
Egoistic god

Chapter 38| Egoistic god.

She knew it was foolish to pull her weight on the door and try shutting it because the man in front of her seemed three times stronger than her and even had powers, mystical Powers that seemed unlimited, besides the idea was childish but the Kimberly a few hours ago would have taken a chance on such a ridiculous decision than just give up.

But she was too tired, done with the drama that came with the world she was unwillingly thrown into to put up a fight.

She just went out of the way and then strode to her bed hearing the door shut behind her, aware he was watching her now and was inside her private space.

She folded her hands and watched him while he looked around her room keenly like he was fascinated by the design even though he was the one responsible for making her room look like a 14-year-old teenager's crib.

"If you are here for an apology__"

"I must be delusional," he completed knowingly.

She sighed. "Can you let me do this and don't make it even harder than it is already, because trust me it is."

"What is exactly? Staying here or having to deal with the people who live here too?"

"Apologizing to a rude, arrogant being who considers himself some kind of mini-god." She mumbled, but there was no malice behind her voice just her stating hard facts. Facts he knew.

"I never saw you as the type of girl who caved in when prodded just a little, who apologizes when she had done nothing wrong."

"I didn't know you saw anything apart from avenues to make my life a living hell and insult me till your heart purrs in content,"

"Don't take this as an insult because you seem to take every word that leaves my mouth as one, but I wasn't exactly looking because the Prince of Indiosia keeping his eyes on some Human, is a waste of time and efforts."

She collapsed on her bed, not even having it in her to be offended by his underlying yet glaring insult.

"Asking someone not to take an insult as one doesn't make it less of that. I was hoping they'll teach you that in one of your very prestigious education." Her voice was a whisper but she could tell he could hear her because his eyes became hardened.

"You know, please don't take this as an insult because it isn't but hardcore truth. You can't possess the level of kindness and reasonability that Saif possesses in his finger in your whole body and going through overpriced schooling routes improves a man but doesn't make him."

"You don't even know me." His words were calm and collected but she could tell that was just a facade.

She wanted to so desperately watch him howl, scream even, manifest any trait that proved he wasn't some kind of sculpture.

"Knowing you will just be a waste of time and resources, Prince Tristan." She muttered as politely as possible throwing back his words at her.

"I ain't here to exchange some kind of banter with you."

"Yes, I won't expect that from a god-like being. But I must say, I'm enthralled to know why a god like you have decided to come down to communicate with some poor weak, filthy human like me." Her words dripped with sarcasm and nothing More.

He could tell she was drained both mentally and physically. He didn't want to tip her even more, not because he cared but because if he did he just might create a misconception that he cared enough to cause her problem.

He retrieved the stack of contracts, he had had his legal aid draft for him. The middle-aged human lawyer who had compiled even more stranger conditioning and terms that resolved precisely on the orbit of his sex escapades had seemed more on edge when he had handed the file to him.

"Still pulling some black magic stunt are we?" She snarled and he grinned inwardly, noticing that the spirited troublesome girl that would be easier to hate and avoid was still inside of her.

Avoiding a pathetic human. The image she had tried fitting into when he walked into the room will just make him seem dumb but she, she made avoiding her seem like a really wise and sensible thing to do.

Something he couldn't quite understand why Saif didn't get. Everything about her screamed trouble. She wasn't in any sense of the world a lady and the dresses she wore, was to her some sort of dress-up joke.

She didn't have any values grounded in her that told her when to talk and when she should just listen and only reply when asked a direct question.

Kimberly was too mouthy, too bold and women like her were volcanoes just waiting to erupt.

"You know you could earn some decent pay as a magician in New York, of course, no one has to know it is actual magic but believe it is some sort of trick," She pursed her lips thoughtfully and he could tell she was casually making fun of him, childishly and without effort. It was almost like she didn't know how else to communicate with him if her words weren't laced with venom.

"I could almost imagine your stage name, T the Tryst or we could just leave your title, The Prince of magic. You will surely be the deal in children's parties and girl's sleepovers."

He rolled his eyes, ignoring how cringe-worthy her knack for nicknaming was.

"I came here to hand you this." He threw the envelope on her body immediately and though he wouldn't have done that to any woman whatsoever, there was something about her that poked his button and made him want to react, act out of character.

"Sorry." He found himself muttering even as she took the envelope and glared at him, "It slipped."

"Yes, I know." She snorted knowingly. She could tell he was lying.

"What is this?" She asked even as her eyes skimmed over the writing on the paper, her long lashes fluttering.

She gave him a little smile that lacked in mirth, "Does the Prince also have trust issues amongst his other sickening attitudes?"

"I don't. But I just want you to sign a paper that expressly stated what we had agreed on some days ago, how hard could that be?" His eyes flashed with some kind of challenge. Like he wanted her to stomp on them and flatly refused not to sign them. To prove that she was trouble just like he had predicted.