

Chapter 18| Mother-in-laws

Sharp Jawlines, slightly raised eyebrow, identical midnight blue irises.

Kimberly could tell without a doubt that they were brothers. Remove the Identical Royal Robe they both wore, Expell the crowns on their heads and identical swords hung on their waist with gold-encrusted heads, It'll still be too damn obvious.

"Seems like you've already met our guest." There was absolute quiet in the dining room, not like there was much noise before then but all movement was halted. Almost like everyone was too scared to even breathe too loud.

"Yes," Tristan mumbled even as the Prince next to him playfully nudge him, making his eyes widen.

Kimberly gaped at him. She had not been wrong about him. How could he still try to be playful in front of a man that his hard stare alone made her shiver and want to hide under the clouds underneath her foot? So well that he wouldn't even catch a glimpse of her.

"What is your name Dear?" He forced a somewhat expression on his face Kimberly could guess he thought was a smile, but looked so much like a wince.

She shivered.


There was confusion in his eyes and Kimberly could see disapproval that followed.

Her eyes caught the slight lump that Tristan swallowed, he was nervous and even the Prince behind him had a quiet gravelly ambiance. Almost like everyone waited with hitched breath for his next words like their lives depended on it.

Well, all except for the goddess who kept on munching her cupcakes, in total silence and with such grace that she had thought practically impossible especially when shoving food into your face.

Even the woman at the left-hand side of the Man with her ridiculous choice of clothing, repelling pet and intimidating pair of eyes waited.

"I don't like your name."

She scoffed inwardly, "I don't like your face." She muttered to herself even though there was nothing wrong with the man's face. He just was so cold and terrifyingly insensitive, How do you tell someone with a straight face that you dislike their name?

"You'll be called Diane." Fork hit against China-ware. The goddess stood up and with anger, picking her floor-length gown made her way out of the room.

"Mother," Tristan muttered making Kimberly speechless.

His brother held his hand, "Let her go. You know it'll get to this. Let her get used to the fact that she can't be the only woman in your life."

Tristan helplessly looked at the man at the table who Kimberly had already figured had some high Ranking, serious authority over them all. Maybe his elder brother, Crown Prince? Heir to the throne.

"Abba." His expression was sullen and Kimberly gasped audibly.

She have heard that word before and knew it meant Father. It was a common word if she was being honest to herself but the familiarity of the word didn't strike her as what she had seen when perusing idly the leaf of a dictionary.

It was more familiar, deeper, more frightening.

Does that mean the man at the table who looked like he had not seen a day past 34 was Tristan's father and importantly The King?

Tristan gave her a remorseful look before he followed his father who without a word stood up and left, leaving delicious meals which could be used for a banquet untouched, on top of a velvety decorated dining table.

Kimberly looked around unsure, wondering if the snake in the arms of the woman who looked at her funny will bite her if she seats down and eat after everything she have just seen or experienced?

Will that be insensitive? She thought to herself, will that hurt their feelings? Do they even have hearts?

"Hello, I'm Saif." The woman with the black cloak glared at him. He met her gaze and shrugged.

Kimberly wondered what all the drama-making rounds in this place were about? An absurdly young gorgeous girl called mother and a man in his late youths father, The woman who stared right back at her unflinchingly also seemed to have some sort of authority over Tristan's brother who gave her a flirtatious smile.

"You can add Prince when the meanies are around but between us two__", he took a step close to her. Not so close it was uncomfortable or suggested anything peevish but so close it invaded her private space and she blinked more than twice trying to get a hold on herself at the giddy swell on her head at how impossibly beautiful everybody who had a crown on their head was. Even the cloaked woman who gave her the chills!

"I'm just Saif. And with time you'll also realize I am the reason why you'll be having a swell time here."

The serpent fell off her body as the cloaked strange woman steadied her crown that had become unbalanced in her hasty less graceful movement and then with a huff she exited the room. Her serpent gliding after her.

"Why is she so angry?" Kimberly stared at her retreating figure, curious.

Saif gave her a wry smile, "You do know they can hear us right, even from there?"

Her eyes widened.

"I just gave you a heads-up so you don't utter anything that'll gain you, enemies, faster than allies." He offered her his hands, she grabbed it not believing how soft it felt.

He has not worked a day in his life that she could tell. "And you are doing great because you just gain yourself an Ally, Kimberly."

Her eyes widened at the thought of his father hearing he had so openly altered his ruling. He had called her, her name.

"No. The advice was for you." He smirked, " Too late for me, girlie. Nobody told me this when I was born."

He pulled out a chair for her, "And I guess you are still hungry milady?"


He laughed. "I can't believe a lady can admit that."

She gave him a comical look that made him grin, "Do I look very much like a lady to you?"


Too hungry to even comment on his pervert reply which he accompanied with a playful wink, she was already filling her plate with everything she laid hands laid on and went right down to the business of stuffing her face.

"I'll like you so much. You are just so different." Saif muttered amusedly.

She gave him a thumbs-up as her mouth was full.

"And Yes the woman with the Cloak?" She nodded, digging in yet for another bit of Heaven in dishes.

"She is my mother."

Her spoon dropped.

Amused at her expression, he laughed, and with his hands, at his back, he strode out of the dining room leaving her all alone to ponder on everything strange she had just discovered.