
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 1. The end of the Soul Eaters.

A couple years after the pillars have landed in a small town in the US. A group of large homes in its own part of town could be seen with many people running around preparing for battle. The family had gotten a tip that the other families and major countries had turned on them. One couple could be seen not preparing for battle but trying to calm down a young blonde boy who could only be about a year old. The mother who's name was Alysia was speaking to the Father Jason "what are we going to do with our young Dante?" Jason replied " I only know one thing I can do to save him from our own impending death Alysia, but you won't like it and neither will I. Our son will live but he will have a tough life. We will have to give him away. I can use my teleportation skill to get to another town and place him at an orphanage. This is the only thing we can do our else he will be traced back to our family." Alysia sobbing replies "if this is the only way then I will die by your side so that our son can live on." They both loved on the boy and prepared a note that only had his first name on it and his birthday. They each kissed their baby boy one more time before the father disappeared with the boy.

The father decided to leave him at an orphanage close to a military base hoping that the military could see to his growth. He kissed his son one final time before he said only a few words " grow strong my son our family has either been fooled or destroyed from someone's actions within. Your life will be one of hardships and loneliness but I know you will eventually make it one day" he then cut his finger and let a single drop of blood in his sons mouth and said an incantation. " I'm sorry to seal your power but the seal will break on your 16th birthday it's the only way to for sure know they won't hunt you down" he then rang the doorbell and vanished from the boys eyes.

As soon as Jason had returned he saw that most of his family was in battle. His wife Alysia had never been the strongest and was already mortally wounded and dying before his very eyes. Jason was the strongest of his family and at that moment he released his rage and killing intent and most of the people around him instantly fainted or fell to their knees. Jason had returned too late though most of his family was already dead or wounded beyond healing capabilities. He soon became overwhelmed even though he managed to single handily kill 2/3 of the enemies troops. He managed to make eye contact with his dying wife and smiled at her to let her know he had been successful in making sure their son got away. He died with that smile on his face looking at his wife while another enemy solider took advantage of this monster being distracted. He stabbed the man in the heart who was more ferocious then most the monsters he had ever battled. Jason died standing up and smiling at his wife. While Alysia died from her wounds shortly after.