in her affectionate tone, was asking Teru to look for some medicinal plants in the forest. The tenderness in her voice was evident, and Teru responded lovingly and promptly to her request, showing his willingness to please her at all times.

As I listened, I also sensed Teru's determination to meet Lalabel's needs, without intrusively interfering in her life for the time being.

I knew I had come into her life unexpectedly, but I felt a special bond with her that went beyond conventions and inter-species barriers. My determination grew, fueled by the desire to establish a genuine bond with the female who had taken me in so lovingly.

Under the bed, in the gloom of the room, I promised myself to do my best to show Lalabel my loyalty and affection.


Lalabel crouched under the bed and took me between her hands tenderly, pulling me into her lap where her fingers played with my scales gently. I felt comforted by her touch, feeling her affection enveloping me like a soft blanket.

Suddenly, a high-pitched sound echoed in the distance, interrupting the tranquility of the room. I could sense the palpable concern in Lalabel's heartbeat as she rose, gently depositing me on the floor. Her eyes reflected quiet determination as she prepared for whatever was to come.

Without warning, Lalabel transformed into a lithe and powerful panther, her dark figure glowing with the intensity of her determination. She easily jumped out of the bedroom window, disappearing into the dusk.

I stood there on the window sill, an inexplicable instinct urging me to follow in her wake, to run after her into the forest where that distant python had resounded.

The sky was tinged with shades of gold and pink as the sun set on the horizon, heralding twilight. My senses were sharpened, alert to every sound and movement around me. With every step, I could feel the echo of Lalabel's heartbeat, a steady melody guiding me on my way to her.


In the calm and serene afternoon, the caracal, with its keen senses, picked up a high-pitched sound in the distance. His ears perked up attentively while his heart pounded with curiosity. What could it be? He was startled by the unusual noise and focused his keen hearing in the direction of Lanabel's house, where the sound seemed to emanate from.

I decided to use Noir's acute vision ability, to scan the horizon for Teru's location. My senses became even sharper, allowing me to observe myself clearly even in the gloom of the forest.

As I advanced, the rustle of leaves and the rustle of branches beneath my paws echoed in the air, creating a natural symphony that guided me toward my destination. After about a kilometer of running, I glimpsed the scene I had feared I would encounter.

Teru my companion was surrounded by four abandoned males: a towering two-striped bear, three fiercely growling two-striped wolves and a cunning one-striped fox. My heart was pounding as I accelerated my run, determined to protect Teru from any danger.

With a nimble and powerful leap, I positioned myself in front of Teru to protect him, baring my fangs and emitting a menacing growl towards the intruders. My imposing presence and defiant stance made it clear that I would not allow Teru to be harmed as long as I was present.

The forest vibrated with tension, the air charged with electricity as the wolves growled and pounced with ferocity.

With impressive feline dexterity, lalabel in her panther form and Teru in her deer form dodged the wolves' attacks with nimble, coordinated movements. The panther, in one swift move, launched a series of precise back paw kicks that sent the wolves flying into nearby trees, knocking them unconscious on the ground.

But the challenge was not yet over. An imposing intruder loomed in front of them: a huge bear, its gaze full of determination and ferocity. The panther quickly assessed the situation, knowing that facing a bear was a challenge of monumental proportions.


Arriving at Lala's location, I encountered one of the enemies stalking her: a wary fox that stood aloof from the rest of Lala's foes, posing a threat to her. Without hesitation, I lunged toward it, feeling a mixture of determination and fury burning in my serpentine body.

My scales bristling with the intensity of the moment, my eyes reflected the determination to protect Lalabel at all costs. With a swift movement, I coiled around the fox, squeezing hard and strangling it until its bones creaked under the pressure of my serpentiform body.

A sense of triumph and justice washed over me as I gazed at the fox lying defeated before me. Without hesitation, I pounced upon its limp body and began to devour it, feeding on the victory over the one who sought to harm Lala.

My mind remained focused, alert to any threat that might lurk in the shadows of the forest. It was then that I spotted two unconscious wolves on the ground, victims of Lala's combined strength in her panther form.

With determination, I slithered towards them, my serpentine body coiled around their necks, cutting off oxygen and ensuring that they posed no further danger to Lalabel. A sense of duty done and protection washed over me as the wolves stopped fighting and surrendered to my strength.

There was no room for compassion in the wild realm of the forest. Survival was an unwritten law, and I was willing to do whatever it took to ensure Lalabel's safety.


Noir, who was gathering delicious fruit for his companion's dinner, left the fur sack behind and transformed himself into an eagle, through the panther conjugal mark on his body he could feel his companion's worry, courage, ferocity and desperation. He concentrated on sensing her to locate her location.

Guided by the intensity of the emotions he sensed, Noir strode into the forest with determination, his outstretched wings slicing the air with elegance and precision. Every beat of his heart resonated with the urgency of the situation, urging him to get as quickly as possible to the place where Lalabel and Teru were confronting a two-striped male bear and the other enemies.


The caracal instinctively adopted an alert stance, his muscles tense and his claws ready for combat. His senses sharpened even more, focusing on the defiant wolf that stood in the way of helping lalabel. Despite being a smaller feline, the caracal did not hesitate to face the wolf with courage and determination.

The wolf, with its fierce gaze and defiant stance, lunged forward with an intimidating roar. The caracal responded with agility, dodging the wolf's attacks with swift and precise movements. His every move was imbued with a mixture of dexterity and daring, as he faced the predator he had encountered.


When Noir finally arrived at the clearing where the battle was taking place, Noir's aura unleashed a palpable pressure on everyone present. His bloodlust was powerful, an imposing force that threatened to consume everything in its path. Lalabel felt the impact of this bloodlust, though thanks to her conjugal bond, she was able to resist it somewhat.

Thank you for reading the chapter

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