
A four year old in a man's body

Chapter 36| A Four Year old in a man's body

"Saif, what is this recklessness huh?" Tristan muttered harshly, keeping his voice at a low monotone even though he had the stones in his private wing.

He was tutored not to ever wear his emotion on his sleeve. So he could be mad, clearly about to hit something or rather someone who was the smirking Prince in front of him but his voice remained gravelly low.

It wasn't regal to engage in fitful outbursts, so he never got involved in them.

"Oh my darling brother, so elegant as usual," Saif had his usual sassy smile but as grateful as Tristan was that he seems to be done with his tantrums, he didn't also love the manner he went about his after-recovery.

"And my brother, as thoughtless as usual. You do realize, you are a Prince walking around without any guard, no security, and rather with a helpless human at your side who depends on you for protection rather than doing the protecting." His eyes were fixated on Kimberly, accusation in his eyes even as he addressed Saif.

The fear was gone and all Kimberly felt was hot, utter fury. He had been an unapproachable douchebag and somehow he was now, trying to pin all of this on her. Of course, she didn't want to be in the palace sulking knowing that everybody there hated her mere sight but it is not like she had a spell that made Saif do whatever she asked him to.

If they were being reasonable, she should be scared of Tristan, since he could do things that were, not ordinary.

He wasn't a witch but he had broken a spell, he had formed illusions the day she had woken up, in his words to "ease" her into his environment and he was a supposed doctor while Saif claimed he used magical power and was a healer.

"You sound like this is the first time I'm dressed like this."

"You sound like there was ever a time, I ever welcomed such irresponsibility with an open arm. Saif, grow up!"

If his angry words were heard by Saif, he didn't show as he sprawled his massive frame lazily on the leather couch behind them, an amused grin on his face that seemed to make Tristan even angrier.

Kimberly watched the exchange between the two, realization dawning on her, as she turned to glare at Saif. "Wait, if you know he'll be this angry, why bring us here. We were having so much fun." She couldn't believe the whine her complaint sounded like, but she couldn't help herself.

Saif shrugged, "Let's just say my favorite spot is getting a raise from my older brother and I love the attention as a plus too."

Kimberly huffed in exasperation, joining him on the couch he sat on while Tristan narrowed his eyes at the movement.

"You don't know the recklessness of your behavior, do you? Anyone could have broken this illusion, anyone would have figured out you weren't some commoner, do you know the gravity of your actions if anyone had discovered that you were the Prince and you?" He points at Kimberly making her roll her eyes, "You are the most popular topic making the Square market and you have been parading yourself in such reckless abandon."

Tristan turned away from them, his back towards them.

Saif tapped Kimberly, making her eyes widen at the mischievous smile on his face almost like he could sense what was about to happen next.

"We are talking about a stampede," he huffed while Kimberly bit the insides of her cheek to stop herself from laughing as Saif pursed his lips in an exaggerated comical show, his hands in the air, wildly demonstrating as he mimicked Tristan.

"We have enemies everywhere, Saif. Someone might have abducted you. Used you as some sort of leverage,"

Kimberly balled her fists to her lips to stop the giggle that threatened to erupt from them.

"You just do things without considering the pros and the cons, you don't think about the kingdom, you don't think about me or anyone else. You just act so irrationally."

Saif stood up, "Irrational, selfish, inconsiderate, thoughtless. I've been called this a lot of times, Tristan. There is nothing new about these names." Saif had a sober look on his face that made Kimberly blink wondering why he had suddenly gone from goofy to serious in a split of a second.

Tristan turned to look at him, "Why do you do things that are so risky and scary?"

"Because that's what life should be like and because I've to live for the both of us. You ain't living Tristan, you are merely existing."

Prince Tristan snorted, "So being unprudent, a pain in the ass and causing problem is living?"

Saif nodded earnestly, "And I'm only telling you this because no fancy academy you attend will. You are not even King yet, and your life is a bore. If your life was a chronicle, everyone will be sound asleep before you are done. Everything doesn't have to be so precise, so articulated," His eyes flashed with fierce determination, and the pain Kimberly saw in there made her realize this was a familiar argument, "So predictable. I don't want you to be a mini Abba. Feel, experience, live."

Tristan just stood in front of him with a stoic expression and gave him a signature smile that screamed that everything he had just said was utter bullshit, he bowed in front of him, "I'll think of all you have said, Dear Saif. Now can you promise me that you'll halt living and take the human back to the palace?"

"Ever asked yourself why I still seek you out even while I know you will discover I'm next to you because of the damn siblings bond coupled with your wizardry__"

Tristan gritted his teeth, "I'm no witch."

Saif smirked, "That's right, yet you cast spells, mutter incantations. Dispell illusions and you are also a healer."

"Doctor, Saif. I gained degrees for this!"

"Oh please." Prince Saif muttered, "I've seen you cure ailments that defied all medical solutions. Incurable afflictions."

"I'm just so good at what I do. Should that be a crime? Should I ask you for forgiveness for being the best doctor there is?"

Saif snorted and grabbed Kimberly's hand, tugging her gently behind him.

"And yes, Kimberly."

"Ignore him, he'll just put you in a foul mood," Saif warned but if there was anything Kimberly knew she was really good at without practice, She was a royal sucker for accepting challenges.

She turned to meet Tristan's eyes, "That you dress like one and look like one of us, doesn't make you anything special. At the end of the day, you are just some weak human living at our mercy. Remember that."

She free herself from Saif's hold on her hand, meeting his icy glare her lips curved into a snarl, "And that's bad? At least I'm not a four-year-old in a man's body that still can't figure out who he is. Mind you, he still takes instructions from his Daddy."