
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs



''Poison?'' I asked again to be sure that I heard him right.

''Yes, Michael. An enchanted one and the type that can destroy demons that were not created but born like you.''

He explained and I swallowed as I stared back at the horrible thing on the floor. I can't believe it that moments ago, I was about to drink that as wine.

So disgusting and deadly.

''Who would want to poison me?" All my life, I have received death threats, seen people pray that I would be alone, and wished out loud that I should have not been born. I have seen their death glares and drowned countless times in the river of negativity flowing out of them, but never have I been this lucky to escape being poisoned by a sticky, spit of madness!

''Only the ones with vast knowledge about demons and destroying them.''

''Wait, you mean that demons can be destroyed?''

''No. Not all demons can be destroyed. We as the Prince of Hell and the Lord of Hell plus the archdemons can't be killed nor destroyed. But random and demon-born can be easily killed. We as the Prince of Hell and the host of other archdemons were the created and original versions of the demonic race. We were the ones created by God as angels that fell as demons and established the kingdom of Hell. We can't be killed.''

''So...you are saying that I can be destroyed even as a...part demon?''

"Yes, what were you expecting? That your weird hybridization would make you immortal like us?"

I didn't say a word but looked away.

''Also, that you were bound to a weaker vessel of flesh and blood has made you an easy piece of meat in the hands of deadly, knowledgeable, and powerful Sorcerers.'' He added.

''You mean a sorcerer was behind this?"

''Only the ones blessed with magic can dare try to harm us. They have been terrorizing us since the great fall from Heaven. But, they can't harm the created ones so they go for the weaker ones. They traumatize them, cage them, torture them with dangerous and forbidden spells, or worse... poison them.''

''Who are the weaker ones?''

''The ones we reproduce through various means and powers, the humans that were turned demons and the ones we possessed. And...the likes of you. Any demon that has not lived in Heaven before or was created by God originally as an angel and fell as a demon is named weak.''

Hmm. Interesting.

''Why are they after us?''

''That...would be a story for another day, Michael. So, please and I am begging you to stay away from anything; plants and animals, man and woman, beast or oxen that practice magic. They are negative spirits that worship and engage with darker spells. They can never be trusted. They are the Lord of Hell's biggest enemy. We either fight and destroy them or simply ignore them.''

Lord of Hell? I keep hearing him say that over and over again. Who is this Lord of Hell?

''Michael, have you any business with a witch or a sorcerer before that I need to deal with for you?''

Witch? Sorcerer? Magicians? I don't think so.

I shook my head but kept on thinking about who amongst my enemies practices magic and wants me dead.

''Good. In case there is any, please don't hesitate to let me know. But for now, please be extremely careful of what you eat, drink, and receive. And if you feel a strange pull like as if you are being called...don't answer or submit. It is either a torturing weapon in disguise or a witch is summoning you. Am I understood?''

I nodded. I pondered heavily on who could that sorcerer be that wanted to end my existence.

Frail white skin with long white hair and an ophidian rod by his side.

Could it be this magician? He was the first to spot my true nature since I came without any prior interaction with him and he is very passionate about spreading rumors of who I am.

I watched him closely from where I was seated on the throne. My mind told me that he was the best suspect and candidate for being the culprit.

He is always attacking and antagonizing whatever the other court members have to say about an issue. He has never been cooperative once in his life.

A foul spirit lives in him.

I narrowed my eyeballs as I observed his every move, step, word, action, facial expression, and even the way he aggressively held onto his staff.

The other court members in the room were busy scolding him for how cruel he was to Adranus and for his wise suggestions.

I smiled.

I think I have found us, my enemy. I have to be very careful of this evil wizard. He might be the one behind the poisoning.

Or...could there be more?

My mom once told me that the higher a man goes the more his enemies multiply. Knowing whom and who is your enemy is not the problem, the problem is that some are good at disguising themselves to perfection.

My left hand touched the cold evil wrapped securely around my neck. For some reason, I haven't been able to sleep soundly because of the strange dreams I have been having recently. Apart from the visions of the mysterious child haunting me, I see myself being trapped in the arms of a very beautiful image. Falling deeply into the abyss of her embrace that stinks of promises of destruction.

Our eyes met. The white wizard glared at me from where he was seated. Loathing the foreign figure that sits on the throne. Or probably angry that I am still alive and breathing. I returned his hateful stares with a smirk.

Some enemies might be obvious, too obvious. Some might be close, observing and revealing who you are in dreams. The dangerous ones are the chameleons that blend in with the environment of their prey to devour them.