
Guardian demon

Chapter 66| Guardian Demon

"What do you want from me, Prince Tristan?" She already knew why he had brought her out here. This was similar to the night he had seemed apologetic about the unruly way he had spoken to her at the infirmary and she was positive he was about to do the same thing. Say sorry to her yet not say the actual words and that was supposed to matter to her because?

She didn't care if he apologized or didn't. She was certain and knew beyond doubt that he was a jackass and if she wanted to not cry herself to sleep every night then the best thing she could do was to avoid him and stay out of his way until she was needed to act out her side of the pact they had made.

"What do you think I want from you?"

She scoffed, "Isn't it obvious? You want to apologize."

Husky laughter spilled from his lips making her narrow her eyes, angry and in total confusion.

"Are you delusional, I don't want to apologize to you."

"Why? Her eyes hardened, "Because I'm a filthy ordinary human girl does that make me eligible to be treated so badly, or is my kind that much of an offense in Indiosia, Prince?"

"I can't apologize to you not because you are human but because of your eyes, the fired-up glimmer that is resolute not to hear a word I say, and the tight line your lips are pressed into. You don't want an apology."

She smirked, "Finally we are on the same page."

"What do you want?"

"Take a guess." She gave him a goofy grin knowing he'd probably huff and walk away, way too big of a person to indulge in whatever game she was up to.

"I believe you."

She stared at him in confusion, "That's a first since everything I've ever said has been a blatant lie and blasphemous to you. So what part of my lies are you admitting to oh highly placed Prince?"

He rolled his eyes, "Your dreams. I believe you. I believe that you did see the river when you were a child."

Anger came with comprehension of his words. Red fury that burned through her and spasmed and wrecked her senses, "I don't want you pushing me any more than you have already. I might have made up whatever I did in my head and might have just filled up blank spaces of my dream with what had happened since I got here because sincerely, I've always been desperate for answers all my life. So much so, I seek for clues where there is nothing, poking and prodding."

"You don't believe that yourself, Kimberly. You know you ain't crazy and something strange is truly happening to you yet you can't seem to place it."

She shook her head at him, groaning, "Oh don't tell me our majestic being is also crazy? Remember what they say about the pretty ones and their dark garbage? Please don't give me a reason to be concerned since it seems your garbage is overfilled."

"Then why are you still here?" He gave her a wolfish grin, "If you think I'm saying rubbish why haven't you walked back to your room the minute I had told you I wasn't here to apologize?"

She glared hard at him, realizing that he was no longer holding her hand and she could very much walk out now and he won't hold her back.

She gave him a mock salute and turned angry that she had even wasted minutes entertaining his ramblings.

"You could leave right now or we could escape the palace and go meet someone who might have answers to your questions."

He gave her a triumphant smirk as she stopped in her tracks, "Answers to my question? Who could that be?"

"Who else?" He shrugged, "Someone else who was also there during all your nightmares and even when you take a bath."

She glared at him, wondering what he was driving at.

"And who is that?"

"You know, Humans always talk about Guardian angels but what nobody talks about or even stop to think of is a guardian demon. I mean who do you think is responsible for the little luring voice that tells you the perfect spot for a quick blow job in high school or shows you the empty classroom for a quick fuck."

She looked away not wanting to tell him that her guardian demon well would be very well angry with her because they have not had any of such adventure and the only thing he had managed to tempt her into was arguing with her teachers and getting detention.

"We are going to meet Selene, your guardian demon. She should be able to tell us what is going on and why you are having nightmares about a place you never knew existed as a child?"

"You talked about escaping the palace, did I hear wrongly, or did Mr. Rigid and damn strict suggest that we break the rules?"

"I'm not rigid or anything like that. I just don't see any reason behind Saif's recklessness and how ready he is to ditch everything just to have fun."

"That's called living, Prince. You should try it during one of your free times." She fired at him.

"So what would it be Kimberly would you be leaving the palace with me on the day of the unveiling to Hades' paradise or not?"

She gave him an amused smile and hugged her body, "I tremble in fear! Hades' paradise?" She cackled, "I'm so scared."

He smirked, "So?"

She snorted, "Go rot in Hades' paradise with your deal since that's what we are calling it now." Then she left him staring at the back of her defiant head which was stuck high in the air Amused. He knew she'd come back, she was too curious not to.

He gazed at the stars up in the sky at the balcony, he have always been an insomniac even as a child and he remembered how nice it had been to gaze at the sky with a very sleepy Saif who would always maintain he wasn't sleepy just so he won't stay up alone.

There have been nothing interesting about the little too many sparkling things scattered in the sky but it has always warmed his heart to watch them while noticing Saif dozing off at a corner reminding him that although he might be as insignificant as one of the little glittering stars when he was on the vast sky with too many other stars, he'd always mean something to somebody just because he was Tristan and nothing more. No title, no glory, no favors, no expectations yet he was loved. That was who Saif was and that was what he had represented in his life. Just love and wanting nothing in return.

But he was going to give him something this time but not directly because he won't take it, but he'd give it to the human he seem to have taken a liking to and cared so much about.

He didn't believe her story one bit. He had lied but he knew just how frustrating it can be to know you are searching for clues when you know there isn't anything and so he was going to put an end to her restless search. She was going to have a word with her guardian demon and be fully convinced, her nightmares she was connecting with Indiosia were all in her head.