
Illusions and banters

Chapter 14 | Illusions and Banters

Then she sneezed once and even from where he stood, he watched her eyes flutter open, her pouty full pink lips narrowly forming an o. The cubicle opened automatically and she stepped out.

He didn't like the attention that her delay to wake up has risen as even Hades' eyes were on her form, his lips pursed. He was deep in thought and even Tristan couldn't help but admit that he was scared when Prince Lucius think.

The witch held the rose petals up, her lips curving into that of a grin, It was no secret that even as the Kingdom's witch, she couldn't help but have a favorite especially as Prince Tristan was her godson. "The chosen one for the crown prince of all Princes, Tristan, and mother of our heir."

The human with her blonde hair disheveled walked down the steps, presenting herself to the people in a jerky robotic movement, and then immediately her eyes landed on the strange unaffected human at the devil side, her eyes bulged and then looking around her, she slumped.


Her eyes landed on unbelievably yet familiar sky blue eyes, His were so striking, that it would be wrong to say, his eyes were as blue as the sky, but the sky was as blue as his incredible pools.

Sunlight which poked its head into the room through unclosed binds illuminated his features, making his blonde hair which was packed into a ponytail, under the light, like gold strands.

His sharp jawline made her want to feel his face and find out herself if it could cut through marble slab, because of how defined they look and his gaze was so piercing, it seemed like it was capable of piercing into her soul.

"Are you okay?" She blinked, realizing that she must have blanked out and must appear like a freak to the god-like man.

She stood up, looking around the room where she lied. A king-sized bed, a walk-in closet, the type she have only heard about in Disney channels and had wanted to have when she still had fantasies about being a modern Cinderella and marrying the Prince.

She didn't know what the inside look like or what was inside there, and why it was house-inspired but judging by the exterior she could bet good money that the interior was as big as her room back at home.

Home, she gasped looking at the man in front of her, who just watched her with a patient yet guarded expression almost like he expected her to flip out, scratch his face and run out.

"Where am I?" She searched for her black purse, keen on finding her phone to call somebody already becoming scared as the gorgeous man just stared wordlessly at her.

"What are you doing?" He shook his head and then rubbed his fingers on his temple like her attitude was giving him an ache and being with her was unbearable, he shook his head making her suddenly infuriated as she decided to ignore the husky sound of his voice that should be banned and his features that she won't disbelieve if told he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for.

"You are in the underworld, You are in Indiosia."

She remembered shutting out Blaine and sleeping off and that was it. She couldn't remember landing on an island or being transported to Indio… she paused looking at him, what had he even called where she was?

She stood up quickly alerting him and then Peering out of the window not knowing what she expected to see, but the couples who walked past her, chuckling was the last thing on her mind, maybe people waking with their heads would have been more believable and be sold faster.

"That is an allusion." His voice was a little whisper as he handed her a bottle of water making her realize how parched her throat was as the cool liquid glided down.

"I also designed the room to be familiar to your room." She narrowed her eyes at the huge closet, "Nearly similar to yours." He corrected.

"I couldn't get accurate data from your brain of what your room looks like, but I just got sketchy details and a little of what I have seen during my short stay on Earth on what a human's room looks like."


"Well for starters most of your other human friends__"

"I don't know most of them. Only one if I am being specific is familiar. Others come from countries I have not even been to."

Deciding that, that piece of information was strange since everybody knew everybody and their father in his world, but remembering she wasn't of his world, he continued, "Most of them have been running away immediately they awake and not knowing if I will be in your presence when you become conscious, I decided to avert the event of such ugly incident happening."

She looked out of the windows, believing him that it was truly an allusion because even though they both walked continuously they remained rooted in the same spot.

Completely standing up, she studied the room conscious that part of the items there made up how the man in front of her thought and desperate to grasp anything that made sense in front of her that explains the strange man's words especially when he had plainly said he had tried reading her thought like that wasn't weird, she studied every little item in the room thoughtfully.

"When I had asked you why, I didn't ask why you had made illusions to ease me into your environment, I had asked why you needed to go through such process to get a woman who will bear you a child, humans will fall over themselves to have you in their arms. Trust me, my kind aren't really the smartest."

His lips curved into an amused smile at her daredevil shrug and in reminisces of his short period on earth, where he had gotten millions of what his dear friend who had made the earth his abode had called, the come-get-me-look everywhere he went.

Some of the humans have even been so audacious to preposition him, making him shake his head at how loose the women of Earth were.

"Because this is not just about some dudes trying to get laid and get a child out of it as a bonus."

She rolled her eyes releasing an unladylike snort, that should make him angered, vexed that she disrespected him so but instead, he found it insanely attractive making him question his sanity.

"That is what exactly this looks like. Just saying you could get it without any fuss on Earth well…" she pursed her lips, "This is if your good looks are not also one of your crafted allusions."

He smirked, not believing he was going to sit down with this troublesome human with quirky lips and a mischievous smile, even ridiculously more he couldn't believe he also enjoyed their banter. "Does that mean you find me so attractive, you think I ain't real?"

"Are you trying to flirt with me Mr I am too Gorgeous for Earth?"

He shook his head at her cheekiness.

She tsked as she stood up not believing how easily she have comfortably spoken with a creature that was supposed to spook her and make her scream.

"When you said a human's room, do you mean a teenage girl between the ages of 14 - 19?" She stared at the poster of Justin Beiber, Taylor Swift, and the pink vanity body-length size mirror at her side.

He scratched his head giving her an uneasy smile.

She laughed.