
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 16. No longer human

<p>Dante woke up to see his system flashing in his eyes once again. <br/>( Recalibrating… System Reboot…Warning system has detected an anomaly.. You have been affected by Lycanthropy.. Congratulations you are now a Omega Werewolf.. You have defeated the Rabid Alpha who turned you. Rabid werewolves are different from normal werewolves. They have long since lost their humanity and are stuck in werewolf form. <br/><br/><br/>6,000 experience for slaying 10 Beta werewolves <br/>12,000 experience for slaying 2 Alpha Werewolves.<br/>Level 10 reached congratulations! Level 11 reached 4,500 experience out of 20,000exp. Human classes no longer allowed please select a werewolf class. <br/><br/>Werewolf Knight( a werewolf class meant to be on the front lines taking most of the damage and dealing it back out even more harshly.)<br/><br/>Werewolf Assassin( a werewolf class that focuses on speed and stealth for deadly attacks.)<br/><br/>Werewolf Warlock ( a werewolf class that focuses on strength and magic together as a deadly combination.)<br/><br/>Dante was still dumbfounded at the fact that he was a werewolf and he thought the system didn't give a very good explanation for any of the classes. Right now he was struggling to pick between a Werewolf Knight and a Werewolf Warlock. He figured that the skills he would get from now on would reflect these classes. All the skills he had right now made him lean towards Werewolf Warlock and this is actually what he was about to choose but for some reason he kept looking at the Werewolf Knight choice. He eventually picked his choice and went with Werewolf Knight.<br/><br/>As soon as he picked that choice he felt pain all over his body. He felt his bones all over his body breaking simultaneously while his skin looked like it was shedding itself. He eventually passed out from the pain once again. Before his change he was a solid 5'10 and 175 pounds. His dirty blond hair and blue eyes seemed to be his best thing about him. His body wasn't super muscular by any means but he was lean. While he was passed out his body kept growing his bones elongated, his face got more chiseled, his muscles ripped themselves apart to grow back larger and more condensed. <br/><br/>After was seemed like hours he woke up again. He saw the System once again flashing in his eyes but he ignored it for a second and checked himself out. His shirt was in tatters and so we're his pants all his clothes seemed to be way too small on him now. His pants looked like they were about 6 inches to short and his shoes had burst off of him. He looked down at his arms and noticed they were about 3 times the size they had been before. He now looked like he had tree trunks for arms and his legs weren't that far off either. His equipment he just bought was destroyed laying around him in ruins. He decided to open his system and see if he could see any changes on there and what he saw had him flabbergasted and slightly angry. <br/><br/>( system reboot successful you are now a Omega Werewolf Knight. A large number of your skills do not match with your class and have been removed. <br/>1 skill awarded for first time kill of Beta Werewolf please pick skill now.<br/>Partial Transformation- a werewolves first skill allowing them to turn their body into separate parts of the werewolves true form. <br/>Werewolf Strength- a 50% increase in strength for 5 minutes. <br/>Werewolf Speed- a 50% increase in a agility for 5 minutes.<br/>Dante decided to go with Partial Transformation not knowing what skills he would have any longer. <br/><br/>1 skill awarded for the first time kill of Alpha Werewolf please pick skill now<br/><br/>Alphas Bite- takes the small chance of turning a human into a 50% chance. (System recommends this choice). <br/>Alpha Force Howl- a howl that pierces and shatters enemy morale and stuns them for a couple seconds. <br/>For once he listened to the system and went with the recommendation. He didn't know how useful it actually would be but he trusted the system somewhat and chose Alphas Bite. <br/><br/><br/>Dante level 11 4,500/20,000exp.<br/>Race Werewolf <br/>Class Werewolf Knight <br/><br/>Stats <br/><br/>Strength 50 (+5)<br/>Endurance 300<br/>Agility 50 (+5)<br/>Intelligence 25<br/>Charms 25<br/>Luck 15 (+10)<br/>Health 300<br/>Mana NA <br/><br/><br/>Dante decided to add his 20 status points now that he had gotten from leveling up twice after seeing how much his status changed. He put 10 into luck and then he split the rest between strength and agility. <br/><br/><br/>Skills- Eye Inspection level D( no mana cost is the reason he got to keep it) , Partial Transformation lvl D, and Alphas bite lvl C( no cost for use)<br/><br/>Passive skills- Soul Devourer, Alpha Pup Summon lvl D, Beast Rider lvl D, Hardbones lvl F, Storage bag lvl D, Five Headed Elemental Baby Dragon lvl B.<br/><br/>Alpha Pup Summon +2,000exp 3,600/5,000exp lvl 4<br/><br/>Five Headed Elemental Baby Dragon Summon + 3,000exp 1,500/2,000exp lvl 3<br/><br/>Dante was angry that he just lost all the skills he had earned. The bonus in his Status points was good but he lost all his mana. He was about to complain to the System when it popped up with a message. ( New skills will now use Endurance points instead of mana because of Class choice.) seeing this he now understood the big jump in Endurance and Health. <br/>He honestly was just happy to keep his summons after losing so many skills he thought he would lose those too. <br/><br/>All he wanted to do now was go test out his new found strength and skills. He noticed only as he left the room he was in that he no longer needed a flashlight to see in this dark building. His nose was picking up scents he had never noticed before. Right now all he could smell was blood from the dead werewolves. He made his way out and noticed the two moons high in the sky before his system notified him of something. <br/><br/>( 2 days until the full moons. Full moons cause Full transformation. <br/><br/>Mission! First Full Transformation- try to stay alive! <br/>Award?? <br/>+10 strength and Agility because of moon bonus. <br/>Health and Endurance can be restored by eating humans and monsters. Bloodlust will continue to grow under the moons. Not satiating your hunter will raise aggression.) <br/><br/>Seeing all of this only confused Dante further. It was a lot of information to take in at once. <br/><br/><br/><br/></p>