
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs



"Could you make the nose of this guy smaller?"

"Would that be great?"

"Yeah...I think. But it's okay to try."

Even though I am not a professional artist, I can still be of little help as I watch my sister draw. I studied how her little fingers made little wavy lines that formed sketches. If my little sister can draw, then I wonder what I am good at.

"My princess!"

I almost fell off the bench at the sound of my name. Caroline called out to me as she stumbled her way through the garden bushes to reach me. I stood up immediately after she arrived with heavy breaths.

"Caroline...Wh-what happened?"

"Oh no, My princess..." She said in between her labored breaths, making me more anxious to know what could have happened to make her run like that.

"Caroline, speak to me, What happened? Am I in trouble?" She shook her head.

"The knights...oh my...The knights from the second team have arrived, My Princess!" She said and my heartbeat slowed. They are back?

"But-" I didn't even let her finish. I lifted my puffy gown and ran. "My Princess!"

She called, but I was already halfway inside the palace. "W-wait for me!"

I ran through the large halls of the palace. I ran like I was being pursued by a ghost. But this was much worse than being chased by a ghost! Michael and his teammates are back! Which is supposed to be great news if not for the 'but'. Nothing good or pleasant ever follows the word but.

"My Princess, You can't enter the Hall of Grace right now. Please try to understand us."

"Why can't I enter? How dare you deny me access to the Hall of Grace? I am the Crown Princess for heaven's sake!"

They were silent.

"Let me enter right now if you know what's good for you." I threatened the four brainless guards harassing my rights to the Hall of Grace.

"The Royal White Wizard ordered us not to allow anyone else to enter after he did."

Elys? Why would he do that?

"Even if it is the Crown Princess?"

One of them shook his head and, "I'm sorry."

I wanted to punch him in the face as he remained an obstacle in welcoming Michael.

"Maybe we should go back, My Princess. We could welcome them later." Caroline suggested but I refused to back down.

"Listen, I am going to count to three and if you don't allow me to enter, things will never remain the same for all of you here."

They stayed still which was maddening.

"One." I counted, but it didn't affect them in any way.


They remain unmoving.

With all the strength I have left in me, I managed to barge into the Hall of Grace knocking down two guards successfully and on the count of three.

When I entered, I was surprised to find the Hall of Grace crowded. Being a very slim princess, I was able to maneuver my way out of the tight crowd to the front.

When I got to the very front, my eyes moved to see what was happening. And you wouldn't believe it.




"I am telling you Illinois. This man over here was the only one that made it back alive, unhurt, and wraiths slew."

I gasped as the crowd broke out into a loud murmur.

"How can that be possible?"

"Only one that made it back alive and slain the wraiths?"

"Is he even human?"

"Must be a wraith slayer or a god..."

"More like one powerful demon from Hell..." Okay, this is where I step in before weird rumors start spreading around like wildfire.

The forty-two members of the Royal court, even in their seated positions were shocked beyond boundaries as they stared surprisingly at Gorgeous.

I sighed as I moved away from the crowd and closer to the probing area.

"I have told you several times before Illinois but you failed to listen to what I have been telling you that this man over here is not ordinary. A demon in human flesh. Now you can't deny it when someone you claimed to be ordinary slays Wraiths forged by the Gods themselves! How would you explain that to yourselves now?!" Elys began as he pointed dirty fingers at Michael.

"There must be a...reasonable explanation for all of this-"

"There is nothing left to think about!" I flinched as Elys roared in anger. "But the fact that this man over here is a demon!"

Everyone in the room gasped in horror. I have to think of something quick before Elys loses his mind and corrupts the whole congregation with his stupid accusations.

"Perhaps," I began, and the whole room fell silent and fully aware of my presence. "My explanations about how this can be possible could prove you wrong, Royal Wizard Elys?"

The whole room fell completely silent at my words.

"My princess, What are you doing-"

"You are not even supposed to be here in the first place!" Elys cut Adranus short and glared at me like one vengeful god about to strike judgment on a sinful generation.

"Why are you always trying to cover him up?!" He growled like boiling lava about to explode.

"I am not...trying to cover him up but to speak the truth," I defended.

"Nonsense," He hissed as he faced Illinois with pleading looks, "With your permission, I can perform a quick ritual and send this demon back to Hell! And where he truly belongs!"

"I won't let you." I stood in front of my demon to protect him from whatever harm may befall him. My action alone earned a lot of shocked gasps from the crowd. "Unless you let me speak."

Elys tugged and pulled at his white hair in frustration at my interference in his plans. "Can't you stay silent even for a minute?!" He said through clenched teeth.

"Elys!" RC Avana stood up to my defense, which was another surprise. "Let's hear the girl out as well! Because she is the only sane person among us to see this young man as anything but a demon!"

Another round of silence invaded the crowd, even I was surprised by her utterances. She heaved out a long sigh before she faced me and said, "Now you have the chance to convince us rightly Nowel. Please, let's hear something interesting other than demons and witchcraft,"

If only you knew that the man standing behind me was a demon, nothing else in your life would be more interesting than this. I cleared my throat as all attention fell on me.

"First of all, there are no such things as demons or witchcraft. They are all pure works of fantasy and imagination. They simply do not exist."

Elys scoffed. "So, are you now telling me that my kind does not exist?"

"Oh, come on Elys, Let the girl speak." RC Avana pleaded.

"Secondly, If Michael were to be a demon as Elys claimed him to be, He would have devoured us all a long time ago. But still, He chose to save my life when I fell off the balcony two years ago."

Elys rolled his eyes.

"Compassion, pity, and being merciful is not a trait of the bad and not a characteristic of a demon. They are known to be vengeful, aggressive, and wicked. If Michael were to be a demon as Elys claimed him to be, he would have watched me die with delight and not save my life."

The whole audience nodded in approval. Even Illinois did the same which means that I am making a lot of sense.

"What is your point, exactly?" Elys taunted. I sighed.

"My point is...that Michael is none of those things and has never done anything evil or demonic since he has got here. One thing I know for sure is that anything is possible. If Elys could once upon a time have the ability to fight the Seven Princes of Hell and the knowledge to keep Demons away from Andromeda for good...then why can't Michael slay a bunch of wraiths and be celebrated?"

Everyone murmured in approval.

"Am I not right Illinois?"

Illinois thought about it for a moment before he gave me a head nod.

"This is all rubbish! I disagree with you!"