
Faye, the fairest

Chapter 25|Faye, the Fairest.

Queen Faye dropped the coffee she was so carefully stirring even as one of her maidservants prepared her bath, as she saw the wind rustle from her window.

She could tell it wasn't ordinary and not used to paying blind heed to things like this, especially as the wind swirled even more, so much so, it formed a tornado, picking up whatever it saw on its way including animals while it headed for the palace she stood up.

She knew only one person, who had almost wrecked them with such immense power when he had even been younger and had been so bittered because Tristan got the toy, he preferred.

Prince Saif.

Holding her garment, a mermaid bodice hugging patterned gown which she paired with diamond earrings, she made her way out of her room in search of him and to understand what had pushed the lid of his control.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw him, on the ground, his eyes tight, his muscles clenched. He was in total pain as he tried to control his power which his emotions have unleashed.

She wasn't in visible form, so she moved closer to him, wanting to make herself visible but stopped right in her tracks as she heard soft footballs approaching Saif.

The human looked confused, as she approached him, her eyes widening at the tornado outside which approached the palace without warning, she shuddered as the wind made windows pane make rustling sounds and the building where they stood shook.

Faye knew she was just an innocent human girl, who was scared of the crazy happenings around her but she couldn't trust another human after Reginald.

That's how they all begin, demure, unsure, unsuspecting and like gas they trickled their way into the system, burning anything that stood in their way of gaining power and since they were despicable humans with loose conducts, they did all manner of frightening morally alarming things to retain status.

Once given a taste of power, as she had gullibly allowed Reginald to have, they wanted more and more.

She wasn't going to make the same mistake with this human, she was not going to make her feel welcome or give her any space to trickle her way into the kingdom like gas, especially as her baby was concerned.

Her Tristan. No woman was good enough for him. His aura, his nature, his looks. She believed that any woman lucky enough to have been considered should be forever grateful. She didn't like Annabelle, never have fancied the arrogant child of the pompous Duke, but she seemed appreciative enough.

Besides, it was not her decision to make, who ended up with her son. Just the same way, she didn't have a say in inviting these filthy humans over to their kingdom. Because to her, a human for her Son, was an insult, a botch of stain she won't allow.

She will bear him an heir, just so he will fulfill his Destiny as King, and then she'll see to it that she didn't want to stay any longer than after weaning her child.

There was total quiet in seconds, she blinked noting that the sky was now clear of the grey cloud that was initially on it.

Saif was smiling at the human. Faye shook her head. One of her sons seems to be enamored in the Human's clutches, she won't let her extend her hands to the other.

Deciding to end whatever mad bond that was beginning to brew between Prince Saif and the human later, she made her way to the King's chamber to discuss yet again, how concerned the human made her. It was her third complaint.

The last time, the King had promised to look into it and she had been expecting a reprimand or if possible a command that put her carefully in her place and clipped her wings she was unfolding to fly but rather the King had given her a name.

What welcome could be grander than a naming ceremony? She knew about his hidden infatuation for a princess, a daughter and though this was a secret she was going to keep forever because what kind of King desires a daughter? It made her wonder if that was the reason why he was so lenient on her. Why else did he bestow a name on her so quickly?

The King's back was towards her as she approached the room. The powerful expanse of his shoulder made for placing a lover's head while lovemaking reminded her of when he was just Raphael and she was just the naive Faye, who couldn't believe the crown prince was intrigued by her charms.

She took more steps into his room, reminiscing about moments when she will sneak out of her house, using the little flame torch journeying to their love spot, just behind the witches' garden.

She'll lay her head in his lap and he'll promise to expell all her troubles once he became King.

He did become King and despite how unkind a love marriage was being treated, the King had been stubborn and made sure his father knew if it wasn't her, it was no one else.

His choice has been approved but that didn't mean she didn't squarely face the scorn of his mother and the hatred of his father. And somehow, after he became King her problems kept on enlarging till there was no other space for trust and hope.

While he had become busy with kingly matters, that nobody dared elaborate on how demanding your husband's title will be when painting you the Queen's fantasy, she was drawn away too by what was expected of her by her people.

Then the children had come and she had learned to adore Tristan's adorable flushed cheeks and Saif's quirky lips. He had always been a goofball even as an infant, hitting his hand together, his mouth in an adorable pout and his eyes with a twinkle that brought light into the room.

She didn't have a motherly bond that was smothering to Saif, the way she did Tristan but she couldn't deny the love she felt and still feel for him. They both were her sweet babies.

"Faye, the fairest." The King's words were solemn and his back was still towards her.

She smiled. Despite the years and how much have changed between them, he was still the only man able to notice her presence even while in her invisible form.

She perched on a seat, her invisible spell expelled as she waited for him to look her way.

"Is this about the human?" He turned to meet her and she blinked discovering he looked amused, "Again."

"I'm afraid so, my Lord." Her head was down as she spoke to him. She didn't dare look the Lord of the Land in his eyes. Something she missed about her Raphael who wasn't King and had taken a lot of reprimands from her unkind mother-in-law to remember to always lower her gaze in his presence.

He was no more, her lover. He was the people's ruler. The King.

How that title that was supposed to banish all their problems had introduced a lot too many with it, was still a painful irony! She thought and deciding that she didn't have time on her hands to think about spilled milk.

She squared her chest and made to explain to the King yet again why the human needed to be seen as a threat.