
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs

Shut It


''You want me to do what?!''

''Take this bottle of poison and order one of the servants under you to pour it inside the king's wine and serve it to him.'' The White Wizard explained, ''That should not be a big problem, am I right?''

''You want me to poison the king!?''

The royal white wizard shook his head as he stepped closer to Aries. ''No, I want you to poison a demon that became king overnight.''

''It is still the same person!'' Aries screamed in horror. ''And I am not a demon slayer. You got the wrong person.''

Elys rolled his eyes at Aries.

''You are going to regret not agreeing to use this opportunity later on in the future.'' The royal wizard said as he walked away to stand behind a table full of potions and dark magic ingredients. He took a small empty bottle from a rack and began to pour something evil inside it. ''The demon that sits on our holy throne must be eradicated by all means...now that we have the chance!''

Aries's jaw hit the ground at this madness. ''I am not killing a person! I have never done that, and I would never do it. It is against my religion!''

The royal wizard glanced at the fuming taskmaster and frowned at his resistance to his plans.

''Don't worry, you are just harming a demon and not a human. You will do fine.'' The royal wizard assured him.

Aries was petrified by what the crazy white wizard was trying to make him do.

''Why don't you do it instead?'' Aries began, ''You are the one that wants him dead so why don't you do it and leave me out of this!''

The white wizard sighed and began to tie the small bottle in his hands with a white thread. ''I would have gladly done it...but who else is closer to what and what the royal family put in their mouths? You are the head of all the servants in the castle, so you are indirectly in charge. Besides, it would be so stupid of me to serve him wine myself.''

''But...what if...what if he is just an ordinary boy with...extraordinary looks and charms...Have you thought about that?''

The White Wizard smiled as he walked over to stand in front of Aries. ''That still sounds demonic to me and my instincts are always right.''

''Oh god...I can't believe that you are making me do this.''

''And what do you think I meant by to dethrone your enemy?''

The white wizard handed over the poisonous bottle wrapped in white thread to Aries. With trembling hands, Aries collected the bottle from him with a sigh.

''Trust me, it is our only choice. I also don't enjoy killing people...but when it comes to our safety from all forms of evil...I can do anything.''





I watched as his fingers browsed the numerous books neatly arranged on the shelf of his room. After what felt like an eternity, he finally found a book that aroused his interest. He would turn to another page every five seconds...a fast reader indeed.

''Michael, I am not dumb. You are reading it upside down.''

He did not utter a word but brought the book closer to cover his entire face.

''Michael, for the last time, why did you enslave a whole kingdom without the permission of the royal court or without letting me know about this in the first place?'' I asked, ''I do not want to believe that you did that without any sensible reason.''

He flipped another page.

Oh. So that book is so interesting and important than the hell of trouble he is in with the royal court. I frowned.

''For heaven's sake Michael, I demand an answer from you this instant.''

''Please leave my room. You are distracting me from reading this book.''

I bit my lips hard.

''Michael, I am not leaving this room until you talk to me about your latest bogus act. And what do you mean by I am distracting you from reading a book in an upside-down manner?"

He was silent.


''It means that you are making me uncomfortable and terrorizing me into telling you something I do not dream of telling you why. Leave my room.''

Terro--what now?

''I am...what?''

He lowered the book down enough for me to see his beautiful eyeballs. ''You want me to describe in detail how uncomfortable you are making me feel right now?'' He narrowed those diamond-like eyeballs at me.

I took in deep breaths to relax.

It's alright Nowel...it is alright. He is just proving to be a big son of a seaweed right now--relax.

''Do you know what else would make you uncomfortable?''

He lowered the book more to reveal his nose and his glares. Good.

''When the royal court charges you for anarchy and unruly behavior for putting a whole kingdom into slavery overnight without any reason or seeking their permission,'' I said with a smirk.

''I have to ask for their council even as a king?'' Was his reaction.

''Yes. It is the law.''

There was a brief moment of silence as we exchanged hot glares at each other.

''Well, that is stupid.''

I gasped.

''I don't care whatever the court has to say about my action. The fact is that I achieved what I wanted.''

I blinked. 'what I wanted?'

''What do you want? Really? What you wanted. Have you no shame at all or demons are just naturally shameless and damn hell selfish?'' I snapped.

''So this has been all about you and what you wanted and not what others feel about your action! You enslaved a kingdom of innocent people so that you can satisfy...what you wanted. Do you even hear yourself when you open that mouth of yours?''

He snapped the book in his hands shut. I could see the anger boldly written on his face.

''You have spoken well Angel." The intensity of his glares was enough to send shudders down my back.


His lips were pressed together as his eyes narrowed, the dim light of the room cast an eerie glow around him as I stood there feeling pressured under his intense stares.

''What if I do not shut up? What are you going to do about it...devil?'' I dared.

His lips curved into a smile as the tension around his eyes eased and he placed the weird book he was reading back to where he took it from. My eyebrows raised at the faint smile on his face, the first smile I had seen since I'd known him. It was so deceiving that I thought it was a sincere one. And he looked even more gorgeous with a smile on his face.

I moved back as he came close. His eyes softened which was so confusing. His gloved hands cup my burning cheeks which was misleading and he leaned close, "Then the devil would shut it up for you. Because why would an angel worry about the devil getting into trouble? Isn't that abnormal?"

My heart continued to pound in my chest, like a prisoner trying to break out of his cell, due to our sudden closeness. His words sounded muffled as my brain tried to process our current position.

But, I was not prepared for the biggest shock yet.