
Chapter 1

On wednesday October 13, 2022, Aline and her friends were sitting together during lunch all chatting, laughing, yelling with a bit of screaming involved. They were enjoying their childhood not caring if others were pointing at them, talking about them, no one cared about all that mattered was they were having fun and were together.

Aline Everton was 15 with light brown straight hair to shined when the sun shone just right, Alan always told her that it looked like she was in a movie when it happened and she always laughed and didn't believe her. She had tan skin and freckles sprinkled around her arms and face. Athen's Mom always called them angel kisses.

Aline had a birthmark on her right hand right under the joint of her thumb on the back side of her hand that was a light pink that looked to be a heart, she never understood how that was possible but loved her little heart that was always with her. On this day she was wearing her black converse with a pair of dark blue ripped jeans and a ruffled crop top and her hair in a half up half down look pinned back with a dark blue satin ribbon.

Miriam Omar was 16 with black hair and purple dyed tips, her hair was naturally wavy and down to her hips but she straightened it and so it was just about halfway down her hips she wore her hair down with two braids pinned back in what Aline's dad calls a princess hairstyle. Miriam's skin was a light brown and she wore a purple tee shirt and black jeans with some purple crocs. Miriam was on the shorter side and had a bit of a rounder figure but her beauty was almost unmatched among her class.

Alan Gerbert was 15 with black 3c hair that always faded on the sides and pulled back into little bubble ponytails. He was tall and had a good amount of muscles. He had a six pack and toned arms but was a big softly on the inside and loved to make Aline smile, he loved her smile. He and Aline were dating and have been since freshman year and they couldn't be happier. Alan was wearing a plain gray tee and blue jeans with the same pair of black tennis shoes that he wore everyday.

Emmet Greene was 15 with black 4c hair that was faded on the sides and straight up in a box-like look on the top. He was wearing a black tee shirt with a blazer over it and black jeans with some black tennis shoes. He had his headphones around his neck and was laughing with Athena. They were dating too, they were a very sweet couple and were so silly together. It was adorable to watch them interact and Alina and Alan love to go on double dates with them.

Elizabeth Stewarr is 15 with blonde straight hair and a tan complexion. She had brown eyes which were behind a pair of light pink stained rounded off glasses. She wore a black crop top with a zodiac chart on the front in white and a pair of black leggings and black converse. Her, Alina and Athena were an unstoppable trio and were best friends since elementary school days. They may not have everything in common but they love each other.

Andrea Tugde is 15 with black hair that's wavy and was in a high ponytail currently. She was wearing a blue graphic tee and black jeans with white tied vans. She has blue eyes that were behind some dark blue rectangle glasses. She was of pretty average height and she had freckles sprinkled all over her nose and had thin bangs that reached the top of her eyebrows.

Ember Hawk is 15 with thick dark brown which was wavy that reached her lower back. She had tan skin and was on the shorter side on the height scale. She was wearing a black tee shirt and an oversized white crocheted sweater with black jeans and black converse.

Athena Evander is 15 with light brown hair at shoulder length with thick bangs that go just above her eyebrows. She had paler skin and freckles all over her skin and had hazel eyes. She wore some colorful eyeshadows with mascaras and eyeliner and she was really good at it too. She wore a brown tee shirt with a yellow and brown pleated tennis skirt with ballet flats.

Ivory Christou is 16 with 4c hair that was currently in braids with gold cuffed on her braids. She has brown eyes that were behind black and dark blue swirled rounded off glasses. She was wearing a dark blue tee shirt with a gray sweater, black jeans and orange crocs with neon green and orange socks. Ivory was a very special character and that's what her friends loved about her.

Talia Brooks is 15 with black hair that came to the top of her shoulders. She had brown eyes that were behind black rounded off glasses. She was wearing a gray tee shirt and blue jeans with black tennis shoes. She was also a character and that's what made Ivory and her so close.

That was their friend group, was it perfect? No. Was it perfect to them? Yes, yes it was. They were enjoying themselves when the gang came up in conversation.

"Hey, have you heard of what happened with The Aces last week?" Miriam asked.

"No, what happened?" I asked, sitting in Alan's lap putting his arms around me worried about what happened.

"They apparently had broken into a public school a few cities over and took over 50 kids." Miriam explained.

Alan wrapped his arms tighter around me knowing I got nervous about all of this. I looked upo at him and smiled as a silent thanks.

"Ya well we don't have to worry about that we are perfectly safe here." Alan said reassuring me and everyone else but specifically for me.

Emmet had his arm around Athena's shoulders. I'm not sure why but I'm sure it was for the same reason Alan's arms were around me. We wound up just chatting about random things and eating. That was until there was a gunshot heard. I screamed along with all the girls, and the boys wrapped their arms around the girls. Everyone immediately started running away from the sound, kids were trying to get into classrooms. Alan leaped up and grabbed my hand and I grabbed Elizabeth's hand and started dragging her with me and Alan. Emmet grabbed Athena and they ran right after Me, Alan, and Elizabeth. The others ran the other way, none of us got very far due to a bunch of men with guns held to the sky with black ski masks with red dots. They were yelling at us not to move. My friends all stooped in our tracks and were terrified.

Multiple people were killed within minutes, guns were shot off and everytime multiple screams sounded including me and my friends. I was huddled with Alan, Emmet, Athena, and Elizabeth. Shortly after a big dude with a white ski mask with red dots who was clearly using a voice changer which made it beeper started giving instructions.

"You will follow us and no harm shall come to you if you don't listen then you will be shot and killed." He then turned around and started walking away while his henchman started closing in on us shoving the people that were by them with the head of their gun to create a "line" really it was a semi line mostly an organized crowd. We were taken to a bunch of big white vans and shoved in groups. Me and Alan were shoved into the same van. We were literally shoved in and there were no seats. Alan grabbed my hand and guided me to a corner and we sat in each other's arms, I was crying into his chest and he was whispering reassurances in my ear as we drove to who knows where.