
the last love letter to Barat

'Is the happiness moment when I'm with you part of reality or just my imagination? ' said Bilya to Barat who was standing in front of her. Bilya didn't expect that her past trauma would make her suffer from schizophrenia. where she cant make difference between her imagination and her reality. because of her condition, she had difficulty for surviving. but one day she fell in love at first sight with a man named Barat, and she decide wrote her first love letter to Barat but she felt confused, because inside her head there were two scenes going on. one scene that shows Barat accepting her love but at another scenes shows Barat rejecting his love and in her mind she see that barat hate her. So what do you think? which one actually happens the reality?

Syafatasya · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

So now we're friends?

in a room of the 27th floor Zme Apartment ,

looks like Barat is staring at his cellphone screen

He is looking at a post about Bilya on the school forum

He zoomed in on the photo of Bilya wearing his leather jacket,

"Why are some stupid people spreading bad rumors about Bilya"

"This is my jacket that was worn by Bilya this morning"

"I can't stay silent, I have to reverse Bilya's good name"

"Looks like I have a photo of wearing that jacket, I have to post a photo of me with the jacket on the school forum"

Barat looked for his old photo in his cellphone gallery and found a photo of him wearing that leather jacket

He immediately posted the photo and wrote in the comments an article about Bilya

"That jacket is mine, who the fool who dares to slander Bilya!!!!"

Hundreds of comments immediately stormed the comments from Barat

Among those comments

"Is our prince dating that bitch? "

"Thats bitch is so annoying! why she take our prince! "

"Are you and Bilya dating? "

"How dare you write this article! he slandered Bilya! "

"Now..it is proven that our school's angel is not a mistress! "

"But Barat, you forgot that there was a recent article on evidence that Bilya was the Sugar baby of an old man! "

Barat saw that last comment,

He immediately checked the latest articles about Bilya

He was suddenly surprised to see Bilya with an old man and he watched carefully Bilya was enter a apartment.

"This is impossible! "

"Bilya not do such a humiliating thing"

"But in this photo, the apartment that Bilya visited is my apartment"


~On the 5th floor room 89~

I was enjoying watching comedy movies in the lounge while eating snacks,

"hahaha" I laughed when I saw a funny scene on the television screen

I just want to look fine in front of Aunt Suti and Uncle Ferdi,

I didn't tell them about the gossip about me

I don't want uncle Ferdi and Aunt Suti to worry about me

"My dear, what do you want to eat ? "Aunt Suti asked me from the kitchen

"It's up to Auntie what to cook"

"Bilya believes that all the dishes Auntie make must be delicious! ' I said smiling broadly at Aunt.

"you asked Bilya, I didn't? "Said Uncle Ferdi who had come out of the toilet and approached Aunt Suti

"Right now, it is Bilya who is special in this residence"

"So you are number two," said Aunt Suti jokingly.

"why you say that! you are so bad with your husband! "Said uncle Ferdi sulkily.

"Haha, I'm joking my dear," said Aunt Suti with a small laugh as she hugged Uncle Ferdi.

"My dear my love, what do you want to eat? ' asked Aunt Suti while kissing Uncle Ferdi's left cheek.

"I also follow Bilya's words "it's up to you" answered Uncle Ferdi

"Yeah, how about we eat out there? "said Aunt Suti

"Why are you wanna eating outside? "Uncle ferdi asked

"You said it's up to me, so we just eat outside"

"Eat at Padang restaurant in front of the apartment, how about it? "Ask Aunt Suti to me and to Uncle Ferdi.

"Yes" I and Uncle Ferdi said at the same time

"Uncle and niece are very compact," said Aunt Suti.

"It's because me and Bilya are Bestie," said Uncle Ferdi

"Hahahaha" the three of us immediately laughed at Uncle Ferdi's words

"Ok now we go to the restaurant" said Uncle Ferdi

"Honey, you and Bilya go first"

"I have a call from nature," said Aunt Suti, she immediately went into the toilet.

"it's okay just go toilet so you can full your stomach again when eat at restaurant"

say Uncle Ferdi


"Cmon Bilya, let's go first"

"Okay Uncle"

I immediately turned off the television and followed Uncle Ferdi from behind

The two of us walked out to the Padang restaurant which was in front of the apartment,

When the two of us arrived at the ground floor,

I crossed paths with Barat who was wearing a black hoodie with white shorts and black flip flops.

