
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
89 Chs



"Oh my...my Princess! You look ravishing!"

I smiled at her compliment as they placed a small emerald ring to match my wedding dress. I carefully wore my shoes with the help of my handmaids and they put a transparent material on my head that fell on each side of my face and slept on my shoulders.

"It is done."

I sighed as I stared back at my reflection. This is it. I am getting married.

"My princess, it is time."

I hope so.

This time I did not run but walked with grace as I was led through the familiar halls of the castle.

I reached the doors of the hallways and took in deep breaths. Waiting to be announced.

It didn't take long before the double doors of the Hall of Grace swung open by the guards.

"Her Royal Highness! Princess Evelyn Nowel of Andromeda!" loud trumpets roared with pride as I strolled in. I walked down the aisle with my head held high as the audience by my left-hand side and right-hand side cheered me up.

Once I reached where the priest would be orchestrating the wedding prayers and rituals and the bonding of the two souls, I had to bow down in front of the bronze statue of the eye god so that I could be welcomed by him.

After that, I stood up to be sprinkled with a wet rose, and a quick prayer was said for me.

"May you live longer than your ancestors did, My child." he prayed, and I smiled at him. His prayers reminded me of my parents; I wish they were here to give me their blessings.

"Hail the eye god! The Royal court approaches!"

I turned around to see the whole members of the royal court coming forward with Illinois, Adranus, and Marcus taking the lead. Gold, diamonds, and other precious jewels were not lacking in their dressing. They all looked good and intimidating. Their staffs of righteousness with them and banner of justice around them.

"Bow before your god!" The priest commanded with a loud voice. And they all fell to their knees in submission.

After that, they each went to the seats reserved for them.

"Glory! The Judiciary approaches!"

Nero entered, looking dashing, young, and handsome as ever!

"Bow before the eye god and submit to him!"

He did, after removing his cap of seven colors from his head. After that, he went to the seat that was reserved for him.

"Welcome the Pre-eminence!"

Atlas strode in. As arrogant as he might be, he had no other choice but to bow before the presence of the eye god!

"Now! We shall all rise to our feet as we welcome our new Majesty to be...His excellency, Prince Alexander; defender of mankind!"

I froze as Michael stormed in.


Nice change of name. But I did not see that coming.




Alexander aka Michael/ Gorgeous walked in and I staggered back a few times at his beauty. I could see many women fainting at the sight of him. He wore a purple cape around his shoulders that flowed with pride and harassed the ground. A golden crown sat majestically on his head. His dark raven hair was packed neatly into a long ponytail that danced around his lower back as he strode in.

A woman fainted as he came closer. His eyelids darkened with kohl making his eyes look more lustful. The princely clothes he wore hugged his perfectly sculptured body to perfection. His feminine mixed masculine face blended beautifully with the clothing he wore.

I am serious when I say that words can't describe how beautiful he looks. Once he reached where I stood, My heart began to beat fast and I suddenly became very lightheaded.

Who is this god among us mortal?

So beautiful and divine.

Works of perfection framed his looks and body structure.

A demon in disguise.

Slayer of Wraiths.

Alexander, defender of mankind. That new name suits him perfectly, don't you think?

I wonder why the Royal court decided to change his name. Alexander sounds more intimidating and Michael sounds all cute, innocent, and angel-like. I smiled, whatever you choose to call yourself is fine by me.

"My Princess, are you okay?" Caroline asked. I gave her a weak nod as I became weak in the knees. My heart leaped and beat hard in my chest and I struggled to breathe.

If am not strong enough to stand in his mare presence and breathtaking looks, I do not know how I am going to survive the rest of my life with him.

Wait. Am I doing this? Is he doing this?

"Please hold your hands and face the crowd," The priest commanded and I swallowed painfully. I could see that he tensed up for a few seconds before letting out a sigh of submission and holding my hands as we faced the crowd.

It was like we were touching the tip of our fingers as we held onto each other's hands. I glanced up to look at him and...oh my god! Did he look much better when viewing him from the side? I did my best not to stagger. He is affecting me in every possible way!

After the priest had said the prayer, tied us with the bond, and exchanged rings...It was time to kiss the bride.

I faltered again and my royal maids rushed to my side and helped me to stand straight.

"If the Princess is not feeling okay, we can shift both of your coronations to another day." The Priest suggested.

"Nowel, are you alright?" Illinois asked with worry causing me to pull myself together and stand straight. I can do this. It's just a kiss.

I glanced at those lips and my heart froze. I can't do this.

The image of me kissing those magnificent lips of his made my stomach do flip-flops.

"Yes...I am fine." I nodded.

The priest threw me one understanding and sympathetic look. Another arranged marriage by the royal court...He must have witnessed more horrors than this.

"Prince Alexander, please seal the bond between you and your wife with a kiss."

Okay, I think I am about to lose it. As I was about to cause a dramatic scene on my wedding day by fainting because I just couldn't bring myself to kiss him, a pair of strong arms wrapped itself tightly around my waist and pulled me towards himself. A startled gasp escaped my lips as I was pulled into his hard, solid chest.

"Get it together so that this could be over," he whispered.

I stiffened when his lips found mine. A delicate touch brought life and warmth all over my body. I crumbled as my whole body was set on fire and responded to his touch. He played roughly with my lips and I struggled to get my senses together. Heat exploded throughout my body and I never wanted it to end.

But...Who am I kidding?

As soon as his lips touched mine, it left. It felt more like a peck on my lips than a kiss. There was no heat or sparks as my dumb brain fantasized earlier, or the type of kiss I read in those romance books.

It was a cold kiss and I felt nothing. Nothing. I was disappointed, but were my expectations that high?

I gasped a little as he let go of me in a hurry. A distasteful look on his face as he wiped his lips with his palms. His eyes were red with anger. And something told me that this was only just the beginning.