
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 4 Exousia Military School testing

The students woke up one by one with the exception of Victor and Dante waking up first. When everyone was awake instructor Raul spoke " you may take your hoods off we are already inside the school grounds." Dante took his hood off and looked around, it looked just like a normal big warehouse but was filled with military equipment and long line or portals of different colors on one wall. Instructor Raul then spoke again " everyone get in a line and follow me. We will now be going to meet the rest of the first years and prepare for your placement testing."

As soon as he said that the student all hurriedly made a line and started walking out. Victor and Dante were in the front of the line because they were the first ones awake and moving. Victor was 6ft, brown haired, with green eyes, and a body you could tell was more physically fit then the rest by a lot. He turned around and looked at Dante scanning him over who was just a little shorter and little less muscular because the orphanage he was in couldn't afford to feed him the best. Victor stuck his hand out and shook his hand" my name is Victor, but you can call me Vic I'm sure we will be seeing each other a lot more." Dante reached out and shook his hand " My name is Dante it's nice too meet you." With that they both kept walking making sure to not hold up the line and make instructor Raul mad.

They had a short walk to another giant warehouse were a bunch of other students and a few instructors were already standing. Instructor Raul walked up to his fellow instructors and gave them the two boys files and names. He then spoke " I for sure want these two boys for testing. Do you guys have anyone else special or who caught your eyes that I should test? A female instructor named Miss Barlowe handed him one file " just one from me a girl named Lillith Rosaly." A shorter plump male instructor named Mr. Smith handed him two files and then said" a male named Leo Ronaldo and a female name Elizabeth Greybane." The last instructor was another Giant of a male named Mr. Caddle he spoke in gravely voice " one male Timmithy Whitlock." Raul grinned we have quite a few this year huh " bring them too me I will grab my two"

After all 6 of the promising students were lined up and waiting patiently for Raul he took them to a separate room that was huge and started to explain how testing worked. "The first test is a test of strength, hit the training dummy as hard as you can with just your fist, it will be able to record your strength. The second test will be test of agility with a specialized training dummy just try not to get hit as much as possible. The third test will focus on multiple moving target dummies try to hit them as fast as possible however you can. Any questions?"

All 6 of the students replied " No instructor Raul!" With that Raul called upon the first student for testing " Timmithy Whitlock you are first". Timmithy was on the smaller side for male of their age, but none the less he walked up to the first dummy and punched it as hard as he could. After a couple seconds a number popped up on the dummies chest scoring him with an 8. As soon as he was done with that he walked up to the second area and was told when to start. As soon as Raul said start the dummy in front of him started to move and rotate its body spinning it's metal arms pretty quickly. Timmithy tried to dodge all of them but ended up getting hit a total of 7 times in under a minute and then the dummy stopped and showed a score of 15 . He was instructed to the next area and before he started he asked a question, "instructor Raul I assume we are allowed to use a weapon for this part if we have one correct?" Raul responded with a brisk "yes" and then asked him if he was ready. Timmithy pulled out what appeared to be two high tech energy pistols and nodded his head. 5 dummies popped up immediately and started to go in multiple different directions at different speeds. Timmithy took a deep breath and then shoot each dummy within a couple of seconds. Raul raised an eyebrow and then subtracted his time he took to shoot with the shoots he missed. Fortunately for Timmithy he only missed a single shot and got a total of 35 for a total score of 58 all together. Raul nodded his head for him to move to the back and called up the next student.

"Leo Ronaldo front and center. Leo walked up to the first dummy and got ready and punched it with all his might and got a 15 from the dummy. The second one he didn't do so well with and only got a 10. The third one he used his fireball spell on the targets and after a minute he was done with a score of 15. His spell was rather good and his casting time was relatively short but he missed a couple shots and got points reduced for that, still a score of 40 was rather good.

Raul called up the next student after he walked away " Elizabeth Greybane". She walked up to the first dummy and punched it with all she had but only managed to get a 7. The second dummy scored her with a 13. As she walked up to third dummy she assumed a position and whenever the dummies popped up she made 5 water bullets and hit all of them but one so she hurriedly shot another one at the last one for a total of 35 for the last dummy and complete total of 55 points.

"Lillith Rosaly you are next" Raul called. She walked up to the first dummy and struck it for a total of 10 points. The second one gave her another 10 points. For the last dummy she pulled out what appeared to be a longbow with no string. As soon as she drew back the bow a faint magic string and arrow could be seen. She quickly made the shots one by one and got a score of 20 for a complete total of 40 points.

As soon as she returned to the back of the room Raul called out " Victor Kromwell". He walked up to the first dummy and drew back a punch and hit it as hard as he could and got a score of 25. The second one he only got a score 15. For the third one he pulled out a giant sword almost as big as him. As soon as the dummies started to move he swung his sword without moving and what looked like wind blades flew from his sword. He missed a couple of times but he made short work of them and got a score of 20 for a combined total of 60 being the highest so far.

As Victor was walking back Dante's system flickered

( mission beat the lowest score of 40 points for one level up, system also recommends using the status points that were gifted too you yesterday.) Dante carefully thought about how he could score the highest on the test and quickly split the 20 status points between strength and agility raising his strength and agility too 20 each. Right after he finished doing that Raul called his name " Dante Williams". He walked up to the first dummy and before he punched it he used his only skill strength booster for an extra 20% strength output (-5 mana points= 95 mana points). Surprisingly the dummy showed a 24. He walked up to the second dummy and dodged as best as he could only getting hit 5 times for a score of 20. For the last test he did the only thing he could and whenever the dummies popped up he quickly took off and punched each one without missing, even though it took him a minute to get them all. He only scored a 10 but he felt quite proud overall with a final score of 54. He quickly walked to the back of the room and waited for Raul's instructions.

(Mission accomplished one level up rewarded an increase of 10 health and mana along with 10 free status points.) he quickly pulled up his stats and this is what he saw.

Level 2 human

Strength 20

Endurance 10

Agility 20

Intelligence 10

Charms 10

Luck 10

Mana 110

Health 110

Skills 1 (20%) strength booster

Passive skill 1 Soul devourer

10 free status points unallocated

Seeing this Dante couldn't help but smile inwardly at himself with his small growth. Before he snapped back to the present. Raul then started explaining the scores. "For every 20 points you scored on the test is 1 level. Victor Kromwell is the only level 3 among you. The second highest would be Timmithy Whitlock who although is very close to 60 with his 58 score is still a level 2. Though I'm sure he will soon break the threshold to a level 3. All of you are above a level 2 which is good most first years are only level ones or barely make the level two cut off. With that being said we are done for the day we will now take you to your dorms to get settled in and classes will be tomorrow so be ready. Your schedules will be sent to the computers in your dorm room. You all have your own computers set up at your own desk in your rooms. All dorm rooms are shared unless you belong to a higher up family.