"Bilya? "

"Barat? "

Barat looked at me in surprise when he saw me with Uncle Ferdi

"Bilya, do you know this young man? "Ask Uncle Ferdi to me

"Yes Uncle" I replied

"Uncle? ' said Barat

"this is Barat, my school friend, uncle"

"Hello Barat, introduce i am Ferdi"

"I am Barat, Uncle"

"I am the husband of Bilya's aunt"

say Uncle Ferdi

"Our ages don't seem much different"

"I'm still young like you" Uncle Ferdi joked while patting Barat lightly on the shoulder

"Ahaha, thats true Uncle! "Baras chuckled at Uncle Ferdi's words

"Hmm.. Uncle can I talk to Bilya for a while? ' said Barat

"Of course you can, its okay if you wanna talk until dawn ," said Uncle Ferdi jokingly again

"Ahahaha.. I really like uncle" said Barat praising Ferdi's uncle who looks so cool.

"Sorry son, I'm straight man, I'm not gay," said Uncle Ferdi with a serious face.

Barat immediately fell silent gawking,

"Hahahhaa" I immediately burst out laughing at Barat' expression

"I am joking! Ha ha ha "

"Looks like we have a strong connection son"

"You want to be my daughter's boyfriend, Bilya? "

"It seems that you and Bilya are compatible"

said Uncle Ferdi while looking at me with Barat

"hah? Why am I Uncle!" I said surprised to hear what Uncle Ferdi said.

"Oops, Uncle's stomach is very hungry, it looks like the worms in Uncle's stomach are rebelling to want to eat"

"Uncle go first, see you next time young people! "Uncle Ferdi immediately ran slowly leaving me with Barat

"Your uncle is so funny" said Barat with a big smile.

"His character is so fun"

" to be honest I like her more than my own father" I said spontaneously

I immediately covered my mouth because

I didn't realize talking like that

"Hahaha, don't worry, you're not alone thinking like that"

"I also like your uncle more than my father" replied Barat with a big smile

I immediately smiled when Barat' say that,

" like, there's something you want to talk about, what is it? "I asked to Barat

"Yeah but I don't think I can talk here, how about in my room? Barat said

"Hah? In your room?? "I was immediately shocked.

"Don't worry, I won't be do silly thing with you."

"Oh I also want to apologize about the Incident at this morning in my car"

"Don't think about it, I also forgot about what happened this morning"

"Okay, let's go to your room"


Barat walked first and we both got into the elevator,

Barat pushes the 27 floor elevator button

"oh you live on the highest floor in this apartment? "I asked him

"Yes," replied Barat

Upon arriving at the 27th floor,

I see there is only one room on this floor

"Wow, you have an exclusive room here"

"Cool" I said praising Barat

"It's useless to have an exclusive room if I only live here alone," said Barat as he opened the door to his room

i become silent when hear it from him,

"Please come in" said Barat tell me toenter inside his room

"Your room interior is very nice" I said praising him again

" your eyes are really good a" said Barat

"Of course! As long as you know my bedroom, I designed it myself" I said, I immediately sat on the soft sofa.

"Oh really? "

"Yes! I put cotton on the sky of my room and form the cotton like a cloud"

"I also painted the walls of my room all light blue"

"I also arrange the furniture in my room to make it look Aesthetic" I said to Barat

"so do you really love light blue color? "

"yes i really love that color"

Barat smiled at me, he immediately sat beside me

"It turns out that you are not a shy princess but a Chatty princess," said Barat jokingly insulting me.

"I'm telling you, if I was comfortable with someone I would definitely be very talkative in front of him" I told him

"So you're comfortable with me? "Barat asked me

I immediately realized with my words

"Ah.. not"

"Not as "comfortable" as you might think"

"ah.. I'm comfortable talking to you like talking to a friend! "

"Yes, friend! ' I said nervously in front of him.

"So now we're friends?" Barat's asked while giving me his Pinkie finger

I nodded slowly and put my pinkie finger

to his finger

"Yeah, we're friends now," I said, smiling broadly at him

We smile at each other,

My heart feels very happy to be close to Barat

its first time i am not feel awkward ini front him.