
Global warming and Batman

Chapter 27|Global warming and Batman

Kimberly stared at Saif, unsure of how to react after seeing him almost destroy the building they both were in. He was still crouched down on the floor, keeping an eye on her like he was trying to decipher the emotion in her eyes.

"So you command the wind, cool right?" Her voice came out unsure as she clasped her hand together looking like a dutiful wife.

His shoulder shook Violently in uncontrollable laughter as he shook his head at her in disbelief not believing that her words were still amusing. He had expected to see fear swirling in those pair of intriguing eyes.

He saw uncertainty, confusion but heck that was all. No ounce of fear was found in her charming irises for him and that was one of the Charming things he love about the human, she was not Normal.

Normal was the pretentious schooled woman he would be forced one day to make his wife, Normal was how terrified he had felt the first day his power had gone out of hand just like today. He had locked himself inside a closet, refusing to taste food for days. His reason being he was a monster and he deserved to die.

"Yes, that's my power." He mumbled amidst chuckle, "It isn't usually this scary, and I never planned to show you this way."

She shrugged, then nudged him playfully with her shoulders, "It doesn't matter in what form I see it." Grinning she crouched down on her knee, so they were on eye level, "I think your power is cool. You could be Batman!"

He shook his head, "Who is that?"

There was a light in her eyes as she gave him a cheeky smile, "God you are so unknowledgeable. Batman is a superhero who saves people, you know?"


She scratched her head, "The bad guys. Global warming," she snorted in frustration, "Who cares! He just has a cool costume."

"So he is a maligu?"

"Huh," confusion marred her adorable features for a while, "What is that."

"A body that offers security. They are the realm law enforcement officers, Tristan says you guys call it cops over there and you have different maligu in different states."

She blinked, how similar was this world going to turn out to be to Earth if she kept on learning things like this? Though she doubted there was network coverage here and if there was, her phone had miraculously vanished when she had woken up so no way to check that out.

"Batman isn't the darn cop. Serves the same purpose if you just want a realistic boring save, but batman is more you know, the real deal and," she moved closer to him, her lips curving into a smirk as she whispered into his ear, "A comic book character."

"Jeez," he added as he stood up giving her his hand so she could join him, "Are all humans like this?"

She didn't reply to him almost immediately, she mulled over the question and thought hard which made Saif shake his head wondering if he could ever get over the fact of how beautifully different she was. Boldly, unapologetically weird in a super fantastic way.

Normal was over rated, it was the bullshit, his brother Tristan called a life.

"Nope, not all humans are like this," she finally replied, "Only the super-smart ones with a lot to say. And that description just screams, have you met Kimberly?" She bowed her leg in what was supposed to be a curtsy making him legit giggle. He couldn't even believe the sound when it had left his lips.

"Is that supposed to be a curtsy or what? It seems like you are about to fart."

She raised her brow at him, "That bad?"

He didn't miss a beat as he nodded earnestly making her bark out a burst of laughter that echoed in the empty hallway they both walked in as they discussed. The Thud of their footsteps and laughter was the only sound that reigned in the quiet grand staircase.

"You can't blame the girl, the only time I felt the need to curtsy was in a drama play in middle school, mind you, I wasn't granted the opportunity because I was a tree."

He gasped in mocked surprise, "With all your excellent drama techniques."

"Let's just say the drama teacher was my own modern stepmother and didn't want me to dazzle the audience with my fantastic acting flair hence I snatch her job from her."

"Oh," he held back a Chuckle, pretentiously nodding thoughtfully. "The only reason why I didn't make acting a career choice is that__" she paused, his lips were pursed.

"God I'm horrible at it," she shook her head, laughing at herself while raising both hands in surrender, "So horrible that I've been surprised I was deemed fit to be a tree. You don't know how heartbroken I had been to find out that the original tree selected, had gotten down with chickenpox that was why I have been considered!" She looked at him like she still couldn't quite wrap her head around the "shocking Revelation" "It wasn't even a talking role!"

He released his suppressed laugher, his eyes flashing with mirth and he had laughed so hard, his eyes were glassy and his cheeks flushed when he was done.

"Kimberly, you are one of the most interesting humans I have seen."

"I'm the only one you have seen."

"Yes, but I have a feeling the others ain't like you. You are wired differently."

She gave him a mock horrified look, "You think I'm a psycho?"

"Well if you insist on being called that," he commented making her shake her head noting how he had flipped her words backward into a retort, he was good. She would give him that. "But you are the nice kind of psychotic, the diabetic form of troublesome and a nice wave of fresh breath."

"Thank you, thank you." She made a show of wiping an imaginary tear, "I'll never let this title change me one bit. I'll forever remain the humble human you know and you will always be Prince over me." She held her other hand using it as a microphone while making her announcement making Saif look away in uncontrollable fits of laughter.

He had never been the type not to have fun or the rigid Prince, Tristan was. He knew lots of people but he barely kept friends. He was the playful prince, a title he deserved because he was always on top of every happening event in the realm but in reality, he had always felt this loneliness.

You know how cliche, it is when superstars cry out that they are surrounded by different people yet somehow they are alone that was how he felt.

Amid the rum spree, the dancing, and the entertainment from the ladies who stomp over themselves to get his attention, home had always been beside Tristan at the end of the day as they played and argued over who was a better fighter between the both of them when it was inarguably Tristan.

And at that moment as Kimberly performed yet another theatrical joke with such dramatic flair making him choke in yet another fit of laughter he saw a bond being formed, friendship.

The human might just become his "Northport."

He and Tristan called themselves that when Tristan was far from home, usually on Earth and he was trying to communicate to him using the sibling link.

Northport was the little room where he and Tristan spoke about their day in a hushed whisper when they were 6, it was the spot where Tristan had for the first time shouted at Abba when they were 10 to protect him, Northport was the warm room Amongst the lone rooms in the empty cold palace.

North Port was home, his heart and if he didn't get a grip on himself, he just might let the human in.