
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs

Ending Draco


I turned around to see my little sister with three large Raven men. A knife to her throat. Fear was clear in her eyes. My eyes enlarged as my lips quivered due to the sight. My face glistened with cold sweat as the hair on my arms stood on end. Any little mistake and my sister could be dead.

"Ah. Princess Nowel, Good evening. How nice of you to be here." Draco, the terrorist and the second in command to the secret occult group greeted with a sly smile on his crooked face. A golden turban rested on his bald head.

"It's just a pity that my first time meeting Her Grace is quite terrifying." He mused, followed by a low rumble of thunder. I tried my possible best to hide my fear, but I failed terribly. Not only was he huge and intimidating, but his voice and sarcasm sent a cold chill down my spine.

"Please, let my sister go. She's just a child-"

"Children and adults, old and young, male and female make no difference to us. We are the angels of death in human form. Solely to kill and destroy. Mercy is not an option."

My heart pounded heavily at the weight of his words.

"But," He began, "I can make an exception If you're willing to compromise." What? "Agree to become my dark queen and unleash more terror on earth, and I'll think about sparing your sister's life."


"It's as simple as that. Marry me, and your little goblet shall live. Decline? and she'll be our next offering for our monthly sacrifice."

I felt like I had been slapped by thunder at what he said next. Marry who? you? I don't think so. Then I guess I would have to save my sister the hard way.

"Over my dead body." I spat.

Draco sighed. "Then you are to be blamed for your little goblet's death."

"Why don't we have a little dance and see who gets to be the next monthly sacrifice?"

Draco smiled. Even I didn't believe that I just said that. Did I just challenge them?

Draco eyed the goon by his left, and he moved toward me. He toward above me and I swallowed hard at the power that radiated out of him. I held my sword tight and prepared for the worst.

He marched over to me first and we began. I struck but he was lucky to evade my hit. I struck three more times and he dodged them all excellently. During the fourth strike, he held my sword with his bare hands and yanked it out from my hand. A small gasp escaped from my tiny lips as he threw my sword away.

With a powerful blow to my face, I staggered backward. He then elbowed me in the jaw and kicked me in the stomach. I felt blood gushing out from my mouth already. Another blow to my chest and I gaged.

I'd be a great liar if I could describe the pain I felt at the moment. I coughed out blood as he kicked me in the stomach multiple times. One more blow and I crumbled to the floor. My sore back hit the cold floor. I hissed.


I flinched as he kicked me in the ribs. A loud cry erupted from my lips. It was that painful. I thought it was all over when he left my side, but I did not know that my torture had just begun.




Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out...I kept telling myself as I felt the life in me drifting away slowly to the darkness.

A loud cry escaped my lips when Draco came closer and placed his heavy-weight leg on my chest, and he began to smother the traces of life out of me. I couldn't control it. The pain, the helplessness, as he continued to murder me with his feet.

I bleed so much from my mouth, and I couldn't breathe properly as he moved his legs away from my chest to my neck. My airways were on fire as he stifled me to death. A tear escaped from my eyes as I struggled to breathe. I tried getting his leg off my neck by pawing at his fat leg, but he didn't flinch a bit. I was too weak.

The next word that formed in my head was the word 'death'. I am going to choke to death. But never in a million years would I make my death so easy for these monsters.

I reached out for his leg and tried my best to move it away from my body. My little coughs mixed with blood are not enough for me to give up and die. I have to live if I do not want Iris to be part of their next month's sacrifice to the devil.

I continue to struggle beneath him. Forcing my eyelids open and trying to breathe. I can do this.

Then an animalistic growl buried my cries of pain. A very powerful one. Enough to cause fear in the eyes of the tormentor above me.

Draco shivered, and I wondered what could be before him that caused Almighty Draco to behave like that.

I watched him draw out a shiny dagger with a greenish semi-liquid substance on it. I'm guessing it to be poison. No wonder they are the most undefeatable occult group in the world. They move around with poisonous daggers. The fastest way to kill is by oiling your weapons with poison. The nature of the poison also determines its effectiveness. The stronger the poison the more powerful you become.

