
Prince Cold and Warm

Chapter 20| Prince Cold and Warm

Tristan restrained himself from bursting into a fit of laughter at her last question.

Why would he use spells on her long beautiful locks?

"I know everything about you. We have a file about you alongside all the girls. So saying that, I know your profession, where you stay, medical reports, immediate family members ___"

"Do you happen to know the first guy I kissed? Do you know that I have a man I love and I have left behind? Do you know that I just gained a job in my dream firm? Do you know that my Nonna's life won't be the same now I'm gone? Do you happen to know all that in your sick little file and what the fuck did you do to my hair and eyeballs you creep!"

Her outburst came as a surprise to him and the tear that slid down her cheek was more shocking.

She'd acted quite naturally like it was normal waking up to all that she had and when he had expected her outburst and drama she had even joked with him.

"I don't want to be here." She muttered peeking at him underneath long wet lashes.

"You seemed like you were just having fun with Prince Saif, my brother."

"I love Prince Saif's company but I have a whole life on Earth. I know this might be too sudden and I'm not this kind of person most times." She chuckled a little, wiping a tear that slid down her cheek "Okay perhaps I can be like this but I don't cry in courtrooms."

He looked at her in understanding, "I'm sorry we snatched your life from you because of this,"

She nodded.

"So when does this happen? The day we, you know?__"

He bit the insides of his cheeks to stop himself from laughing. This human, in particular, was incorrigible like sex was so all over the earth. On the street, in a saloon it was sold as copies of a magazine, could be found in a bar, amongst teenage audacious girls who blow bubble gum and discuss condom flavors.

And here she was flushing at just the thought of having to mention sex. He frowned, she must be pretending, he thought to himself. There was no way in hell that she was truly that untainted in such a tainted world. She even said it herself, she had a man she loved.

"You mean Sex?" She nodded.

He looked around them, he saw the brownstone. They were next to the corridor where the King held his meetings, it was understandable that'll be there.

"A night before the full moon all the Princes will meet with their chosen and three fortnight after, an heir will be produced."

"You said, heir. What if an heiress is born, what is the fate of this child?" Tristan looked at her and he didn't see her full lips at that one glance or her beautiful expressive eyes. He saw pure kindness in her gaze, the type he wished if he ever became King, his Queen will have.

Kindness for a child that hasn't been made yet. Not even blood and water, yet she cared. She could easily become a mother of the kingdom, in its true sense. Something he noticed that Annabelle never had.

She treated the servants like trash, called the slaves names, Sneered at the valet, and gave a good beating to her maid.

He shook his head, he shouldn't be having this line of thoughts, he reprimanded himself inwardly. He won't ever be King and even if he didn't sabotage that birthright of his, the fragile weak human in front of him could never be his Queen.

"That won't be possible. Unknown to the chosen, their Princes will deposit a white tasteless pill into their juices. That potion is hard to find and produced every 5,000 years. That makes sure the child is a boy and also the deed is done that day."

Kimberly raised her brow confused, "How does a pill make sure you have mm ... sex?" She stuttered out the last part making Tristan glance at her momentarily

"Let's just say the pill makes you be on heat."

"What do you mean by on heat?" Her brow was furrowed in confusion even as she matched his long strides, almost jogging.

He had resumed walking. He was a busy Prince, every minute count.

"Horny, In need of it, Lustful. You sure as hell can take your pick." He turned a corner.

He stared at the brownstone still beside him, they were still safe. Kimberly was almost running to meet up with him.

"Why are you telling me this? When the chosens are supposed to be kept in the dark? I want to get this done as soon as possible and return to __"

"Because we won't be having sex, ever." He stopped.

She ran into him. He held her, stopping her from almost falling.

"Jesus you are a dressed wall." She muttered touching her head and then with her eyes wide, she remembered what last he had said. "And what the hell did you mean by we won't be having sex ever? Trust me I don't want it but this is necessary for me to get pregnant or do you have other ideas, Prince Cold and Warm?"

His lips curved into something that resembled a smile. Almost like he wanted to smile but he have forgotten how?

"What do you mean by that?" His voice was as cold and neutral as possible, almost unfriendly.

"You were a nice hunk when I woke up and now you pose with this long sash of yours as an arrogant god." She tsked, "It isn't a nice look on you."

His steps didn't falter even once as she had hoped at her words. She was almost breathless as she didn't even know when she had started running just to catch up with him.

"You've accused me of many things milady, that is quite amusing. But I don't have time to entertain jokes, so if you'll excuse me."

"I was not joking about my hair." She deadpanned. She shrugged, "Or about you acting like a rude god."

"I did nothing to your hair. I promise you."

"Then what happened to it! It was brown and my eyes too before I arrived here so how did I fucking turn into blonde and my eyes fit the stereotype of a fucking cheerleader?!"

"Kimberly," he muttered, his gaze on hers like he was talking to a child, "This earth has a way of altering any kind of temporary change you made to your body. Dying of your hair, wearing contacts are included."

She had a sudden smirk on her face which was quite surprising to Tristan, "Even surgeries?"

He nodded.

"Oh yes! You guys are going to be getting some really bad results, boy. Almost like what I ordered versus what I got?"

He shook his head at her playfulness, "The selection was based on their original Gene."