
The last Loud (A LitRPG story)

The specific day was December twenty-fifth, or as it was more commonly known, Christmas Eve. Up until then, nothing out of the ordinary. It was just another festive day like any other in the Loud house, or at least that's what Lincoln Loud thought. After waking up from a terrible nightmare he had after sleeping for nearly ten hours (he died and didn't even know it), the white-haired boy entered the living room. But instead of finding his family gathered around a well-decorated Christmas tree full of presents, all he found were his parents and his sisters dead on the floor of the living room, their bodies all torn apart, as if a creature with sharp claws and teeth had committed that horrendous act. After running out of the house with a look of despair and tears on his face, wishing that it was all just a dream, all he saw was his neighborhood completely destroyed, with many trees around as if he were in a forest, and those creatures, small and hideous, green in color, attacking everyone they saw in front of them. *** After living through numerous adventures, saving countless lives, and experiencing several incestuous or non-incestuous romances, the young man, now in his 50s, reached a true impasse. But when he was on the verge of death, something incredible and strange happened. Lincoln Loud not only went back in time to when he was still a child but also to a few days before all that shit happened. This time, will Lincoln, possessing his nearly 50 years of experience from the future, manage to prevent it from happening again, or will he lose his loved ones again? --------------------------- My works are also posted on the Webnovell and Royalroad websites. https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1054906/the-last-loud-a-litrpg-story/ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75238/am-i-falling-in-love --------------------------- If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find several chapters ahead of the public. And you'll also be helping me reach my dream of being a full-time writer. https://www.patreon.com/Natsuki_

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41 Chs

Strange Behavior

As Lincoln stood confused and bewildered, looking at his reflection in the mirror with a shocked expression on his face, the door to his room slowly opened.

Who had entered the room was one of his older sisters, specifically the second eldest in the family, Leni, who had been attracted by her brother's screams and became even more worried when she saw Lincoln looking at himself in the mirror, with an expression of astonishment on his face and his breathing heavy, as if he had had a terrible nightmare (wrong she isn't).

"Brother, did something happen? Did you have a nightmare?"

Leni asked confusedly, asking the dumbest question in the world.

However, Lincoln didn't answer her and remained motionless, looking at himself in the mirror, while whispering a few disconnected words. Then it was the turn of the eldest sister in the house, Lori, followed by her two younger sisters, Lucy and Lynn.

While his sisters stared at him apprehensively, Lincoln remained motionless in front of the mirror, whispering nonsensical things that sounded more like a ritual.

"This can't be real. I was there. This can only be a dream or a nightmare. Am I trapped in a dream? No, I've already killed a strange creature and it never happened."

Lincoln whispered, saying a lot of nonsensical things, not caring that anyone was listening. Although he was so immersed in his thoughts that he probably didn't even realize there was anyone there at the time.

The sisters began to exchange worried glances, while Lincoln seemed immersed in his own distorted reality. Lori, who wasn't understanding anything, stepped forward and, trying to understand something, asked her sister, since she had arrived in her brother's room before anyone else.

"What's he doing?"

Lori asked, turning to her sister for clarification, but at no point did she take her eyes off her brother, who was still standing in front of the mirror, staring at himself.

Leni looked at her sister with a worried look on her face before answering, trying to find some plausible explanation, which in itself was a big revelation, for Lincoln's strange behavior.

"I have no idea what's going on. I just heard a scream coming from his room, and when I went in, he was like this. From what I could see, I think he had a nightmare."

Said Leni, frowning as she watched Lincoln still motionless in front of the mirror.

While Leni tried to explain something to her sister, Lincoln remained still and whispered things. Only this time little could be heard, but one sentence in particular the older sister could hear.

"This can't be real... I... I've faced worse things, I've killed... but this... this... doesn't make sense..."

Murmured Lincoln in a disturbing tone of voice, so low that almost no one could hear it.

"I can't have heard wrong, but did he really say he killed someone?"

Lori thought with a frightened look on her face, since it seemed she was the only one who had heard anything.

Lucy, the seventh daughter of the family and also Lincoln's younger sister, who had been quiet until then, decided to speak up for the first time.

"'Sigh' Poor little brother!"

Said Lucy, as she sighed, showing no apparent reaction to her brother's current situation.

After Lucy's comment, it was the turn of the fifth daughter of the family, and also one of Lincoln's closest sisters, to speak out for the first time, thinking that everything her brother was doing was just a joke. This was Lynn, who, as well as enjoying playing with her brother in slightly dangerous ways, also liked to tease him, always making him look serious at times.

Lynn crossed her arms and threw a disdainful glance at Lincoln, who was still staring into the mirror and hadn't even noticed the sisters.

"Come on, Lincoln. I thought you were stronger than that, you crybaby. It was just a bad dream, you don't have to make such a big deal out of it, you wimp."

Lynn said, teasing her brother in an attempt to get his attention, as he always got angry when she teased him.

Lincoln was so immersed in his own thoughts that he wasn't listening to anything his sisters were saying. However, Lincoln ended up doing something unexpected that frightened his sisters. The young man, out of nowhere, slapped himself in the face and then another, and then another.

"Wake up. Wake up! Wake the fuck up! Wake the fuck up!"

Lincoln said, as he slapped himself in the face a few times, and then shouted the last part, which ended up, for a moment, scaring his sisters, who were watching the scene in bewilderment. Even Lucy, who was the most depressed and gloomy of the family, was frightened by it.

"Mom, Lincoln's gone crazy!"

Lori exclaimed, calling out to her mother, who somehow didn't hear.

However, before her eldest daughter could say anything else, Lincoln stopped staring at himself in the mirror and, with a serious face, started walking out of his room. He even passed his sisters, but ended up ignoring them as if they weren't even there, and headed towards the only bathroom in the house, where four more of his ten sisters stood outside. They were the eight-year-old twins, Lana and Lola, and just behind them Lisa, aged four, and Luan, aged fourteen. Lincoln walked past them ignoring them and headed for the bathroom. However, when he tried to open the door, he noticed that it was locked from the inside.

Not caring, Lincoln ended up doing something that scared his three younger sisters and his older sister. He ended up kicking the door handle a little too hard, breaking it in the process, and the door ended up opening as the handle fell to the floor.

After literally almost destroying the bathroom door, Lincoln went inside and didn't even care if anyone was in there. He walked towards the sink, his legs still shaking. As he approached the sink, he bent down and began to dip his face in the tap water. However, one of his older sisters was naked in the bathroom, taking a shower.

If you like the story and want to see more, take a look at my Patreon, where you'll find several chapters ahead of the public. And you'll also be helping me reach my dream of being a full-time writer. And you'll also be helping me reach my dream of being a full-time writer.


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