
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs



''Alright! Time to close up now!''

I rejoiced as Mr. Andrew, the fat shopkeeper announced. I quickly finished what I was doing which was cleaning the store room and moping the floor. I was able to achieve this task because I have seen Caroline do this countless times when cleaning my room. Mr. Andrew in his mercies thought that my cleaning up the store room would be perfect than attending to the customers.

''Alright, Veronica! It's time to go home!''

''Yes, Mr. Andrew. I am almost done.'' I rinsed the dirty rag and mop and placed them where they would be dry before tomorrow morning. I immediately changed into more comfortable shoes and headed for the door.


I stopped to face my angry shopkeeper but stilled at the person standing beside him at the records table.

''Your brother is here to see you,'' Mr. Andrew declared and left to bully Williams, my workmate to get some things done before he drove us out of his shop.

I stared at his sparkling green eyes and became more anxious when he came to position himself before me.

''William, you fool! You are meant to arrange them based on height and not on size. How would customers find the smaller books now?!''

I sighed at Mr. Andrew's tyranny.

''You know that there are better places to work than this hell hoe, Your Highness?''

My heart skipped a beat. How was he able to recognize me? I became worried.

''Would you like to walk with me, Your Highness?''

He offered his left hand for me to take but I hesitated. I can't trust him that easily.

''It is alright Your Highness. I am just a friend.'' His green eyes shone brightly under the candlelight. I was drawn to its beauty. ''I won't bite.'' He promised.

''William! Where are my--''

I sighed again at Mr. Andrew's irritating voice. At least walking with this stranger who claimed to be my brother a few days ago is better than listening to Mr. Andrew's tantrums.

I placed my hand in his and we left.






She was...exiled?

I reached out for the curtains in my room slowly and drew them down to shield the light. I pulled out a dragon-like hairpin from my hair and stared at it in the shadows as I remembered how I got this piece of jewelry.

"What did you do to me?"

''I did nothing to you. It's just a hair pin and it is completely harmless. I want you to wear it for good luck,''

I smiled, it was good luck indeed princess. I carried myself to the mirror and wore it back with a smile on my face. This is the first thing I have ever received from anyone that has not harmed me. But then, why hasn't it harmed me yet?

Why did she choose to give a beast like me something that gives good luck? All my life I have received nothing but ill luck because of what I am. If only I knew what I was and why I was being hated by everyone.

Why does everyone seem to do nothing but have me eliminated? Are my enemies guilty of trying to get rid of me because of what I am or are they justified in trying to get rid of me?

The color of my eyes, the texture of my hair, and the color of my skin scream I am different. I took a step closer to the mirror as my eyes fell on the second image of my lips. The kiss we shared before I almost died.

Could she be part of those that want me dead?

Could all her care and compassion be nothing but pretense? Is she also one of them?

My throat ran dry at this betrayal. I should trust no one. Then I had a terrible flashback of all the pain, hurt, and trauma I went through and had to endure because of what I am.

This demon in me is the foundation of all my problems. If only I was just a man. An ordinary man. This excessive beauty and traits should just...disappear and never return. I have always been forced to hate myself. Been compelled to loathe this kind of existence. I don't like it.

I want to be normal.

Look normal.

Appear normal.

I want to blend in. I don't want to be part of anything anymore. I want to be whole.

Being a full demon would be foolish. I would be bound in hell for eternity...with the...devil. The demon world is just too dangerous and not the best place to escape. I would be an additional slave toy in the hands of the devil. That's not how I envisioned my life to be.

The best option is to become full flesh and blood. To live and thrive in the land of men. It is the safest.

I need to part ways with my demon and its attributes. I don't want to look lustful or enticing, I don't want the fangs and wings, and I don't want to be an object of terror any longer.

I am tired of hurtful rumors and plans of execution thrown at me. I am tired of surviving another witch attack and tired of running.

It is because of me the witches and every other living being is on a murder mission. I am the main reason why she was exiled.

This parasite, I swear to get it out of me.

One way or the other, I will make myself whole.

To be a complete man. And not half of anything.

I don't want to have a demonic parasite eating up my joy, and self-esteem and harming the people I genuinely care about.

I want to be free.

I seek deliverance.