
Brimmed with falsehood

Chapter 100|Brimmed with falsehood

As Nonna stood up to leave, Kimberly had called after her, completely confused.

Nonna's eyes were that of mild surprise that she had not noticed Kimberly had been slightly awake which she had easily disguised.

She walked towards Kimberly patting her hair, "Sleep, my child... Forget it all. You're going to have a shot at being normal now."

Kimberly stood at the door and somehow she knew what was going to happen next, how she slowly drifted to sleep but not before hearing a mumble of incantations that now as she watched before her eyes transformed her hair to a mousy brown.

"Now I know why I can't see your future, Skylar. Unlike most creatures, yours isn't spelt out because they are in your hands." Kimberly slowly opened her eyes wondering what the woman in front of her was talking about, as thousands of unanswered questions from what she had just seen surrounded her thoughts.

"You need to listen to me, Skylar."