
Full moon

Chapter 7| Full moon

Nana had not made it past the threshold of the house before she had started heaving and sobbing. Scarlett had texted her giving her a crappy excuse that even a four-year-old won't believe.

She turned to stare at Bryan, not recognizing his sullen look and how cold he stood behind her.

He was the only one who had seen her off to the airport where they'll be transported to a lone island according to the news then left under the mercy of the underworld people.

"I'll be back," She repeated the mantra she had muttered so many times to him she had lost count and as the girls ambled towards the Private jet that awaited them. A guilt-induced luxury the government had provided, Bryan still held onto her hand tightly.

The flight warden shook her head in pity and the pilot had a tear on his cheek even as Kimberly collapsed, under his touch, leaning into him as she ignored her name being called again and again soaking up the feel of her lover's touch on her face, hopefully not for the last time.

And as she flashed him a remorseful glance running towards the jet, it was obvious that he who she had run away from was who she wanted to be running to if given a choice.

Her legs wobbled as she entered the Lear Jet. A thick manila envelope with her name was on one of the seats. She sat down, glad she got the window seat and then they took off into the clear cold day but to Kimberly, all she could see was gray skies and a blurry future.

A blurry future she so desperately wants to have Brian in. Her lips were set in a tight line as she remembered her resolve. She'll come back to this city, this will not be the last of her, Never.

"You don't look too good," A girl who looked strangely familiar to Kimberly with wavy strawberry curls and green eyes she knew she had seen before mumbled. She sat next to her.

"I'm Blaine,"

Kimberly nodded, deciding to be courteous, that was the least she could do for another girl who was going to be suffering the same fate as her then it struck her, Blaine Geoffrey. She had shared a seat with her in middle school before her parents had moved to Asia.

Blaine had a wide smile on her face as she noticed the light of realization on Kimberly's expression.

"Blainy?" It was a nickname Blaine's friends called her. Kimberly wasn't one of those friends but yet she couldn't stop the rush of excitement she felt at seeing someone familiar in a land of uncertainty. She needed to count her victories.

They both didn't waste time, catching up right back to third grade when Kimberly's only problem was not having to be disturbed by Jade who made silly doodles on her book and passed it to her continuously.

They both laughed as Kimberly recounted a moment where Blaine had in a typical fifth-grader intelligence, crafted a beautiful love letter to her crush which his best friend had read instead and had told the whole class that Blaine puckers her lips whenever she was next to him because she liked him.

The whole class believed him, he had evidence. A piece of paper on which he had expertly erased his friend's name and written his. Blaine had cried for weeks.

Mirth and laughter rang at their side. A sound which was so foreign in a roomful of the blank faces of their fellow travelers.

There was thick uncertainty in the air, melancholy was not left out as every one of the girls cast their mind on all they have left behind for only God knows what but Kimberly didn't look sullen at all neither did Blaine.

Being sad never solves anyone's problem. The pilot won't decide to offer his daughter in your place because you look pitiful. At the end of the day no one cares but at least she has got Blaine, Kimberly thought and for the first time since she saw her name in that horror-like record, she smiled.

Things might just be turning up for her especially if Blaine was as enthusiastic about her life back in Asia as she sounded then she has gained an ally on her formerly lonesome journey and resolution to return.

"I saw you outside with the tall hot guy." Kimberly could give her an A for perfectly staying put until she had made her (Kimberly) totally comfortable with her company despite how curious she knew she would have been.

"Everyone saw me outside with him." Kimberly shrugged.

"You like him." It wasn't a question.

"I love him. He has been my boyfriend for more than 7 years now." It sounded more hurtful as she said it as she couldn't help but recount the memories they've both shared during the span of all those years. "If I had a choice I'll be with him, licking dry chocolate and hearing him complain about the adverse health effects."

"I'm so sorry that you have to be separated from him for a while," Kimberly eyed her, she sounded so sure they'll be back soon. Like it was just a mere inconvenience and not a huge deal.

She didn't sound or look like her life was ending or this was another alien apocalypse. "What?" She raised her brow noticing Kimberly's stare.

She smiled knowingly, "I get that a lot. I've been researching the underworld people since I was a child, I always knew there was more to the fairytale, and According to what I gathered if you avoid the soul binding night, the full moon, and post-pregnancy attachment to your child then your portal will still be open for you to travel back which will lead you back to Earth."

Kimberly gazed at her wide-eyed, as she explained whatever Kimberly was assured, crazy ideas she must have made up like it was general knowledge and people are supposed to know these things. Full moon? What are we werewolves? She thought her lips curved as she began rethinking her initial thought of having Blaine as an ally now doubting her sanity.

Blaine gave her a look and sighed, "You don't believe me too," She chuckled, "Funny enough I can't get angry anymore. I get that a lot."

Kimberly didn't reply to her, instead, she turned off cabin lights and slept off.