"Well, So here's the devil disrupting our smooth invasion, eh?" He slowly removed his leg from my neck, and I was finally able to breathe. "Pity. Because you are about to die."

I managed to get up from the floor and leaned against the wall for support as I collected myself.

Dark wings spread mightily across the hallway. Red eyes accompanied by two fang-like projections hung from his mouth. Dark, velvet hair harassed the ground. Scaly skin that is red with well-defined muscles.

Two large horns lie horizontally on his head and in between his hair. His digits were curved, sharp, and slender. Like claws and they were dripping blood.

He roared as fire erupted from every part of his body and burnt Draco and his comrades to ashes. The earth beneath us rumbled, knocking me off balance as I watched in horror as the fire engulfed them in one strike. Their ashes could not be identified.


I turned around and saw the Royal Consort Devi running towards me in the opposite direction. I grabbed my little sister in a comforting embrace. None of this should be witnessed by a seven-year-old. I know that she's going to have terrible nightmares after this.

Royal Consort Devi froze in her tracks as her eyes fell on the monster some distance away from us. I can't believe that she followed me here.

"I can't believe that you followed me here."

"W-w-w...what is that?" She asked while pointing to the beast behind us.

I placed Iris in her arms causing her eyes to widen in fear. "W-what are doing?... Aren't you coming with us?"

"If I come, the beast will follow and kill us all," I whispered, causing her to tense up more. "Someone has to stay back and make sure it doesn't follow." I grabbed my sword with my injured arm.

"Are you crazy? You think that you can fight that thing?" That's a good question. Can I fight it or do I just want to die?

"No. I won't know unless I try."


"Take Iris with you to the safe house until the danger is passed."

"I can't leave you alone to handle-"

"Take Iris with you to the safe house! That's an order!"

She was shocked. She opened her mouth several times to speak, but nothing came out of it.

She bowed her head a little and turned around to leave with Iris. I watched her leave with my sister in her arms and sighed in relief.

The monster behind me growled and could this night be more frustrating? Where are the royal guards? I don't think I can handle this anymore. I am exhausted and another blow would take me to heaven or...hell. It depends.

I moved my body tiredly to face the beast behind... I stepped back...before me? His eyes pinned mine with rage, and promises of brutally putting an end to my existence. Fear seized my heart. The strength left in me aimed for its head, but I was too slow as he grabbed my wrist mid-air with its claw-shaped digits. I whimpered in pain as my wrist bled out. The sword in my hands evaporated into dark ash and dissolved into thin air.

A tear dropped from my left eyeball as I stared into the menacing look of this new enemy. Hoping my tears would beg for its mercy instead of my quivering lips.

All my life and as a princess, demons, monsters, witches, and other characters of hell are just fantasies. Something we read in books. Something we are meant to laugh about when we discuss them. Something of little or no importance. They are never meant to be real.

But...I am the first princess ever to wrestle with a real-life character of hell. A small and mad smile formed on my bruised lips at that. Isn't that amazing? I am fighting a monster tonight. The moment I started back into its fiery red-eye balls, I saw traces of blue hiding behind the red.

My heart melted like ice as I remembered how familiar it felt to see that blue in them.

The moment I tried yanking my hands out of its painful grip...I gasped as he grabbed my neck choking me to death. Like I am destined to die tonight by being choked.

But something else happened as I pawed at his grip. The moment my hand had contact with its reddish and scaly skin. I remembered.

I saw myself fall off the balcony the other night. My crown fell off my head as I did so. A beast appeared in front of me as I fell and wrapped its protective arms around my waist.

I snapped back to reality as recognition dawned on me. So...it was indeed a memory. Not just any dream.

The beast in front of me now has specks of blue in between his fiery red eyes. Where else have I seen such a weird combination of eyeballs? Blue with specks of red in them or red with specks of blue in them.

Time froze around us as we stared at each other in an awkward position.

"M-M-Michael?" I called. Hoping to call him out of this beast. The beast's eyes widened with horror as I recognized him and he let go of me in a twinkle of an eye.

I landed harshly on the ground with a hiss and my vision blurred. Inviting darkness in, I welcomed it with my eyes closed. I slept.