
Fire Fish

On the contrary, team Fire Fish was forging ahead. They were by now 20,000 feet below the gelid water surface. Their prodigious costume that kept meddling with the communication system had not let them lose courage or hope. "For how much more time do we have to keep swimming, my hands are as shriveled as prunes and my legs are sore." Gestured Charles. "A bit more." Came the reply from Lily, although she wasn't yet certain of her answer. They swam to an extent where no ray of light could reach. The eerie atmosphere and frigid water was giving them creeps. "There is no life so deep." Pantomimed William, but grievously he turned out to be extremely wrong as at the very moment they saw a Megalodon shark being a fleet of foot, with a vile, ravenous look in its eye, jaws wide open showing its ferocious teeth, giving them an abhorrent smile. They all swam helplessly struggling to escape, right when Olivia's foot got stuck in a coral reef, despite her desperately trying to swim to safety she couldn't possibly unhook herself, and the continuous jostling was giving her excruciating pain and increasing the blood loss, each second with the Megalodon shark getting nearer, there seemed to be no hope of her survival. Her eyes shut tightly, lips shivering; she was turning blue, praying that she would die peacefully. Not a moment too soon, Olivia found herself in a sunken, ragged, tattered ship that has been abandoned over a century ago. Olivia laid still, bloods rushing out of her open wounds tainting the disintegrated wooden floor. Sweat dripping down her forehead, as she opened her eyes, she beamed seeing a blur silhouette of her brother. "How did this happen?" She inquired, delighted to discover that, the massive oxygen cylinder and unyielding costume have at last be taken off of her lacerated torso. She could finally speak, though in a very subdued voice. "Lily was extremely magnanimous, she scarified her own life in order to save yours, I owe her a great deal, you see she jumped with a rock to rescue you but got gobbled up by the shark and gave you the blessing of life." Sobbed Charles. When they saw a glistening key, which was opened portal to a new level.