
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs



I sped down the long hallways, keeping my breathing steady as I pushed harder and ran faster, darting past the lifeless marble figures in awkward rigid positions as I neared the silver doors of the visitor's room. I didn't wait to catch my breath before I barged in and startled everyone with my dramatic entrance.

The Prince of Babylon, dressed in red and gold all over his body sat beside a lady with green eyes and blond hair in short waves and a diamond necklace around her small neck. I am guessing that should be the Princess of Babylon.

"Ah, Nowel, please come in and have a seat," Illinois said quickly to ease the awkward moment.

"What is going on here?" I managed to ask despite breathing heavily from running and climbing long stairs to get there.

"At least have a seat first before you know what is going on here." I raised an eyebrow at RC Avana. They expect me to remain calm when they are about to hand me over to the hands of a foreigner?!

"I am the Crown Princess and I demand an answer right now!"

Illinois eyes widened, and the Princess of Babylon shifted uncomfortably in her seat. My Prince charming to be cleared his throat.

"Very well, my princess. I'll tell you what is going on here." Elys volunteered. "This fine gentleman, that is seated beside me is no other than the Prince of Babylon. And he seeks your lovely hand in marriage to rule by his side as he promised to be a good king to our country, Isn't that adorable?" He smirked.

"No. It's disgusting." The Prince of Babylon cleared his throat again for the second time today.

"What?" Elys blinked.

"I mean...it's disgusting when you say it."

"How dare you disrespect a member of the royal court?!" RC Avana roared.

"And how dare you disrespect my freedom to choose the man I want to be with for the rest of my life?!"

RC Avana gasped in shock. She could not believe that I could dare talk back to her like that.

"Why are you trying to force me to marry?"

"Because we need a king to rule this country! You stupid girl!"

A king? Why can't I rule? I could make a great grand queen if they give me the chance.

"And I need a husband, don't you get it?" I gritted.

Her face turned white. If someone does not stop us now, It might get pretty bloody soon.

"I am a human being that deserves to be happy. I don't want to sacrifice my happiness any longer. I don't want to be with someone that I feel absolutely nothing for just in the name of getting my country a king!"

"Nowel!" Illinois rose to his feet and silenced me. "That is enough." My lips quivered as they wanted to say more about this injustice.

"We won't be forcing you into one IF you brought one yourself that you wish to engage with. Don't be selfish and think about your people even for a moment! Living a day without a king is twice as terrible as not having a companion. We have been...patient with you enough for two years.

Don't you understand? Andromeda falls each day without a king. Her people are suffering daily because you are being nothing but selfish to her.

Two years! We have been patient with you enough for the past two years, what else do you expect from us to do?

Should we wait for a thousand years more till you find love before we have our king?"

I held my shaky breaths as those words Illinois said silenced and killed something in me; my voice.

"She can be that inconsiderate." RC Avana muttered angrily.

"Is this all about you or the millions of lives out there suffering because we have failed to provide them another king for the past two years?" Illinois asked.

A tear dropped from my eyes as he said those words. It did hurt me. Are they also not being selfish by trying to tie me down to a man? A ruthless one for that matter. I have heard a lot of heartbreaking rumors about the Young Prince of Babylon. He is more ruthless than his sister and elder brother: The king of Babylon.

"But...does it have to be him?" I cried out. This is just pure wickedness. Trying to force me to hand over my life to a venomous prince...is not nice at all.

"Why him?" I croaked.

"You have left us with no other option. He is the only one nice and considerate enough to marry you at this point. You have even passed the age of marriage. You are no longer eighteen. Think about it." I swallowed.

"Can I have three weeks more to find someone better than him?" I pleaded.

"Who else can be better than-"

"Elys." Illinois cut him short. "I want to hear from her this time so please don't interfere. You have been kind enough to introduce to us the Prince of Babylon. Let the girl talk now."

Our eyes met.

Cold, Icy green eyes against fiery, distressed brown orbs.

So it was you who brought the Prince of Babylon to wed me. You are letting me know day by day that you can never change from being a bastard!

"Nowel, I can't give you three weeks more. We don't have that much time left. I have already promised the people a king in the next few days."

I bit at my lower lips hard. This is getting out of control, and fast. What should I do?

"Two weeks?"

"I am not going to be generous with you this time, Nowel."

That's intimidating. Uh..."Seven days?"


I frowned. How else am I going to find someone better in less than seven days?! I am not one fantasy princess who can find true love in less than seven days! What am I- "What about three days? Can you make it?"

My face dropped. What?