
Having it all

Chapter 113|Having it all

"Why were you avoiding me?" The question spilt out of her lips before she could stop herself and burst whatever bubble it was that they were in that made Tristan so nice.

"I don't know." He mumbled because there was no point lying that he wasn't but yet he couldn't state a good enough reason why regardless of how much he wanted to seek after her and see her, talk to her and hear her cheeky tone he just couldn't bring himself to.

He met her gaze. "Perhaps I was just trying to protect myself."

She scoffed. "Protect yourself from me? I'm just discovering I have powers which are still wonky and all over the place."

He flashed her his pearly whites which were beginning to get more easy to show. She did do something to him that he still couldn't put his hand on but it made him feel a kind of way that regardless of how much the unfamiliarity scared him, he wasn't sure he wanted to evade it any longer.