
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Sol-Purga Part Two: Threat To All

Polaris carried the Demon Lord to the barracks where the Republic's troops were staying. He kicked open the door. "I NEED A MEDIC NOW!"

One of the Guardians rushed over and began using healing magic on the Demon Lord. As the healing began, Asmodeus' hand thrust forwards gripping Polaris' hand. 

"The East..... is coming....." Asmodeus passed out, stumbling backwards, Polaris looked at the unconscious Demon-Lord. 

He stood up as the medic took care of Asmodeus. As he made his way outside, the ocean was full of lights coming towards the land slowly. He rushed upstairs to warn the other delegates. As they all returned outside, what could only be described as their extinction marched off ships, each standing side by side with a legion of angel, arc-angels and high angels floating above them. 

"In the name of the Eastern Holy Empire, I hereby grant permission to the Holy Knights and Angelic Legions of the one true God to exterminate the enemy before us."

Knights and Angels began exterminating anyone and everyone who wasn't with them. Delegates were slaughtered, armies trampled under foot. 

"Tell everyone to fall back! Wilderplains must hold. I will remain here and hold them off!"

Gardos rushes back, ordering their retreat. All that was standing between the fleeing Sol-Purga attendees and extinction was Polaris. As the heroes were retreating, White turned to Daytona running as fast as she could towards Polaris. Without hesitation, he flew after her. 

"It would see your friends have all but abandoned you."

"Not abandoned, I'm just buying them time."

"Yeah! No religious assholes are gonna make us run! No offense White."


"What the hell are you two doing here?"

"We're not running. If you stay, we do to. We've got your back sir." Said White equipping his mask and unholstering two canisters. 

"Thank you, both of you... Shall we buy them time to ready a proper defense?"

As the trio stood their ground, a man stepped forwards with a group of people, they all laughed as the stood before the three. 

"We are the Archdioceses of Holy Empire in service of God. Allow us to show you our true divine blessing."

With that, angels began swarming the three. Polaris cut through them with ease but the Archdioceses had another trick up their sleeves. They sacrificed a lamb and called down a mighty angel. White's face went more pale than usual. A chill went down his spine as the Angel marched towards them. The very ground he walked upon couldn't handle the power radiating from him. 

"Polaris.... we have to run....."

"I can't let them past me!"


Polaris made eye contact with the Angel. With a movement similar to Polaris' lightspeed, the Angel caught Daytona by the throat, tossing her into the air, only to slam her into the ground. The Angel grabbed White by the head and slammed into the dirt. 

"For God has deemed you both unworthy. My your souls be ripped from your wretched bodies and..."

Polaris blasted the Angel away from them. 

"I am no god, nor shall I fear any gods I have never heard of. For I am Polaris Sol Luna, Leader of the Order of Wilderness Remnants. Semper Promptus E Aeterna Vindicta."

"Foolish and Arrogant. You are a sinner condemned to die. For our God is a jealous God, and shall have none before him."

The Angel and Polaris flew at each other, creating shockwaves that shook the land and sky. Polaris used energy tendrils to heal both White and Daytona. Beams of energy cracked the sky as the two clashed. Neither the other two heroes nor the Legion of Holy Empire Templars could move. The Angel flung Polaris to the ground. The impact formed a crater, dust and debris flew everywhere. Everyone there looked back towards the crater to see Polaris marching out of it. 

"Daytona, get White out of here."

"Polaris no, we can..."

Polaris shot a glare at her. In his eye, she could nothing but pain and realized.

"Come on White, we need to regroup."

"But Polaris...."

Daytona sped off to regroup with the others, carrying White on her back. 

"What did you see?"

"That Angel.... is using emotional manipulation to trash Polaris. If we want Polaris to win, we need to be far away from him."

Meanwhile, Polaris had reengaged the Angel. 

"Why have you sent away your backup?"

"So I don't don't hurt them."

"I believe you mean me."

"Did I stutter?"

Polaris takes a deep inhaling breath. The air around him superheats as he reveals his celestial form. The Angel steps back but grins. "You do know that she'll never love you."

Polaris ignores him and fully envelopes himself in the fire of his star. He turned his back to the Angel as the solar fire flashed brightly. In that moment, the Angel's grin fades into a scowl.


"If you want to remain alive.....Stop....Talking."

The Angel's many eyes refocused on the the Celestial. Polaris' body was convulsing, not in pain, not in fear, but in rage. Solar Lightning struck the ground, turning it into glass upon contact. 

"Why?" Grinned the Angel. "You don't want me tapping into your soul? So it must be true... The Might Leader and Hero of Wilderness.... Is unworthy of love."

In the blink of an eye, Polaris and the Angel vanished. Miles above the Earth, Polaris held the Angel in the vacuum of space, a soundless, blackened void. However, his voice boomed across the vast emptiness as if the star itself was speaking. 

"You don't know me... I will erase that in which you hold most dear. I will use your face to drag your hypocritical empire into oblivion. So what you're a chosen Angel. I am a fucking star incarnate. You say we are sinners, but who gave you the right to judge me? For I am the Judge, Jury and Executioner, I am the one who breaks darkness with my light, for I AM THE GREAT NORTH STAR, A GUILD, A PILLAR OF HOPE, POLARIS.... and you.... you are nothing more than a symbol of darkness I shall erase from existence."

Polaris gripped the Angel's neck tighter as he held him up as a shield, punching a hole through the atmosphere, lighting up the world below. 

"Skill Use..... "Mightier Than Atlas."

The light streak slammed into the ground where they'd been standing before. The ground exploded into rubble and debris. The Holy Empire's forces where thrown away from the area. As the dust settled, Polaris emerged from the far larger crater, the bloodied and beaten Angel lying in a pool of its golden blood. It coughed then softly spoke. 

"Heavenly Father... For this servant has failed you. I ask of you... come down as how this heretic and sinner your divine power."

Polaris looked around, ready for another fight. Yet, nothing came. He wiped blood off of his face and scoffed. "Typical. All bark, and no bite."

As he began walking in the direction Daytona ran in, the sky seems to part and golden light radiated down from the heavens as a being appeared before the the Angel. 

"Rest now my child. You fought well."

Polaris turned around and faced the being. He clenched his fists and spoke not a word. The being stared at him coldly, then with a wave of his hand, the area exploded in light, leveling the entire area.